Dynamically addressing MATLAB modules without using eval/feval - matlab

Consider a codebase with this file structure:
myScript.m (Script)
fn.m (Function)
fn.m (Function)
myScript.m must choose which of modA.fn or modB.fn to call at runtime using the outcome of a string str_moduleName.
Is there a way to avoid calling feval([str_moduleName,'.fn']) ?

I haven't tried this, but I guess you could build a struct with function handles:
S.modA = #modA.fn
S.modB = #modB.fn
Then you can call the function using the value of str_moduleName as follows:


MATLAB: Script with all my functions

Maybe it's a basic question but here I go. I would like to have a .m with all the functions that will be accessed by other scripts and functions.
I tried just doing a script with all the functions and call it in other functions code.
And I got and error. Could you please explain me how can I solve this?
I'm trying this, which gives me no error, and does what I want it to do, still, is it a good way to do it? Any suggestions?
function PruebasLlamaFuncion
function a=f(nombre,varargin)
function d=OVERPOWER(J,c)
Function placement
Matlab, unlike a number of other languages, permits a single file to contain only one main function that is visible to the rest of the system. The main function is the first function. (Documentation)
Any functions that are defined after the main function body are called local functions. These functions each create their own separate workspace (scope) and can be called by one another and, of course, by the main function.
Any functions that are defined within the main function body are called nested functions. These functions have their own workspace but are also able to access and change the variables of their parent function under certain conditions. Nested functions at the same nesting level can call each other and local functions, but local functions cannot call nested functions since they are out of scope.
There are several options available to you depending on how you would like to proceed.
At the risk of giving too many options but desiring to be exhaustive, I'll put the list from what I would do first to what I would do last.
For most things, I would recommend 1 or 2.
The other options are more for creating libraries/APIs, but I included them to show what can be done.
Define Function1 and Function2 in separate m-files on the Matlab path or in the present working directory to call them normally.
Wrap the main body of your work (the one calling the functions) in a function itself and define the other functions as local functions or nested functions. Example:
function output = main(a,b,c)
% You can define Function1 and Function2 here for nested functions
% Or you can define Function1 and Function2 here for local functions
You can get a bit more fancy and have a function that returns function handles (pointers) to the local or nested functions and then use the (in the example) struct to call the functions in another script:
function Functions = GetFunctions()
Functions.F1 = #(a,b,c) Function1(a,b,c);
Functions.F2 = #(a,b) Function2(a,b);
% You can define Function1 and Function2 here for nested functions
% Or you can define Function1 and Function2 here for local functions
If you have R2013b or above, you can do the same thing as above using the localfunctions function to create a cell array of handles to all local functions (in this case, the definitions are required to be outside the main function body).
function Functions = GetFunctions()
Functions = localfunctions(); % R2013b+ only
% Define Function1 and Function2 here for local functions
You can also create a class with static functions:
classdef Functions
% Define Function1 and Function2 here and call them just like the struct above.
I hope that makes sense and hopefully helps.
I think you're misunderstanding something. A script is for calling a series of functions/other scripts in sequence. If you just want your functions to be accessible in other code, you only need to make sure they're on the path. You would never need a "script containing all the functions". You may be thinking of local functions, but these are the exact opposite of what you want (they can't be called from outside the function where they're defined or other local functions in the same file).
e.g. if Function1 and Function2 are on your path, you could write a script like this, perhaps as a demo for how to use those two functions:
a = 0;
b = 1;
c = 2;
d = 'Unicorns';
It does not and should not have any function definitions in it. If your script can't find the functions, use addpath (see docs), to put the folder where these function files reside into your path. The m files should be given the same name, e.g. the following needs to go in a file called myfunc.m
function result = myfunc(a,b,c)
Functions in your working directory can also be called even if that directory isn't on your path.

