How to close SQL connections of old Cloud Run revisions? - postgresql

I am running a SpringBoot application on Cloud Run which connects to a postgres11 CloudSQL database using a Hikari connection pool. I am using the smallest PSQL instance (1vcpu/614mb/25connection limit). For the setup, I have followed these resources:
Connecting to Cloud SQL from Cloud Run
Managing database connections
After deploying the third revision, I get the following error:
FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
What I found out
Default connection pool size is 10, hence why it fails on the third deployment (30 > 25).
When deleting an old revision, active connections shown in the Cloud SQL admin panel drop by 10, and the next deployment succeeds.
It seems, that old Cloud Run revisions are being kept in a "cold" state, maintaining their connection pools. Is there a way to close these connections without deleting the revisions?
In the best practices section it says:
...we recommend that you use a client library that supports connection pools that automatically reconnect broken client connections."
What is the recommended way of managing connection pools in Cloud Run, given that it seems old revisions somehow manage to maintain their connections?

Currently, Cloud Run doesn't provide any guarantees on how long it will remain warm after it's started up. When not in use, the instance is severely throttled by not necessarily shutdown. Thus, you have some revisions that are holding up connections even when not being directed traffic.
Even in this situation, I disagree that with the idea that you should avoid using connection pooling. Connection pooling can lower latency, improve stability, and help put an upper limit on the number of open connections. Alternatively, you can use some of the following configuration options to help keep your pool in check:
minimumIdle - This property controls the minimum number of idle connections that HikariCP tries to maintain in the pool. If the idle connections dip below this value and total connections in the pool are less than maximumPoolSize, HikariCP will make a best effort to add additional connections quickly and efficiently.
maximumPoolSize - This property controls the maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections.
idleTimeout - This property controls the maximum amount of time that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool. This setting only applies when minimumIdle is defined to be less than maximumPoolSize. Idle connections will not be retired once the pool reaches minimumIdle connections.
If you set minimumIdle to 0, your application will still be able to use up to maximumPoolSize connections at once. However, once a connection is idle in the pool for idleTimeout seconds, it will be closed. If you set idleTimeout to something small like 1 minute, it will allow the number of connections your pool is using to scale down to 0 when not in use.
Hope this helps!

The issue here is that the connections don't get closed by HikariCP when they are opened. I don't know much about Hikari but I found this which explains how connections should be handled through Hikari. I hope that helps!


SQLAlchemy with Aurora Serverless V2 PostgreSQL - many connections

I have an AWS Serverless V2 database setup (postgresql) that is being accessed from a compute cluster. The cluster launches a large number of jobs (>1000) and each job independently puts/pulls some data from the database. The Serverless cluster is setup to autoscale from 2 to 32 units as needed.
The code being run by each cluster job is using SQLAlchemy (either the ORM or the core). I am setting up each database connection with a null pool and pessimistic disconnect handling (i.e., pool_pre_ping=True). From my reading of the docs this should be handling disconnects due to being idle mid-connection.
Code is also written to access the DB, get the results, close the connection (to avoid idle connections), and then reopen the connection after processing (5-30 minutes). This is working well because once processing is completed, the new connections are staggered and the DB has scaled up.
My logs are showing the standard, all connections are taken error: psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser and rds_superuser connections until the DB scales the available units high enough.
Should I be configuring the SQLAlchemy connection differently? It feels like an anti-pattern to put in a custom retry to grab a connection while waiting for the DB to scale the number of available units as this type of capability seems to be built into SQLAlchemy usually.
Should I be using an RDS Proxy in front of the database? This also seems like an anti-pattern, adding a proxy in front of an autoscaling DB.
PG version is 10.

What are the pros and cons of client-side connect pools vs external connection pools for PostgreSQL?

Given a PostgreSQL database that is reasonably configured for its intended load what factors would contribute to selecting an external/middleware connection pool (i.e. pgBouncer, pgPool) vs a client-side connection pool (HikariCP, c3p0). Lastly, in what instances are you looking to apply both client-side and external connection pooling?
From my experience and understanding, the disadvantages of an external pool are:
additional failure point (including from a security standpoint)
additional latency
additional complexity in deployment
security complications w/ user credentials
In researching the question, I have come across instances where both client-side and external pooling are used. What is the motivation for such a deployment? In my mind that is compounding the majority of disadvantages for a gain that I appear to be missing.
Usually, a connection pool on the application side is a good thing for the reasons you detail. An external connection pool only makes sense if
your application server does not have a connection pool
you have several (many) instances of the application server, so that you cannot effectively limit the number of database connections with a connection pool in the application server

