How to use Natural Language Processing (AI) in app lab? -

I know about NLP being used in js but now , I am asked to do it in app lab.
I tried a lot of research but found no way to do it in blocks, app lab in
It should understand various diseases.
I would be grateful for any help.

While NLP isn't entirely supported natively in App Lab, you can try using the getPrediction() block. Its documentation is listed here.


Simulate/emulate Google TPU for development and debug

Is there an emulator to debug code for TPU, instead of expending money debugging on real TPU before everything is ready to work?
Any other technique that would have a similar effect would be appreciated as answer as well.
I've found out that there's not an emulator nor any kind of virtualization of TPUs for development.
What can be done instead, is to run your code in Colab notebooks, being restricted by some limitations (i.e. your data has to be stored in Google Cloud to be accessible for the notebook).
There are several articles in websites like Medium about training/using models in TPUs through notebooks, each one focusing on different aspects or with different content within the example code. Here is one of them, just to provide an example and further useful links for anyone interested.

What Should I Read To Become Familiar with Developing using SocialEngine?

I am capable with PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL, and not bad with Drupal. Very recently, I acquired a customer that wants me to do some SocialEngine customization. My customer is aware that I have no experience with SocialEngine, but am capable with the underlying technologies (I gave him a lower hourly rate because of this too.)
I'm not seeing very much online that is geared towards someone like me. Where can I read about modifying SocialEngine that assumes very little knowledge about SocialEngine, but a competency at programming?
For example, I spent a few hours today trying to figure out how to conditionally display a block based on a Membership Level. It appears there is no way to do this using the GUI. No problem, I found some code that seemed like I could get it to work that would grab the user's membership level. However, where do I put this? Honestly, I'd like to have this at the block-level. SocialEngine doesn't seem to allow me to place arbitrary PHP code into a block, and even if it did, would that be the "SocialEngine" way of doing this? Should all custom logic like this be a module in SocialEngine, that attaches to events using hooks?
Thank you very much for looking at my question,
-Brian J. Stinar-
I've written a blog about accessing data through models, creating widgets and modules. You can find out about the general structure of Social Engine at / (both same blog)
Unfortunately, there are no books or official documentation on SocialEngine PHP API. Your only choice is to check out various (incomplete) guides over the Internet or study their source code and figure things out by yourself.

Nice Core-Plot implementations OSX

I am using Core Plot for a little App I am programming at the moment and I was wondering if there are any good looking examples or resources. With good looking I don't mean the google docs Example App ;)
Core Plot includes a number of example apps that demonstrate various features. There is also wiki page on the Core Plot site with links to many apps that use it.
I am not sure that what are you looking for as you have not cleared your question. But i am telling you this link: which certainly will help you.

Using Route-Me to as Mapping Alternative

I would like to user route-me in a mapping application because I need to support disconnected use 90% of the time.
I have looked at their tutorials, but I am looking for how to download tiles and store them on my device so the application works with no network connectivity at all.
If I missed a similar question in stackoverflow, I apologize in advance.
You'll want to use RMMBTilesTileSource
Check out this example from the folks over at mapbox (also they have a great tool for creating mbtile [sqlite] db's too)

Which script language interpreters will work on iOS?

For an App that is not going to be released on the AppStore I'm looking to embed an interpreter for easy scripting needs. Since I don't really like to get down with pure C, the interpreter should be an Objective C library.
While searching the web I've come across a couple of script interpreters for Objective C but whether those guys work on iPhone is not quite so clear. The one I found that apparently works well on iPhone is LuaCore which brings Lua scripting to iOS Apps.
Which Objective C scripting interpreters have you successfully embedded in iOS Apps?
Some Javascript options:
Using a headless WebKit instance
Instantiate a custom build of JavaScriptCore
CouchBase's attempt at getting SpiderMonkey running (more modern Javascript than V8)
Notice that the JS option will provide with a quite raw runtime environment, you'll probably need to write at least some of it yourself for it to be a convenient development environment.
Other languages:
An attempt with Python.
Clojure by way of a static build of JavaScriptCore (see point 2 above).
The Nu language is also supposed to integrate well, and have a good Objective-C bridge.
I have only tried the first headless WebKit variant for Javascript, but plan to try as many of those listed as possible for a project during the coming months.
I've used the Javascript method 1 (headless WebKit) a bit longer. I got it running quite effortlessly, and will stick with that for a while. But it has a huge drawback: you can't call back to native in an easy manner. I solved this by writing a PhoneGap inspired bridge that empties a command queue after the script has run.
I've also tried Python using the link I gave. I made it compile and execute some sample code, but it suffers from the same problem as using Js via headless WebKit, and since it consumes quite a bit of memory I skipped it for now. A callback command queue in the same spirit as the one I created with Js would be possible though. Another Python method would be to attempt to call into the Objective C runtime using ctypes. That approach is described in this answer.
Update 2: Here are several new(ish) links for running Scheme, with both interpreter and compilation options.
I just stumbled upon a really decent description by Twitter user #mysterycoconut of how to get Lua support up and running.
Just discovered a post regarding scripting on iOS at
Based on the post I evaluated Nu and had it up and running pretty quickly based on the Xcode project referenced in this discussion (thanks Tim!). I tested in the simulator and on an iPhone 4. So Nu is definitely among the scripting languages that can be embedded in an iOS App.