Security Claims in DBCommandInterceptor - entity-framework

i am currently using EF and .NET Core 3 through Radzen to build an application. This is working fine, but I want to add additional logging to the database. In order to do so, I would like to make use of the DBCommandInterceptor as shown here to do some post query commands.
Is it possible to get the Claims of the Microsoft Authorization in this Interceptor class? In my normal controller class, I can simply call
var userId = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Name).Value;
This doesn't work in the Interceptor and to be honest, my knowledge about that framework is very poor. I cannot even tell you why I can access the User reference in my ObjectController against the DBCommandInterceptor

If you add the Interceptor in DbContext.OnConfiguring, you can pass any state to it you want.
So require your DbContext to accept an Identity, or with a service dependency it can use to access the user. something like:
public class Db : DbContext
ClaimsIdentity user;
public Db(ClaimsIdentity user)
this.user = user;
Then configure the Interceptor to accept the User, or the DbContext instance. eg
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer("Server=localhost;Database=EFCore3Test;Integrated Security = true", a => a.UseRelationalNulls(true))
.ConfigureWarnings(c => c.Log((RelationalEventId.CommandExecuting, LogLevel.Information)))
.AddInterceptors(new MyCommandInterceptor(this));
And have the interceptor use the constructor argument:
public class MyCommandInterceptor : DbCommandInterceptor
private Db db;
public MyCommandInterceptor(Db db)
this.db = db;
public override InterceptionResult<DbDataReader> ReaderExecuting(DbCommand command, CommandEventData eventData, InterceptionResult<DbDataReader> result)
var userId = db.user.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Name).Value;
//. . .
return base.ReaderExecuting(command, eventData, result);


EFCore Include function works in Get endpoint but does not work in Put endpoint

Hi I am working with IdentityServer4 and EFCore 3.1.0 recently and have a very weird issue with the following two pieces of code. The result is that in ApiResourcesGetByIdController, apiResource in GetById function includes the value of scope and secret. However in ApiResourcesUpdateController, result in Update function does not include the value of scope and secret.
The usage of these two endpoints is that, the frontend calls the GetById endpoint to get ApiResource object and makes some modification in frontend. Then the frontend calls Update endpoint to update the object in database.
Can anyone help to see what could be wrong? Thank you
public class ApiResourcesGetByIdController : ControllerBase
private readonly ConfigurationDbContext _configurationDbContext;
public ApiResourcesGetByIdController(
ConfigurationDbContext configurationDbContext)
_configurationDbContext = configurationDbContext;
public IActionResult GetById([FromQuery]int id)
ApiResource apiResource = _configurationDbContext.ApiResources
.Include(apiResource => apiResource.Scopes)
.Include(apiResource => apiResource.Secrets)
.FirstOrDefault(apiResource => apiResource.Id == id);
public class ApiResourcesUpdateController : ControllerBase
private readonly ConfigurationDbContext _configurationDbContext;
public ApiResourcesUpdateController(
ConfigurationDbContext configurationDbContext)
_configurationDbContext = configurationDbContext;
public IActionResult Update([FromBody] ApiResource resource )
ApiResource result = _configurationDbContext.ApiResources
.Include(apiResource => apiResource.Scopes)
.Include(apiResource => apiResource.Secrets)
.FirstOrDefault(ar => ar.Id == resource.Id);
return Ok()
Not sure why but I deleted the file and recreated it. Then it works by itself.

HttpGetAttribute doesn't work in core web api

Well known situation. I need two endpoints
GetAll -> api/brands
GetById -> api/brands/1
public class BrandsController : ControllerBase
private readonly BrandRepository repository;
public BrandsController(BrandRepository repository)
this.repository = repository;
public async Task<ActionResult> GetById(int id)
var brand = await repository.FindAsync(id);
if (brand == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(brand);
public ActionResult<IEnumerable<Brand>> GetAll()
var brands = repository.GetAll().ToList();
return Ok(brands);
So, I always get into GetAll()
Any ideas? Help, please :)
Is it a correct namespace?
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace BackOffice
public class Startup
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
options =>
services.AddTransient<BrandRepository, BrandRepository>();
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
endpoints =>
Change your the attribute on your GetAll action to simply [HttpGet] and then change the attribute on your GetById action to [HttpGet("{id}")] .
You can use a constraint to id if need be but in your case I don't see any need for it. Generally you can use constraints when you have multiple actions on the same route but with different parameter types. For example, "api/brands/1" to get by integer ID and then maybe you have another action that is mapped to "api/brands/gucci" that will search for the brand by string name. Then you can use the {id:int} and {id:string} constraints in your route template to define which action to invoke.
Also make sure you use IActionResult when declaring the action return types. You don't want to use the concrete ActionResult type. Code samples below.
For the GetById action :
public async Task<IActionResult> GetById(int id)
var brand = await repository.FindAsync(id);
if (brand == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(brand);
For your GetAll action :
public IActionResult<IEnumerable<Brand>> GetAll()
var brands = repository.GetAll().ToList();
return Ok(brands);
This will tell the routing middleware which action to invoke. For actions that you want mapped to the base controller route (i.e. "api/brands"), just use the attribute without an overload. Such as [HttpGet], [HttpPost], [HttpDelete]. For the actions that have a route parameter then you can use [HttpGet("{id}")] and so forth depending on the HTTP method. Don't worry about defining the type of the parameter in the attribute route template. You define the parameter in your action's parameters. For instance:
public async Task<IActionResult> GetById(int id)
// Code here
return Ok();
If you want to map a route to something like "api/brands/designers/2" then you would use a template like [HttpGet("designers/{id}")] to do so. Don't put a "/" before the designers.
Edit : Forgot to mention, make sure your Startup.cs is properly configured for Web API routing. You can read the specifics on the ASP.NET Core 3.1 docs for what all the different options do. If you used the Web API template then it's probably fine but it's worth double checking as improperly configured endpoint routing can cause issues. Make sure you have the following in your Configure method in Startup.cs.
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
Make sure that app.UseRouting(); is called before app.UseEndpoints();

