1 million concurrent database connections - google-cloud-sql

In https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/quotas, it mentioned that "Cloud Run services are limited to 100 connections to a Cloud SQL database.". Assume I deploy my service as Cloud Run, what's the right way to handle 1 million concurrent connections? Can cloud spanner enables this - I can't find documentation discussing maximum concurrent connections on cloud spanner maximum concurrent connection with Cloud Run.

Do you want Cloud Run to handle a million concurrent connections, or do you want Cloud SQL to handle a million concurrent connections?
If you want Cloud SQL to handle a million concurrent connections, you are probably wrong. Check out this article about Pool sizing (it's on a Java repo, but is general enough to apply to all connection pooling). If you are at the point where you need a million concurrent connections, you would need to invest in more advanced architectures (such as sharding).


MongoDB only uses one thread

MacOS with mongodb-community#4.2 (installed using brew)
TLDR: MongoDB is only running as one process, seemingly not taking advantage of the 7 other available CPU cores.
I'm running a simple NodeJS application with PM2, making use of all 8 of my CPU cores.
Using Apache Benchmark, I try to stress-test the application for retrieving data. The endpoint I am hitting retrieves data from my MongoDB database. (Only reading, no write operations are performed).
During the stress-test I get these results:
There are 8 active NodeJS processes
There is only 1 active MongoDB process
CPU usage indicates that MongoDB is the bottleneck. How can I ensure that MongoDB takes advantage of more cores?
Screenshot from TOP:
Why is MongoDB only making use of 1 process/core?
Can I increase performance by configuring it to use more than one process/core?
Some additional information, serverStatus() run during the stress-test:
MongoDB (as any database) works with single process to ensure consistency, it uses locking and other concurrency control measures to prevent multiple clients from modifying the same piece of data simultaneously.
MongoDB Performance
In some cases, the number of connections between the applications and the database can overwhelm the ability of the server to handle requests. The following fields in the serverStatus document can provide insight:
connections is a container for the following two fields:
connections.current the total number of current clients connected to the database instance.
connections.available the total number of unused connections available for new clients.
If there are numerous concurrent application requests, the database may have trouble keeping up with demand. If this is the case, then you will need to increase the capacity of your deployment.
For read-heavy applications, increase the size of your replica set and distribute read operations to secondary members.
For write-heavy applications, deploy sharding and add one or more shards to a sharded cluster to distribute load among mongod instances.

How to close SQL connections of old Cloud Run revisions?

I am running a SpringBoot application on Cloud Run which connects to a postgres11 CloudSQL database using a Hikari connection pool. I am using the smallest PSQL instance (1vcpu/614mb/25connection limit). For the setup, I have followed these resources:
Connecting to Cloud SQL from Cloud Run
Managing database connections
After deploying the third revision, I get the following error:
FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
What I found out
Default connection pool size is 10, hence why it fails on the third deployment (30 > 25).
When deleting an old revision, active connections shown in the Cloud SQL admin panel drop by 10, and the next deployment succeeds.
It seems, that old Cloud Run revisions are being kept in a "cold" state, maintaining their connection pools. Is there a way to close these connections without deleting the revisions?
In the best practices section it says:
...we recommend that you use a client library that supports connection pools that automatically reconnect broken client connections."
What is the recommended way of managing connection pools in Cloud Run, given that it seems old revisions somehow manage to maintain their connections?
Currently, Cloud Run doesn't provide any guarantees on how long it will remain warm after it's started up. When not in use, the instance is severely throttled by not necessarily shutdown. Thus, you have some revisions that are holding up connections even when not being directed traffic.
Even in this situation, I disagree that with the idea that you should avoid using connection pooling. Connection pooling can lower latency, improve stability, and help put an upper limit on the number of open connections. Alternatively, you can use some of the following configuration options to help keep your pool in check:
minimumIdle - This property controls the minimum number of idle connections that HikariCP tries to maintain in the pool. If the idle connections dip below this value and total connections in the pool are less than maximumPoolSize, HikariCP will make a best effort to add additional connections quickly and efficiently.
maximumPoolSize - This property controls the maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections.
idleTimeout - This property controls the maximum amount of time that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool. This setting only applies when minimumIdle is defined to be less than maximumPoolSize. Idle connections will not be retired once the pool reaches minimumIdle connections.
If you set minimumIdle to 0, your application will still be able to use up to maximumPoolSize connections at once. However, once a connection is idle in the pool for idleTimeout seconds, it will be closed. If you set idleTimeout to something small like 1 minute, it will allow the number of connections your pool is using to scale down to 0 when not in use.
Hope this helps!
The issue here is that the connections don't get closed by HikariCP when they are opened. I don't know much about Hikari but I found this which explains how connections should be handled through Hikari. I hope that helps!

