Can regex be used to query a REST API? - rest

There is a free test REST API at
I've figured out that I can get certain objects by specifying their id like this.
I can also do the same for email. Are more complicated queries possible? What if I wanted to get all objects with ids 1-10, or all objects with a certain word in the body? Could I use something like a logical OR to get all objects with either foo in the name or bar in the body? Can regex be used?

you can use to get all comments and then filter them as you need. axios only takes a url string. So, yes, you can use regex to build that string.Though you can't get object with id 1-10 or use email instead of id if the API doesn't support it.If the API supports it, you can do it.


Filtering certain coins based upon name with CoinMarketCap

I'm currently attempting to use the CoinMarketCap API but finding it frustrating.
I'm wanting to use this URL to query their API:
However, rather than finding all, or just simply filtering based upon the number, I want to find a certain few coins.
So for example, I want to only find Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano.
Looking at their docs, it suggests you can sort by name, but it appears this is only listing them alphabetically, which I don't want to do.
So can anyone suggest how to query their API successfully and find just Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano using that GET URL above?
Here's the URL to the specific URL for the API request:
For this purpose, you can use the endpoint Quotes Latest:
It allows you to pass a list of identifiers in a string as a parameter, like this:
or a list of slugs:
or a list of symbols
If you trying to scrape information about new listings at crypto exchanges, you can be interested in this API:
It includes an endpoint with New Listings, New Pairs from the biggest exchanges and a very useful endpoint with information about exchanges where you can buy specific coins and prices for this coin at that exchange. It's a bit paid, but it's worth it!

How to filter REST API JSON result by passing params

I'm trying to consume JIRA 2 API and trying to get custom fields. I want to further filter by passing appropriate criteria in URI itself. Current query I'm using is something similar to this:
The result I'm getting from above request is about 2000 lines.. How can I further filter to get only Custom_fields and also under custom fields I need to only the ones which are required?
I'm pretty new to REST API. Please guide me If anything is wrong... TIA. I spent a lot of time browsing but don't know what exactly I need to search for or where exactly I need to get started.
You can use another queryParam just like expand and add further filtering or pagination.

Retrieve only specific properties with REST GET API

I need to define a REST API which is supposed to take the object's unique identifier and return back the content. The content is retrieved from the database and is of JSON type.
So, I have a REST URL like this -
GET /data/{typename}/{objectid}
This would return the entire object content.
However, the content of the object could be large in size and so caller may like to specify only some or few of the properties to be sent as a response.
The natural thought that comes to me is to add a BODY to the GET API where user could specify the list of property names on that object to be retrieved.
But on doing some further research, it appears that a GET API with BODY is not recommended.
The other option that I can think of is to pass the property names in query string -
GET /data/{typename}/{objectid}?property=prop1&property=prop2...
But the list could easily become large.
Any suggestion on how should my API look like? Do I have to use POST?
Technically, using POST will work but is not preferred. If you are reading, use GET. Facebook, for example, has a similar use case where the /me endpoint has many filters, and the call is GET.
The final URL would be,
You can try it yourself from here,
I recommend reading more about GraphAPI and GraphQL
I would recommend using POST, because GET has a length limit.
What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers?
otherwise you could make your query string look like this (for array)
so close :)
GET /data/{typename}/{objectid}?property[]=prop1&property[]=prop2...