UnitOfWork and DbContext: thread safety with DI

I'm working on a .NET Core 2.2 Console Application that hosts an IHostedService:
public class MqttClientHostedService : IHostedService, IDisposable
public MqttClientHostedService(
ILogger<MqttClientHostedService> logger,
IOptions<MqttClientConfiguration> mqttConfiguration,
IPositionService positionService)
this.logger = logger;
this.config = mqttConfiguration;
this.positionService = positionService;
public async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
mqttClient = new MqttFactory().CreateMqttClient();
mqttClient.Connected += async (s, e) => await MqttClient_Connected(s, e);
mqttClient.ApplicationMessageReceived +=
async (s, e) => await MqttClient_ApplicationMessageReceived(s, e);
await mqttClient.ConnectAsync(
new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()
.WithTcpServer(config.Value.Host, config.Value.Port).Build());
private async Task MqttClient_ApplicationMessageReceived(
object sender, MqttApplicationMessageReceivedEventArgs e)
string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.ApplicationMessage.Payload);
await positionService.HandleMessage(message);
This IPositionService is a manager that inspects the message and checks if it can be saved inside our database:
public class PositionService : IPositionService
public PositionService(
IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, ILogger<PositionService> logger)
this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
this.logger = logger;
public async Task HandleMessage(string message)
Entity entity = await unitOfWork.EntityRepository.GetByMessage(message);
await unitOfWork.EntityRepository.UpdateAsync(entity);
await unitOfWork.Save();
IUnitOfWork is a wrapper around Entity Framework Core DbContext (please don't judge me, I have reasons to do this):
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
public UnitOfWork(MyContext myContext)
this.myContext = myContext;
EntityRepository = new EFRepository<Entity>(myContext);
public async Task Save()
await myContext.SaveChangesAsync();
EFRepository<T>, that implements IRepository<T> interface, is a wrapper around DbSet<T> (again, please don't judge me). No relevant code here.
Console Application's Program.cs is configured like that:
.ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
c => c.UseSqlServer("[...]", options => options.UseNetTopologySuite()),
services.AddTransient<IPositionService, PositionService>();
services.AddTransient(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(EFRepository<>));
services.AddTransient<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
Problem is that PositionService.HandleMessage is being called many times per second, and being that DbContext is not thread safe I get this error message:
A second operation started on this context before a previous operation
I solved this issue by removing IUnitOfWork from PositionService's dependencies, injecting instead an IServiceScopeFactory, and doing:
using (IServiceScope serviceScope = serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService<IUnitOfWork>();
This way works, but I don't like it. It seems like a trick, and I don't like the fact that my PositionService knows about Dependency Injection and has to deal with scopes.
My question is: there's a better way to solve this problem without touching my classes? Should I make the whole UnitOfWork thread safe? Or maybe create it by hand without using DI?
The source of the problem is that MyContext is held captive as a Captive Dependency in the following object graph:
-> PositionService
-> UnitOfWork
-> MyContext
All types in this graph are registered as Transient, but still, services that act as hosted service (e.g. your MqttClientHostedService) are resolved only once for the duration of the application and cached indefinately. This effectively makes them a singleton.
In other words, MyContext is accidentally kept alive by the single MqttClientHostedService and because multiple messages can come in in parallel, you have yourself a race condition.
The solution is to let each ApplicationMessageReceived event run in its own unique little bubble (a scope) and resolve a new IPositionService from within that bubble. For instance:
public class MqttClientHostedService : IHostedService, IDisposable
public MqttClientHostedService(
ILogger<MqttClientHostedService> logger,
IOptions<MqttClientConfiguration> mqttConfiguration,
IServiceProvider provider)
this.logger = logger;
this.config = mqttConfiguration;
this.provider = provider;
private async Task MqttClient_ApplicationMessageReceived(
object sender, MqttApplicationMessageReceivedEventArgs e)
using (var scope = provider.CreateScope())
positionService = scope.ServiceProvider
string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.ApplicationMessage.Payload);
await positionService.HandleMessage(message);

