How to add MongoDB database context into startup .netcore - mongodb

I'm using MongoDB in my project, I have created a DB context like this:
public class PortfolioDbContext
public readonly IMongoCollection<PortfolioData> _portfolioCollection;
public PortfolioDbContext()
var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
_portfolioCollection = client.GetDatabase("portfolioServiceDb").GetCollection<PortfolioData>("Portfolios");
I was to inject it into my repository class:
public PortfolioDbContext _db;
public DataService(PortfolioDbContext _db)
_db = this._db;
but db returns null, I thought I need to register it in my startup:
but I'm still getting null, any idea why?

The error is in the constructor of DataService. Your are assigning this._db (the variable of the class) to _db (the argument of the constructor), instead of the other way around. As the default of public PortfolioDbContext _db is null and you are never assigning a different value to it, it remains null.
The coding guidelines from Microsoft recommends using camel case with a _ prefix for private variables in a class and method parameters with camel case (without underline). This helps preventing issues like this.
Your DataService could look like this:
public class DataService
private PortfolioDbContext _db;
public DataService(PortfolioDbContext db)
_db = db;
// ... some more methods


Security Claims in DBCommandInterceptor

i am currently using EF and .NET Core 3 through Radzen to build an application. This is working fine, but I want to add additional logging to the database. In order to do so, I would like to make use of the DBCommandInterceptor as shown here to do some post query commands.
Is it possible to get the Claims of the Microsoft Authorization in this Interceptor class? In my normal controller class, I can simply call
var userId = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Name).Value;
This doesn't work in the Interceptor and to be honest, my knowledge about that framework is very poor. I cannot even tell you why I can access the User reference in my ObjectController against the DBCommandInterceptor
If you add the Interceptor in DbContext.OnConfiguring, you can pass any state to it you want.
So require your DbContext to accept an Identity, or with a service dependency it can use to access the user. something like:
public class Db : DbContext
ClaimsIdentity user;
public Db(ClaimsIdentity user)
this.user = user;
Then configure the Interceptor to accept the User, or the DbContext instance. eg
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer("Server=localhost;Database=EFCore3Test;Integrated Security = true", a => a.UseRelationalNulls(true))
.ConfigureWarnings(c => c.Log((RelationalEventId.CommandExecuting, LogLevel.Information)))
.AddInterceptors(new MyCommandInterceptor(this));
And have the interceptor use the constructor argument:
public class MyCommandInterceptor : DbCommandInterceptor
private Db db;
public MyCommandInterceptor(Db db)
this.db = db;
public override InterceptionResult<DbDataReader> ReaderExecuting(DbCommand command, CommandEventData eventData, InterceptionResult<DbDataReader> result)
var userId = db.user.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Name).Value;
//. . .
return base.ReaderExecuting(command, eventData, result);

Why Lazy Collections do not work with JavaFX getters / setters?

I experienced poor performance when using em.find(entity, primaryKey).
The reason seems to be that em.find() will also load entity collections, that are annotated with FetchType.LAZY.
This small test case illustrates what I mean:
public class OriginEntityTest4 {
public void test() throws Exception {
final OriginEntity oe = new OriginEntity("o");
final ReferencePeakEntity rpe = new ReferencePeakEntity();
DatabaseAccess.onEntityManager(em -> {
DatabaseAccess.onEntityManager(em -> {
em.find(OriginEntity.class, oe.getEntityId());
#Entity(name = "Origin")
public class OriginEntity extends NamedEntity {
private final ListProperty<ReferencePeakEntity> referencePeaks =
referencePeaks =
new SimpleListProperty<>(FXCollections.observableArrayList(ReferencePeakEntity.extractor()));
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "origin", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
public final List<ReferencePeakEntity> getReferencePeaks() {
return this.referencePeaksProperty().get();
public final void setReferencePeaks(final List<ReferencePeakEntity> referencePeaks) {
I cannot find any documentation on that, my question is basically how can I prevent the EntityManager from loading the lazy collection?
Why I need em.find()?
I use the following method to decide whether I need to persist a new entity or update an existing one.
public static void mergeOrPersistWithinTransaction(final EntityManager em, final XIdentEntity entity) {
final XIdentEntity dbEntity = em.find(XIdentEntity.class, entity.getEntityId());
if (dbEntity == null) {
} else {
Note that OriginEntity is a JavaFX bean, where getter and setter delegate to a ListProperty.
Because FetchType.LAZY is only a hint. Depending on the implementation and how you configured your entity it will be able to do it or not.
Not an answer to titles question but maybe to your problem.
You can use also em.getReference(entityClass, primaryKey) in this case. It should be more efficient in your case since it just gets a reference to possibly existing entity.
See When to use EntityManager.find() vs EntityManager.getReference()
On the other hand i think your check is perhaps not needed. You could just persist or merge without check?
See JPA EntityManager: Why use persist() over merge()?