RESTful URI for Filtering Nested Collections

I'm looking for a good way to form a URI for a resource that filters on a collection of values contained within records. For example, say you have a recipe database and you want to search for recipes that contain "cherry" (obviously most recipes would contain multiple ingredients).
If I just want to filter on single values, I could do something similar to the following:
But what about filtering on multiple values? I was considering something like the following:
Any thoughts on this? Is there a "standard" for a filter of this kind?
Update: One problem I have with my idea is the way it gets handled on the backend (in my case Rails). When querying the server with this particular format, Rails generates a Ruby hash that could get ugly like the following:
Your URI
First of all, in contrast to other answers I'll start from a REST perspective and then find appropriate additions to it. I am not strong in Ruby so bear with no-code on the backend.
Recipies are the entities you wanna present
your users find them at /recipies
HTTP has QUERYS for filtering
wanna have sorted those recipies by date? use /recipies/?sortby=date&sort=asc
Only recipies with cherries goes similarly: /recipies/?ingredients=cherry
So that's the REST way of structuring your basic URL.
For multiple matches there is no official way to do it, but i'd follow user1758003. This is an intuitive construction of the url and easily to parse on the backend, so we have /recipies/?ingredients=cherry,chocolate
Don't forget /recipies/search is not restful because it mirrors recipies and does not represent an independent entity. However it is a great place to host a searchform for visitors to your site.
Now there are some additional questions packed into the first, let me address them one by one:
I have a website consuming this api, how should the search form look like?
Give your visitors a /recipie/search page or a quick filtering possibility on /recipies.
Just set the <form action="/recipies" type="GET">. The browser will add all parameters as an Query string after /recipies.
Advanced functionality
A request to /recipies should list all. If you add a query every parameter of the query must be respected. so /recipies/?ingredients=cheese MUST only return cheesy recipies.
For multiply query parameter values there is no fixed standard but I'd like a service to be intuitive.
I read GET /recipies/?ingredients=cherry,chocolate as Get me the recipies which have ingredients of cherry and chocolate. To get a list of recipies containing either cherry or chocolate I'd want to write the URI like /recipies/?ingredients=cherry|chocolate which makes it visually very different from a comma and has a predefined meaning (OR) in programming contexts.
I'm not familiar with the specifics of ruby hashes but I'm guessing the hash is created to uniquely identified the query both at the http and data access levels?
Regardless, you want to be careful about URL encoding if you wish to use json in a query parameter. Another thing to keep in mind is the term "search" could be considered repetitive. If your server is being accessed using a GET method and you have criteria then hopefully you're not modifying any state in the back end. Not your question but just thought I'd mention it.
HTTP doesn't define commas as a query string separator so your framework should be able to parse 2 query string parameters:
ingredients: "cherry,cheese"
which you should be able to easily covert to an an array using split or whichever equivalent function ruby provides.
type: "cake" (extra query term added to illustrate a point and because cherry cheese cake is awesome and cake is not an ingredient)
If I understand your example correctly you would end up with:
Is this what you where looking for?
Most of the REST webservice using JSON data only.So use JSON format which will return single string value only. From this JSON format you can send the array value also.
For array value means you to convert that array into the JSON format like this
from php:
$ingredients = array('contains'=>array('fruits'=>'cherry,apple','vitamins'=>'a,d,e,k'));
$ingredients_json = json_encode($ingredients);
echo $ingredients_json;
it will return json format like this:
and you can use this JSON string in the url
in the server side we have the option to decode this JSON format value to the array.

REST parameters vs URI

I'm just learning REST and trying to figure out how to apply it in practice. I have a sampling of data that I want to query, but I'm not sure how the URLs are meant to be formed, i.e. where I put the query. For example, for querying the most recent 100 data records:
which of the previous two queries is the better, and why? And the same for the following:
Thanks in advance.
Personally, I would use the query string format in this case. If your /data path is returning all of the data, and you would like to perform this type of query, I believe it makes the most sense. You could also pass query string parameters such as ?since=01-01-2000 to get entries after a specified date or pass column names such as ?category=clothing to retrieve all entries with category equaling clothing.
Additionally, you would want paths such as /data/{id} to be available to retrieve certain entries given their unique id.
It really depends on a lot of things. If you're using any sort of MVC framework, you'd use the URI segments to define your get request to your API which I personally prefer.
It's not a big deal either way, it's all based on preference and how predictable you want the URL to be to your user. In some cases, I'd say go with the REST parameters, but more often than not a URI based GET is quite clean if your setup supports it.