Using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.MongoDB for Multi Tenancy. How do we inject dynamic Tenant into MongoDbContext

Does anyone know how we can inject context into User Manager > MongoDB serStore at runtime in .net core 2.0.
We cannot do this at startup due to the context being dynamic but the UserStore is not accessible and UserManager has too many variables to new up, and it is wrong. Are there any solutions?
public class UserStore<TUser> :
where TUser : IdentityUser
private readonly IMongoCollection<TUser> _Users;
public UserStore(IMongoCollection<TUser> users)
_Users = users;
public virtual void Dispose()
// no need to dispose of anything, mongodb handles connection pooling automatically
public virtual async Task<IdentityResult> CreateAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken token)
await _Users.InsertOneAsync(user, cancellationToken: token);
return IdentityResult.Success;
unfortunately users is null at startup, and should be as the tenant has not been created at that point.
We have also been using the saaskit.Multitenancy and just can't find a solution.
Any help would be much appreciated.
i think u need a generic repository to act as a wrapper for IMongoCollection then inject the repository inside controllers
public class Repository<T>
public IMongoCollection<T> Collection { get; private set; }
public Repository(IDbFactory dbFactory)
MongoClient client = new MongoClient("ur connection string");
this.Collection = client.GetDatabase("db").GetCollection<T>(typeof(T).Name);
public T Find(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter)
return this.Collection.AsQueryable<T>().FirstOrDefault<T>(filter);
public async Task<T> FindAsync(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter)
return await this.Collection.AsQueryable<T>().FirstOrDefaultAsync<T>(filter);
// here add more methods
then register the dependency as below inside Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(Repository<>));
finally inside controllers u inject the generic repository, also dont forget to Implement the IDisopsible in genereic repository
public class ProductController : Controller
private readonly IRepository<Product> _productRepository = null;
public ProductController(IRepository<Product> productRepository)
this._productRepository = productRepository;

Service Class + Instantiating new classes

I wanted to know if this was thread safe/ good practice. My IOC is ninject, everything service layer call is via the default setting (In transient scope I think?).
Question, is instantiating new FileAllocation(loggedonuser,_repo) correct? The best way? What is the best way to do this? This is a domain class that holds logic that could be called from various services, there are usually a few database calls involved, most of the time no persistance is necessary...
Anyway, I call my service method via an interface e.g.
void SaveFile(int reportid, stream file); //Interface name: IReportFileService
public Class FileService: Servicebase, IReportFileService
private readonly IRepoSession _repo;
public FileService(IUserSession user, IRepoSession repo, IUpdateSession update)
: base(user,update)
_repo = repo;
//save file if users 'counter' is ok..
public void SaveFile(int reportid, stream file)
//here I want to instantiate a new class that I store in my domain and store the counters
//etc and do related db calls to check up relevant values
//note loggedonuser is a prop on my *base class*
var userChecks = new FileAllocation(loggedonuser,_repo);
userChecks.CountEmUp(); //exception is thrown if 0, less than "limit" etc...
base.update(userChecks.mycompany); //persist
base.commit(); //base class method includes try, catch block...
public class FileAllocation
private readonly IRepoSession _repo;
private readonly Loggedonuser _user;
private int CompanyUploads;
private int UserUploads;
public Company mycompany;
public FileAllocation(Loggedonuser user, IRepoSession repo)
_repo = repo;
_user = user;
public void CountEmUp()
//do error checking,
//load up other tables can user upload - permissions, count is ok etc...
// check the upload type if of certain type we cannot proceed - call another method on this class
//set myCompany variable to new limits etc...
Base Service includes a prop, I dont want to instantiate this from other services i.e. more that once, how do I avoid that?
private LoggedonuserDTO _currentuser = null;
protected LoggedonuserDTO loggedonuser
if (_currentuser == null)
_currentuser = _user.GetCurrentUser(); //make db call here...
return _currentuser;
#Darin suggested:
public interface IFileAllocation
CountEmUp(Loggedonuser currentuser);
//pass in loggedonuser to any method that requires it...
public class FileAllocation: IFileAllocation
CountEmUp(Loggedonuser currentuser)
//do whatever here...
var userChecks = new FileAllocation(loggedonuser,_repo);
introduces a strong coupling between the FileService and the FileAllocation classes. If this is not a problem for you then you can leave it that way. Otherwise you could abstract the operations of this FileAllocation class into an interface and then inject it into FileService. This way the FileService is weakly coupled with FileAllocation and could be reused in different contexts and unit tested in isolation.