What is the difference between this two:"new BigInteger()" and "Biginteger.valueOf()"? - biginteger

the "new BigInteger()" faster more than "Biginteger.valueOf()" ?
Please give me some advice


OR-Tool - What is objectiveValue of Assignment model

in this example the printSolution has the log:
logger.info("Objective : " + solution.objectiveValue());
So what does it mean the objectiveValue? how it is affect to solution found? also how to edit that value? the log output the number but i dont understand
Basically, it will be the sum of arc cost used by the fleet.
This is the value, the routing solver will try to minimize as much as possible.
You should take a look at https://groups.google.com/g/or-tools-discuss/c/YCUNTmWr8Us/m/tA1OlIfVAQAJ to know how you can add more "value" to this objective.

SphinxQL MATCH - how to use?

Explain to me please, what's the MATCH() operator in SphinxQL - how to use it?
Sorry if my question is stupid for somebody, but I really couldn't find any normal explanation in the Web of this.
For example, I have this request:
SELECT tid FROM message WHERE MATCH('test');
What does it mean?
Its quite literally the 'workhorse' of sphinx. The query you want to 'search' the index with. Pretty much the point of Sphinx is to run 'full-text queryies'

Symfony : RedirectToRoute or GenerateUrl

All in subject ^^
What's the best for redirect :
RedirectToRoute('my_route', [my_params]);
RedirectResponse($this->generateUrl('my_route', [my_params]);
and why ?
I did not find a good answer in doc
It is exactly the same.
The first is only meant to be easier to use ...
See this note :

What does "-vp" do in "call prorest.bat live.db live.BK -vp > Backup.txt"?

I'm a newbie to cmd scipts, annd just want to know What "-vp" is doing here? What's the purpose of it? I don't think it's batch-parameter of the batch (prorest.bat) being called here. Instead, it should be some kind of qualifier of cmd i think. But what would this qualifier do? Can anyone please tell me?
call prorest.bat d:\live.db d:\dbbackup\live.BK -vp > d:\dbbackup\Verify_Live_Backup.txt
Thanks a lot!
-vp is indeed a parameter of prorest.bat as you can see by looking at the documentation of prorest.bat.
-vp: Faz a leitura do bloco de backup, calcula o CRC e compara com o bloco do banco.

MongoDB $ne Explanation

The official MongoDB api wrote very little about $ne
So when I encountered something like
db.papers.update({"authors cited" : {"$ne" : "Richie"}},
... {$push : {"authors cited" : "Richie"}})
I have no choice but to become utterly confused. Can someone please explain it to me?
This would add "Richie" to the list of authors cited for a paper that does not already have "Richie" as an author.
An alternative would be to use $addToSet.
But then how would I know whether {"authors cited" : {"$ne" : "Richie"}} means the elements in the list corresponding to "author cited", vs the value corresponding to "author cited"?
That is a bit confusing. Generally (I am sure there are exceptions, but those should be documented), all selectors target the individual values for multi-values fields. In Mongo this is called "multikeys" .
Note that this led me to assume initially that your query would target all papers that have at least one author who is not Richie. Then I checked and this turned out to be wrong. +1 for your question, because this really needs to be documented better.