Efficient way of Calling external functions Matlab

Which is the computationally efficient way to call external functions. i.e in other folder.
Calling a Function Using Its Handle OR userpath Folder on the Search Path
Second one is simple like addpath('../folder_x/'); but I have confusion with the first one, Calling Function using its Handle, How to spectify folder_x in this case?
fHandle = #myFun;
[out1, out2, ...] = fHandle(in1, in2, ...);
You can not add a function to your search path using a function handle. In your example myFun is a already known function. Use addpath

Use workspace variables in a Matlab function

I'd like to use the data that are loaded to my workspace in a Matlab function. This is the beginning of my function.
function [totalProfit] = compute(p,exit)
%% Declaration of variables
T = length(data);
I'm getting an error:
Undefined function or variable 'data'.
Where is the error?
The variable data was probably defined outside of the function, so it is out of scope.
Pass data as a parameter to compute and then it will be available inside the function.
You can use evalin to work with variables from another workspace. In your example this could be
T = evalin('caller','length(data)')
But please note that in most cases you get cleaner code if you define the variable as input argument for the function. So for your case this would be
function [totalProfit] = compute(p,exit,data)
T = length(data) ;
Ran is correct, but I wanted to mention something else. In general, only variables that are passed as arguments to a function are able to be used inside that function, so if you want to use your existing variables inside the function, pass them as input arguments.
It is possible to create global variables which allow you to use them inside functions without passing them as arguments, but it's usually not the best way of writing code. The times where I have used global variables are where I am calling multiple functions from a single script, and I have some constants that will be used by all the functions (for example gravity is a common one). An alternative to global variables is to use a struct, with the variables you want to pass to the function in it, so you only need one extra input argument, but you still have to be a bit careful.

How to insert a structure into a function in matlab

I am writing a matlab function as :
function [resultNorm]= explorEffort (n, loop, step)
M=bench(a,b).Y ;
but it seems that the matlab compiler doesn't let me use a structure in the function, the error is:
Error: File: explorEffort.m Line: 20 Column: 15
Functions cannot be indexed using {} or . indexing.
P.S: the bench definition
bench =
24x5 struct array with fields:
Could anyone mention how am I gonna be able to fix that?
There is a possibility to define the structure (namely here, bench) as global outside the file and just call global bench; right before the first appearance of the bench.
the safer choice could be passing the structure among the input argument of the function as :
function [resultNorm]= explorEffort (n, loop, step, `bench`)
in this case no need to prior unnecessary globalization.
I believe the main issue was that "bench" is a MATLAB builtin(depending on your version of matlab).
You can try renaming your variable in the future.
you can run :
X=bench; or help bench
I run into similar issue before.

How to nest anonymous functions in Matlab?

