Docker PSQL Query Issue: "Column <column_name> does not exist" - postgresql

I'm trying to perform a db query through a docker inline command within a shell script.
docker run -it --rm -c "psql -U ${DB_USER} -d ${DB_NAME} -h ${DB_HOST}\
-c 'select col1, col2 , col3 from table1\
where table1.col2 = \"matching_text\" order by col1;'"
But I get an odd error:
ERROR: column "matching_text" does not exist
LINE 1: ...ndow where table1.col2 = "matching_t...
For some reason when I run this, psql thinks the matching_text in my query is referring to a column name. How would I get around this?
Note: Our database is implemented as a psql docker container.

The Postgres manual explains you need to use single quotes:
A string constant in SQL is an arbitrary sequence of characters bounded by single quotes ('), for example 'This is a string'. To include a single-quote character within a string constant, write two adjacent single quotes, e.g., 'Dianne''s horse'. Note that this is not the same as a double-quote character (").
See section of the postgres manual.
Double quotes are for table or column identifiers:
There is a second kind of identifier: the delimited identifier or quoted identifier. It is formed by enclosing an arbitrary sequence of characters in double-quotes ("). A delimited identifier is always an identifier, never a key word. So "select" could be used to refer to a column or table named "select", whereas an unquoted select would be taken as a key word and would therefore provoke a parse error when used where a table or column name is expected. The example can be written with quoted identifiers like this:
UPDATE "my_table" SET "a" = 5;
See section 4.1.1 of the same manual.

Combination of post here and other post solved this issue:
Need to use single quotes for string query
Use double quotes for -c in psql command (Answer thread)
docker run -it --rm -c "psql -U ${DB_USER} -d ${DB_NAME} -h ${DB_HOST}\
-c \"select col1, col2 , col3 from table1\
where table1.col2 = 'matching_text' order by col1;\""


Update a PostgreSQL field from the content of a file

I have a file containing a value which should go into a field of a PostgreSQL table.
By searching a little, I found many answers, e.g. How can I update column values with the content of a file without interpreting it? or, with this kind of snippet, but it has to be run in a psql terminal:
\set content `cat /home/username/file.txt`
UPDATE table SET field = :'content' WHERE id=1;
It works, but is it possible to programmatically execute it in one shot, directly from a bash prompt, without manually entering the psql command line, e.g. something like:
$ psql -d postgres://postgres#localhost/mydatabase -c \
"UPDATE table SET field = :'the_file_content' WHERE id=1;"
There is also the -v argument that seems promising but I'm not successful when using it:
$ psql -d postgres://postgres#localhost/mydatabase \
-v content=`cat ${HOME}/file.txt` \
-c "UPDATE table SET field = :'content' WHERE id=1;"
I've got thousands of psql: warning: extra command-line argument where psql actually seems to "execute" each comma separated strings of the file as pg commands, where it shouldn't of course; the file content, which consists of a single line, must be treated as a whole.
Doc PostgreSQL 14:
How about reading the file content into a variable first and then use it?
content=$(<integer_infile); psql -p 5434 -c "update table set field = $content where id = 1;"
content=$(<text_infile); psql -p 5434 -c "update table set field = '$content' where id = 1;"
This at least works for me if the file contains an integer or text including spaces on a single line.

PostgreSQL copy command gives error for temporary table

I am trying to run the below command on the unix console :
env 'PGOPTIONS=-c search_path=admin -c client_min_messages=error' psql -h hostname -U user -p 1111 -d platform -c "CREATE TEMP TABLE admin.tmp_213 AS SELECT * FROM admin.file_status limit 0;\copy admin.tmp_213(feed_id,run_id,extracted_date,file_name,start_time,file_size,status,crypt_flag) FROM '/opt/temp/213/list.up' delimiter ',' csv;UPDATE admin.file_status SET file_size = admin.tmp_213.file_size FROM admin.tmp_213 A WHERE admin.file_status.feed_id = A.feed_id and admin.file_status.file_name = A.file_name;"
I am getting the below error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "\"
LINE 1: ...* FROM admin.file_status limit 0;\copy admi...
If I use the above command without a backslash before COPY, it gives me the below error:
ERROR: cannot create temporary relation in non-temporary schema
I am doing the above to implement the solution as mentioned here:
How to update selected rows with values from a CSV file in Postgres?
Your first error is because metacommands like \copy cannot be combined in the same line as regular commands when given with -c. You can give two -c options, with one command in each instead.
The second error is self-explanatory. You don't get to decide what schema your temp table goes to. Just omit the schema.

How to split PSQL command lines over multiple lines?

