Visual Studio Code API Key bar keeps dropping down - visual-studio-code

I am new to Visual Studio Code. I have used it lightly in the past but need to use more heavily now that I am working with Python. However, the API Key bar keeps coming down when I am typing, trying to create a new file, etc. Does anyone know how to stop it from dropping when ever it feels like it?

Try and restart the platform and then re open the file I had that error a bit ago when working with GoLang but opened a python project up and that seemed to fix it

If this happens, there is an extension called WakaTime. Uninstall this extension and everything goes back to normal.


VS Code won't autosuggest when importing a file

(Currently using VS Code on macOS Monterey, mostly for React and JavaScript.)
When I used to import a component at the top of my file, Vs Code would suggest the path of the file. I would simply press enter or click on the suggestion and VS Code would fill in the rest. Seems to me like a standard feature of VS Code, and I've grown pretty accustomed to it.
Now, it doesn't suggest anything. I'll type out a file that exists in the project, and nothing appears. I've tried it with several projects, and none of them suggest anything anymore — when just last week it was working fine.
trying to import
One thing... I have a lingering suspicion that it's from doing this:
npm i #types/react -g
A friend recommended I add it. With it, you can declare a component in your project and VS Code will auto import it. Really, it's the only thing I can remember changing since this strange behavior with VS Code started, but I'm not positive. Just a suspicion. I've tried to remove it, but it didn't fix anything.
I've done a bunch of stuff found on stackoverflow already with no improvements:
adding to setting.json, like this, or this
even deleted VS Code w/ extensions

Unity3D 2020 - VSCode - What happened to intellisense?

Overnight, any help I had for Unity3D in VSCode, i.e. intellisense, disappeared. And I get the sense, no pun intended, that I'm not the only one who's afflicted.
I've tried updating and reinstalling what I assumed VSCode needed to make Unity3D intellisense work. And have checked and re-checked settings, reinstalled VSCode package, in Unity3D.
I've worked through a few tutorials that claimed to address the issue.
What else does VSCode depend on to make this relationship work?
Thanks! Here's to hoping you've fixed this and your life has gotten easier!
Try going to Edit > Preferences > External Tools > Regenerate Project Files (This is because of a bug where the VS Code extension doesn't generate the project files correctly the first time, you can check it out here).
You'll need to be using the VS Code Editor Extension 1.2.0 (you can check which version you're using in the package manager) or later for that option to appear. Also if for whatever reason there are 2 .sln files in your project folder (I've had that happen before, though it's less likely), that also causes problems.
Ok. First, thanks to Lightning_A and Charleh!
The resolution to my specific circumstance was to install the VSCode extension "Unity Snippets Modified"
I had been using
Perhaps it's just a matter of Kleber's extension, which is/was great, was broken upon updating Unity to 2020? I dunno and don't have the time to look into it, unfortunately.
Hopefully, my question, the answers I received, and my subsequent resolution saves others from the rabbit-hole I went down.
Again, thanks everyone!

No profile file found

Every time I start Visual Studio Code, the IDE pauses for a while, then the output window displays two instances of [Info] No profile file found. It does this for any folder I open, regardless of project type. I've uninstalled, then reinstalled VS Code, and even started disabling each extension separately to see which causes the error with no clear result. Any ideas?
Visual Studio Output Window
It seems like my problem's unique since nobody had a solution and I couldn't find any references to it elsewhere on the Internet. I finally just decided to start deleting my Visual Studio Code extensions, on the second one the problem went away.
Now you'll probably want to ask me what extension it was, but I'd rather not say. I submitted an issue to the developer of the extension and it will be (hopefully) fixed soon.

Can't uninstall Debugger for Chrome extension from Visual Studio Code? Perpetual uninstall

I am VERY NEW to learning JavaScript, and I was looking for a simple way to test my basic JavaScript, without using the chrome developer tools inside my Chrome Browser. I thought it might be faster than hoping back and fourth to a browser and typing things in the browser's console.
I thought the extension "Debugger for Chrome" would aid in this, but I don't think it's what I want, or I can't figure out how to use it(very new to this)?
I am trying to uninstall it, and I just get a perpetual 'Uninstalling' icon, but it never actually uninstalls(pic attached below). It's been like that for a half hour in the background. I've tried restarting vscode and my PC, and I can't seem to get it out of my editor.
I even tried to delete vsCode completely, including the registry items I could get at, after reinstall I had the same error. Restarts of PC also didn't help. But for some reason, this morning after starting up my PC, I was able to remove the extension.
So my issue is resolved, not onto figuring out easier ways to debug with vsCode.

VS Code - changing tab disables extensions. What am I doing wrong?

Using Visual Studio Code I have installed a few extensions (like Guidelines showing vertical dotted lines between pairs of matching brackets). When I start VS Code I can see all my extensions working fine in the Editor window.
However, when I switch to another tab within VS Code, I no longer see the Guidelines or evidence of any extension working in the new editor tab. Worst of all, when I then switch back to my original tab, all the guidelines etc that were there a few seconds ago are gone!
To fix the issue I have to restart VS Code. This can't be right! Has anyone hit the same problem?
I have tried uninstalling VS Code where it warns me some components could not be uninstalled and I have to do them manually. It doesn't tell me which. When I then reinstall, the extensions are visible (without me reinstalling them) but again I hit the same issues as above.
Please help?
Seems like having too many extensions installed, or perhaps one that is misbehaving behind the scenes, causes this problem. Reduce the number of installed extensions. Use Help->Developer Tools -> Console to see if there are any messages relating to the Extensions server