I have a file funcs.m that stores anonymous functions. They must be usable by the files in the directory where it is. Currently, I use the anonymous functions so that I execute the file funcs.m in different files but I think this is a a wrong way of doing things. The other functions such as main.m and its nested function nest.m need to use the anonymous functions from funcs.m. I think paths won't solve this problem because the files are in the same folder. Basically I could solve this problem by copy-pasting the anonymous functions to every file but code-smell so:
Is there some way of reusing the funcs.m having the anon functions in Matlab?
function main
funcs; % loads the anonymous functions
function nest(par1,...,parN)
funcs; %ERRR: This fires err, why? Look: this was sourced already in main.m!
function neededOnlyHere(par100)
bq(q,A) %This needs the functions of the funcs
neededOnlyHere(somePar) %ERR to use the anon funcs from funcs
Functions main.m and nest.m use this function funcs.m having the anonymous funcs
bq=#(q,A) q*A; %Bolded q
I=#(ii,jj,A) find(A(ii,:)==1 & A(jj,:)==0);
Attempt to add "bq" to a static workspace.
See MATLAB Programming, Restrictions on
Assigning to Variables for details.
Error in funcs (line 10)
bq=#(q,A) q*A;
%Bolded q
Why it's breaking
You get the error when calling it in nest.m because having a nested function makes its enclosing function's workspace a "static workspace"; that is, variable names cannot be added via eval(), assignin(), or other "dynamic" techniques; only variables that are explicitly assigned in that function's text are allowed. Evaluating a script to define local variables - which is what you're doing when calling funcs.m - is "dynamic", so prohibited in functions with nested functions. It works in main.m because main has no nested functions and is thus a "dynamic" workspace.
There are a couple ways you could change it to work with static workspaces and nested functions. The first thing to ask is whether you really need to make them anonymous functions?
Using package functions instead
If you don't need them to be anonymous functions per se, just break them out and put each one as a regular function in its own .m file; e.g. bg.m, I.m, AiNotj.m, and so on. Then they're all available to all other functions in that directory.
If that turns in to a mess of files, or if you want to scope them and maybe make them available only to the selected functions that really need them (that is, the functions currently calling funcs()), then you can stick them in a package. Create a subdirectory called +myfuncs and move all the little function files in there; e.g. +myfuncs/bq.m, +myfuncs/I.m, +myfuncs/AiNotj.m. (The + prefix tells Matlab the directory is a package.) Then you can pull all of them in to your function scope by doing import myfuncs.* as a direct replacement for where you're currently calling funcs().
function nest(par1,...,parN)
import myfuncs.*;
function neededOnlyHere(par100)
bq(q,A) % This will work, resolving to myfuncs.bq
You can do the import myfuncs.* from the command line to make them available interactively, too.
This is probably how Matlab itself wants you to organize clusters of related functions like this, and would be my first approach. It's the least "smelly" IMHO. If you really wanted to be able to edit them all in a single file like funcs.m for convenience, you could write a little code munger in Perl or whatever that parsed funcs.m and output them all as equivalent individual functions as a preprocessing step. (I think it's a bit of a bummer that you can't define multiple top-level functions in an M-file like this, but oh well.)
If you really need to work with anonymous functions, there are some workarounds.
Passing functions in a struct
You can change your funcs() function to actually return a struct of all those anonymous functions, using field names instead of local variable names.
function out = funcs
out.bq=#(q,A) q*A; %Bolded q
out.I=#(ii,jj,A) find(A(ii,:)==1 & A(jj,:)==0);
For this, you'd have to prefix all the function references with the struct name you're holding them in. Don't know how big a deal this is for you.
function nest(par1,...,parN)
fs = funcs;
function neededOnlyHere(par100)
fs.bq(q,A) %This needs the functions of the funcs
Preallocating variables
To get funcs() to work as-is, you can statically pre-allocate variables with all the function names you're going to use, so the Matlab parser recognizes them as statically assigned variables. Then when you call funcs(), it will re-assign the values of the existing variables, which is permissible in dynamic workspaces.
function nest(par1,...,parN)
[bq, I, AiNotj] = deal(); % Preallocate all names from funcs
function neededOnlyHere(par100)
bq(q,A) %This needs the functions of the funcs
This would be a bit of a pain, because you'd have to re-edit every file that uses funcs whenever a new function name is added. You could at least write a little perl script to auto-generate that line of code by parsing funcs.m and outputting a "[bg, I, AiNotj,...] = deal();" with all the functions it finds, and you can just copy that in to your code.
Another way to do this would be to have funcs actually return all the functions in its output list. This would have the benefit of continuing to work even as you add new functions to funcs.m, as long as you don't remove or change the order of your existing anonymous functions.
function [bg,I,AiNotj] = funcs()
bg = ...
I = ...
% And then in the calling functions:
[bg,I,AiNotj] = funcs(); % which you can copy and paste from funcs.m's header
There are many ways of passing anonymous functions:
1) Pass the function itself:
function main
f = #(t) t^2 - 3;
param = randn(12,1);
g = test22(param,f);
disp (g)
function g = test22(param,f)
g = f(param(2));
2) Use globals (which usually should be avoided in complex code)
function main
global f
f = #(t) t^2 - 3;
param = randn(12,1);
g = test22(param);
disp (g)
function g = test22(param)
global f
g = f(param(2));