Issues with Postgres connections pool on Payara/Glassfish

I run a JEE application on Payara 4.1 which uses PostgreSQL 9.5.8. The connection pool is configured in following way.
<jdbc-resource poolName="<poolName>" jndiName="<jndiName>" isConnectionValidationRequired="true"
connectionValidationMethod="table" validationTableName="version()" maxPoolSize="30"
validateAtmostOncePeriodInSeconds="30" statementTimeoutInSeconds="30" isTimerPool="true" steadyPoolSize="5"
idleTimeoutInSeconds="0" connectionCreationRetryAttempts="100000" connectionCreationRetryIntervalInSeconds="30"
From what monitors say, the applications needs 1-3 DB connections to postgres when running. Steady pool size is set to 5, max pool size is 30.
I see, that about 4 times a day the application opens all connections to the database hitting the max pool size limit. Some requests to the server fail at this point with exception: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: In-use connections equal max-pool-size and expired max-wait-time. Cannot allocate more connections.
After some seconds all issues are gone, and the server runs fine till the next hiccup.
I have requested some TCP dumps to be performed to look closely into what happens exactly. I see that:
After 30 connections (sockets) have been opened, most of the connections are rarely used.
After some time (1h or so) the server tries to access some of such pooled connections to realize, that the socket is closed (DB responds immediately with a TCP RST).
As the pooled connections count decreases hitting steady pool size, the connection pool opens 25 connections (sockets) which takes some time (about 0,5 up to 1 second per connection – don’t know why this long, as the TCP handshakes are immediate). At this point some server transactions are failing.
The loop repeats.
This issue is driving me mad. I was wondering, whether I am missing some crucial pool configuration to revalidate the connections more often but could not find anything that would help.
What does not help, as we have tested it already:
Making the pool size bigger (same issues)
Removing idleTimeoutInSeconds="0". We had issues with the connection pool every 10 minutes we did that.

Why does my mongoDB account have 292 connections?

I only write data into my mongoDB database once a day and I am not currently writing any data into it but there have been a consistent 292 connections into my database for the past three hours. No reads or writes, just connections and a consistent 29 commands per second since this started.
Concerned by this, I adjusted settings to only allow access from one specific IP, and changed all my passwords but the number hasn't changed, still 292 connections and 29 commands per second. Any idea what is causing this or perhaps how I can dig in further?
The number of connections depends on the cluster setup. A connection can be external (e.g. your app or monitoring tools) or internal (e.g. to replicate your data to secondary nodes or a backup process).
You can use db.currentOp() to list the active connections.
Consider that you app instance(s) may not open just 1 connection, but several, depending on the driver that connects to the DB and how it handles connection pooling. The connection pool size can be thought of as the max number of concurrent requests that your driver can service. For example, the default connection pool size for the Node.js MongoDB driver is 5. If you have set a high pool size, either with the driver or connection string, your app may open many connections to concurrently process the write commands.
You can start by process of elimination:
Completely cut your app off from the DB. There is a keep-alive time, so connections won‘t close immediately unless the driver closes them formally. You may have to wait some time, depending on the keep-alive setting. You can also restart your cluster and see how many connections there are initially.
Connect you app to the DB and check how the connection number changes with each request. Check whether your app properly closes connections to the DB at some point after opening them.

JDBC connection pool never shrinks

I run 3 processes at the same time , all of them are using the same DB (RDS postgres)
all of them are java application that uses JDBC for connecting to the DB
I am using PGPoolingDataSource in every process as a connection pool for the DB
every request is handled by the book - ended with
main problems:
I ran out of connections really fast because I do a massive work
with the DB at the beginning (which is ok) but the pool never
I get some exceptions in the code because there are not enough connections and I wish I could expand the timeout when a requesting
a connection.
My insights:
the PGPoolinDataSource never shrinks by definition! I couldn't find any documentation about it, but I assume this is the case. So I tried the apache DBCP pool and again I am having the same problem .
I think there must be timeout when waiting for a connection - I would guess that this timeout can be configured, but I couldn't find this configuration on both pools .
My Questions:
why does the pool never shrinks?!
how to determine how many connections to allocate for each pool\process (here every process has one pool)
what happens if I don't close the pool (not the connections) and the app is dead does the connections on the pool are still alive? this happens a lot when I update the application I stop and start it so I never close the pool.
what would be a good JDBC connection pool that works best with postgres and that has an option to set the timeout for the getConnection ?