I'm using a windows batch file to connect to postgres using psql. I'm issuing commands like this....
psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "DROP USER IF EXISTS foo;"
This works fine for running one, short SQL command against the database. But I'm having trouble with two related issues
How to continue a single long SQL command over multiple lines, and
How to run multiple commands.
Example 1.....
psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE foo
TABLESPACE = mytabspace;"
Example 2.....
psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "
Neither of these will work as shown, I've done some googling and found some suggestions for doing this with linux, and have experimented with various carats, backslashes and underscores, but just don't seem to be able to split the commands across lines.
I'm aware of the -f option to run a file, but I'm trying to avoid that.
Any suggestions?
The line continuation character in batch is the ^. See this Q&A
So end the line with space+caret ^ and make sure the following line begins with a space.
You will also have to escape double quoted areas that span several lines with a caret for this to work.
Since the line is unquoted then for the batch parser you will also have to escape any special chararacters like <>|& also with a caret.
psql -U postgres -d postgres -c ^"CREATE DATABASE foo ^
WITH OWNER = bar ^
TABLESPACE = mytabspace;"
psql -U postgres -d postgres -c ^" ^

Postgres dump specific table with a capital letter

I am trying to perform a postgres dump of a specific table using -t. However, the table has a capital letter in it and I get a "No matching tables were found." I tried using quotations and double quotations around the table name but they did not work. How can I get pg to recognize the capitals? Thanks!
pg_dump -h hostname dbname -t tableName > pgdump.sql
Here is the complete command to dump your table in plain mode:
pg_dump --host localhost --port 5432 --username "postgres" --role "postgres" --format plain --file "complete_path_file" --table "schema_name.\"table_name\"" "database_name"
OR you can just do:
pg_dump -t '"tablename"' database_name > data_base.sql
Look to the last page here: Documentation
The above solutions do not work for me under Windows 7 x64. PostgreSQL 9.4.5. But this does, at last (sigh):
-t "cms.\"FooContents\""
pg_dump.exe -p 8888 --username=user -t "cms.\"FooContents\"" basdb
pg_dump.exe -p 8888 --username=user -table="cms.\"FooContents\"" basdb
Inside a cmd window, I had to put three (!) double quotes around the table name if it countains upper case letters.
pg_dump -t """Colors""" database > database.colors.psql
This worked for me:
pg_dump -f file.sql -U user -t 'schema.\"Table\"' database
As part of a node script I had to surround with single and double quotes, e.g.
` ... --table 'public."IndexedData"'`
The accepted solution worked in a bash console, but not as part of a node script, only the single quote approach.
Thanks to #Dirk Zabel suggestion, the following worked for me:
Windows 10 CMD
pg_dump -d "MyDatabase" -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres --schema=public -t """TableName""" > TableName.sql
pg_dump -d "MyDatabase" -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres --schema=public -t "\"TableName\"" > TableName.sql
the good (shortest)
& 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin\pg_dump.exe' -d db_name -t '\"CasedTableName\"'
the bad (requires --%)
& 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin\pg_dump.exe' --% -d db_name -t "\"CasedTableName\""
the ugly (requires `")
& 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin\pg_dump.exe' -d db_name -t "\`"CasedTableName\`""
The main point of confusion for me was the absolute necessity of having \" in there. I assumed that maybe there was a weird bug in the way powershell or psql was parsing the arguments, but it turns out it's explained in the docs:
Some native commands expect arguments that contain quote characters. Normally, PowerShell's command line parsing removes the quote character you provided. The parsed arguments are then joined into a single string with each parameter separated by a space. This string is then assigned to the Arguments property of a ProcessStartInfo object. Quotes within the string must be escaped using extra quotes or backslash (\) characters.
And of course ProcessStartInfo.Arguments Remarks tells us:
To include quotation marks in the final parsed argument, triple-escape each mark.

How to use slash commands outside the database?

I tried to use the query outside of the database. That is, without login to data base
I want to get the result. I found the option (-c). Using that option we can execute the query from outside the data base:
test:~$ psql -U sat -c "select * from test.details";
It gives the output. I want to use that query for a crontab entry. So I have tried to store the output in a file:
test:~$ psql -U sat -c "select * from test.details \g sat";
Produced an error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "\"
LINE 1: select * from test.details \g sat
How to do that?
This is not a slash, but a backslash .
Backslash is an escape character in PostgreSQL string literals, therefore you have to double it to get a single backslash into the actual data.
If you want to store the result of a query into a file from the command line you have to use the -o command line option,so your query will become :
psql -o filename -U sathishkumar -c "select * from hospital_management.patient_details";
There is no such thing as a "query outside of the data base" or "without login to data base".
You are trying to mix meta-commands of the psql client with SQL commands, which is strictly impossible. The backslash meta commands are interpreted by the psql client, SQL queries are interpreted by the database server.
Most meta-commands in psql are actually translated into (a series of) SQL queries to the database server. You can make psql print the commands it sends to the database engine if you start it up with the command option -E in interactive mode. Try:
psql -E mydb
And then execute any backslash command and observe the output. For the rest of your question #aleroot has already given good advice.