I have a constant in my project:
define('HOME_DIR', dirname(__DIR__, 2));
PHPUnit doesn't see this constant, because it's not defined in XML configuration file, but I can define only string values, how can I use dirname() function as PHPUnit constant value?
Consider a codebase with this file structure:
myScript.m (Script)
fn.m (Function)
fn.m (Function)
myScript.m must choose which of modA.fn or modB.fn to call at runtime using the outcome of a string str_moduleName.
Is there a way to avoid calling feval([str_moduleName,'.fn']) ?
I haven't tried this, but I guess you could build a struct with function handles:
S.modA = #modA.fn
S.modB = #modB.fn
Then you can call the function using the value of str_moduleName as follows:
I meet a problem in the s function builder, I have to use a temp structure variable to transport the inputs to the extended C function.
Background: csolve function is a quadratic programming solver generated by CVXGEN for my QP problem, and I have tested the function in level-2 matlab s-fun. Now I want to use s function builder to genetate the TLC file that support the embedded code generate.
My Problem:
1) I have to use a temp structure variable 'params' to the inputs to csolve function in the outputs panel, could you please help me to solve this problem?
2) I find that in cvxgen folder contains a header file contains 'tic' and 'toc' function, how to use these functions in s function builder?
[vars, status] = csolve(params)
for the attached files please see here
First some background information that you should know:
Matlab and C work completely differently and use different kinds of data types. To call C code from Matlab, so called "mex-functions" are generated. Matlab uses a special data type named mxArray to exchange data between Matlab and these "mex-functions", which are written in C.
In the C program an element (for example a variable) of the type mxArray represents a Matlab value of any data type. Matlab provides some functions (like mxGetData()) to access the actual data of the Matlab data element from the C function: There is some function for checking if the mxArray represents a floating-point value or a string. Another function allows you to convert the value from mxArray to double if the element has a floating-point value.
[vars, status] = csolve(params)
This means you want to call a "mex-function" from an "S-function".
Theoretically, this is possible but it is not as easy as you think:
First of all, the entry point of both types of functions is named mexFunction() in the C code. This means you cannot simply combine the C codes of both functions because in this case you would have two functions with the same name (mexFunction) in your S-function.
You might call the function mexCallMATLAB; however Mathworks writes that this function should not be called from S-functions.
The other possibility would be loading the mex-function using DLL functions (in Windows: LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress, FreeLibrary) and call the function mexFunction() of the mex-function using a function pointer.
However, in this case you have to convert all C data types to mxArray data and the data returned from the mex-function must be converted back ...
... a TLC file that is needed in ... embedded coder
The functions that access data of the mxArray type are only available when Matlab is running.
If you generate code that shall be executable outside Matlab, you cannot use mxArray and therefore you cannot call mex-functions.
The file csolve.c defines four structure variables:
Vars vars;
Params params;
Workspace work;
Settings settings;
And what the file actually does is the following:
Read the structure params (mxArray data type), convert these content to C data types and write the data into the four structure variables above
Call the following code:
steps = solve();
for (i = 0; i < extra_solves; i++)
The function solve() is defined in the other .c files in the project.
Take the values from the four structure variables and the value step returned by solve() and convert the data to mxArray.
Return the result as [vars, status]
You can define the four variables in your S-function code, fill these structures the same way the file csolve.c does it, call the solve() function as it is shown above and read the data of vars and status directly from the four variables.
You remove csolve.c from your project and add the other .c files of your mex-function to the S-function.
I'm trying to generate C code for a simple function Matlab funciton:
function[] = myfunc()
fprintf('Executing myfun\n');
fid = fopen('file_created_by_myfun.txt','w');
fwrite(fid,'This is written by myfun upon execution');
However, in the generated code a variable type boolean_T is used but not declared anywhere. It seems to me that no header with its declaration was included.
The script to generate the code is:
config_obj = coder.config('exe');
config_obj.GenCodeOnly = 'on';
codegen -config config_obj myfun
By calling make with a custom makefile, I get the following error messages:
error: unknown type name 'boolean_T'
error: 'false' undeclared (first use in this function)
error: 'true' undeclared (first use in this function)
I can ask for single file and add custom code with:
config_obj = coder.FilePArtitioningMethod('SingleFile');
config_obj.CustomSourceCode = ['typedef unsigned int boolean_T;',newline,...
'#define true 1U',newline,...
'#define false 0U'];
This will allow me to compile the code properly, but it's a crappy solution, since I don't want to generate a single file, and the added source is not included in every file as needed.
Is there any way I can avoid having the boolean_T type being used? Or there some directive I should have used but I'm missing?
boolean_T and possibly other types like int_T are defined in header files that are not generated, but shipped with MATLAB. Usually the definitions are in tmwtypes.h which you can find in /extern/include. The generated makefile includes a path to this in the list of include directories as an option to the compiler. If you are not using the generated makefile you would need to add the paths to these headers manually to your compiler options.
How do I use Simulink.Bus.createMATLABStruct inside a function? I'm loading some bus definitions in the function's scope but createMATLABStruct doesn't see those. If I load the bus definitions in the global workspace then the function works.
Doesn't work:
function test()
s = Simulink.Bus.createMATLABStruct('aBus');
% ...
function test()
s = Simulink.Bus.createMATLABStruct('aBus');
Any ideas?
Simulink.Bus.createMATLABStruct accepts a 4th (undocumented) input -- open the file in the editor to see the 4th input -- which can either be 'base' (the default) or a Data Dictionary object.
The default is 'base', which is why the version you have that loads from the Base Workspace works.
Have a look at this link to find out about creating Data Dictionaries.
In my constant file, I have included the below line
NSString * ALERT_OK = NSLocalizedString(#"Ok",#"Ok");
After this, when I tried to compile I am receiving the below error
Initialiser element is not a compile time constant
How can I debug this?
The problem is that NSLocalizedString is a function which returns different values, depending on the language. It is not a constant which can be figured out until the system is running.
Instead, use:
#define ALERT_OK NSLocalizedString(#"Ok",#"Ok");
And it will now simply replace ALERT_OK with the function and you will be fine. (Note that you should be using some kind of prefix to all global values like this so that you don't accidentally create something with the same name being used somewhere else.)