MongoDB C# Driver database.GetCollection and magic strings

Just getting into the NoSQL stuff so forgive me if this is a simple question. I am trying to somewhat implement a repository type pattern using a generic repository for the more common operations.
One thing that I have run into that is killing this idea is that in order to get the collection you plan to work with you have to pass a string value for the name of the collection.
var collection = database.GetCollection<Entity>("entities");
This means that I have to hard code my collection names or code up a dictionary somewhere to act as a lookup so that i can map the object type to a collection name.
How is everyone else handling this?
What you can do is "semi-hardcode." You can put the name of the collection in a class name and refere to it:
public class Entity {
public static readonly string Name = "entities";
var collection = database.GetCollection<Entity>(Entity.Name);
I wrote a class to manage DB transactions
First you need a base class for all entities:
public abstract class Entity
public ObjectId Id { set; get; }
then an static class to manage all:
public static class MongoDB
private static string connectionString = "mongodb://localhost";
public static string DatabaseName { get { return "test"; } }
private static MongoServer _server;
private static MongoDatabase _database;
public static MongoServer Server
if (_server == null)
var client = new MongoClient(connectionString);
_server = client.GetServer();
return _server;
public static MongoDatabase DB
if(_database == null)
_database = Server.GetDatabase(MongoDB.DatabaseName);
return _database;
public static MongoCollection<T> GetCollection<T>() where T : Entity
return DB.GetCollection<T>(typeof(T).FullName);
public static List<T> GetEntityList<T>() where T : Entity
var collection = MongoDB.DB.GetCollection<T>(typeof(T).FullName);
return collection.FindAll().ToList<T>();
public static void InsertEntity<T>(T entity) where T : Entity
then use it like this:
public class SomeEntity : Entity { public string Name {set;get;} }
MongoDB.InsertEntity<SomeEntity>(new SomeEntity(){ Name = "ashkan" });
List<SomeEntity> someEntities = MongoDB.GetEntityList<SomeEntity>();
I finally found an approach very usefull for me as all my mongo collections follow a camel case underscore naming convention, so I made a simple string extension to translate the POCO naming convention to my mongo convention.
private readonly IMongoDatabase _db;
public IMongoCollection<TCollection> GetCollection<TCollection>() =>
This method is inside a class made for handling mongo using dependency injection and it also wraps the default GetCollection to make it a bit more OO
public class MongoContext : IMongoContext
private readonly IMongoDatabase _db;
public MongoContext()
var connectionString = MongoUrl.Create(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mongo"].ConnectionString);
var client = new MongoClient(connectionString);
_db = client.GetDatabase(connectionString.DatabaseName);
public IMongoCollection<TCollection> GetCollection<TCollection>() =>
And the extension:
// It may require some improvements, but enough simple for my needs at the moment
public static string MongifyToCollection(this string source)
var result = source.Mongify().Pluralize(); //simple extension to replace upper letters to lower, etc
return result;

Service Class + Instantiating new classes

I wanted to know if this was thread safe/ good practice. My IOC is ninject, everything service layer call is via the default setting (In transient scope I think?).
Question, is instantiating new FileAllocation(loggedonuser,_repo) correct? The best way? What is the best way to do this? This is a domain class that holds logic that could be called from various services, there are usually a few database calls involved, most of the time no persistance is necessary...
Anyway, I call my service method via an interface e.g.
void SaveFile(int reportid, stream file); //Interface name: IReportFileService
public Class FileService: Servicebase, IReportFileService
private readonly IRepoSession _repo;
public FileService(IUserSession user, IRepoSession repo, IUpdateSession update)
: base(user,update)
_repo = repo;
//save file if users 'counter' is ok..
public void SaveFile(int reportid, stream file)
//here I want to instantiate a new class that I store in my domain and store the counters
//etc and do related db calls to check up relevant values
//note loggedonuser is a prop on my *base class*
var userChecks = new FileAllocation(loggedonuser,_repo);
userChecks.CountEmUp(); //exception is thrown if 0, less than "limit" etc...
base.update(userChecks.mycompany); //persist
base.commit(); //base class method includes try, catch block...
public class FileAllocation
private readonly IRepoSession _repo;
private readonly Loggedonuser _user;
private int CompanyUploads;
private int UserUploads;
public Company mycompany;
public FileAllocation(Loggedonuser user, IRepoSession repo)
_repo = repo;
_user = user;
public void CountEmUp()
//do error checking,
//load up other tables can user upload - permissions, count is ok etc...
// check the upload type if of certain type we cannot proceed - call another method on this class
//set myCompany variable to new limits etc...
Base Service includes a prop, I dont want to instantiate this from other services i.e. more that once, how do I avoid that?
private LoggedonuserDTO _currentuser = null;
protected LoggedonuserDTO loggedonuser
if (_currentuser == null)
_currentuser = _user.GetCurrentUser(); //make db call here...
return _currentuser;
#Darin suggested:
public interface IFileAllocation
CountEmUp(Loggedonuser currentuser);
//pass in loggedonuser to any method that requires it...
public class FileAllocation: IFileAllocation
CountEmUp(Loggedonuser currentuser)
//do whatever here...
var userChecks = new FileAllocation(loggedonuser,_repo);
introduces a strong coupling between the FileService and the FileAllocation classes. If this is not a problem for you then you can leave it that way. Otherwise you could abstract the operations of this FileAllocation class into an interface and then inject it into FileService. This way the FileService is weakly coupled with FileAllocation and could be reused in different contexts and unit tested in isolation.

MongoDB IRepository db Connections

This is what I have so far with regards to my IRepository for MongoDB and was wondering whether or not I'm on the right lines?
public abstract class Repository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> {
private const string _connection = "mongodb://localhost:27017/?safe=true";
private MongoDatabase _db;
protected abstract string _collection{get;}
public Repository() {
this._db = MongoServer.Create(_connection).GetDatabase("Photos");
public IQueryable<TEntity> FindAll() {
return this._db.GetCollection<TEntity>(_collection).FindAll().AsQueryable();
This way I can create my PhotoRepository class that inherits from here and supplies the required _collection name.
I just want to make sure that I'm opening the connection to the db in the correct place and in the correct way.
Yes, this is fine. MongoServer.Create will return the same instance of MongoServer when passed the same connection string, so it is safe to call MongoServer.Create as many times as you want.