CloudSQL Proxy intermittently refuses connection

I'm using a Cloud SQL proxy sidecar on my nodejs API service.
It appears to work great, except that approximately 1% of my API requests come back with an error indicating that the DB connection failed with:
My backend logs show that this was thrown from my ORM when it attempted to connect to the DB.
Sidecar logs show nothing, and the CloudSQL instance in question shows nothing out of the ordinary (17/4000 connections, <1% CPU usage, 1.5/3.5GiB memory usage, <100KiB ingress/egress per time slice on 6 hour window).
What might be causing this?
Edit: additional information:
All my pods have been up for many hours with 0 restarts, so the intermittent failure isn't a transient startup failure.
Logs show that this has been occurring intermittently since 30 days ago.
Here are a few reasons that can cause a Cloud SQL instance to become inaccessible:
1) Connection failure between your instance and the agents Cloud SQL uses to monitor the health of your instance
2) Synchronization of operations between your instance and the Cloud SQL service
3) Underprovisioning of resources, such as CPU cores, RAM, and/or storage, to your Cloud SQL instance (see Cloud SQL's Operational Guidelines [1] for additional information).
Since there are several reasons which could cause connections to be dropped (many of which are intricately related to the specifics of your project's implementation and environment), it's extremely complex to diagnose abnormal connection rejection. Additionally, Cloud SQL continuously monitors for any issues that can make an instance inaccessible and automatically takes action to resolve these issues.
Under normal circumstances, the error rate will not fully go away, but should happen at a very low level [2]. There are, of course, some conditions that can make it worse - both production issues as well as certain combinations of operations.
In any case, the recommendation under such circumstances is to implement a retry strategy for reconnection to the instances with exponential backoff. Some of the client libraries already have supporting code in place, but it depends a bit on what you're exactly using.
[1] https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/operational-guidelines
[2] https://cloud.google.com/sql/sla

Number of concurrent database connections

We are using amazon r3.8xlarge postgres RDS for our production server.I checked the max connections limit of the RDS, it happens to be 8192 max connections limit.
I have a service which is deployed in ECS and each ECS tasks can take one database connection.The tasks go up to 2000 during peak load.That means we will have 2000 concurrent connections to the database.
I want to check whether it is ok to have 2000 concurrent connections to database.secondly, Will it impact the performance of amazon postgres RDS.
Having 2000 connection at time should not cause any performance issue, since AWS manages the performance part. There are many DB load testing tools available, if you want to be at most sure about this.

Connection limit for SQLDB with small_plan (Bluemix)

What is the concurrent connection limit for SQLDB Small plan? We have a liberty application bounded to a SQLDB service with Small plan and got the following error. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-4712
The Free Beta plan features 100MB per instance and 10 concurrent connections.
The Small plan features 10GB max per instance and 20 concurrent connections.
The Premium plan features 500GB max storage per instance and 100 concurrent connections.
See the link below for more information:
If you think you're close to exhausting your connections, you should use the Monitoring and Analytics Service to monitor connection pools: