I have a project structure like this
| +-somefileA.cpp
| +-someFileB.cpp
| +-.clang-format
| +-.vscode/settings.json
| +-src
| +-.git
| +-.gitattributes
| +-src
| +-ffmpeg.c
I need ffmpeg.c and zlip.c and someFileA.cpp to all be formatted differently when viewing in VSCode. Some use tabs of 4, some use tabs of 8, some don't use tabs but indent by 2, some have an 80 column line limit, some have 100 column line limit, etc..
Is there a way to get VSCode to format these differently in the same instance of VSCode ?
I see I can add multiple "root" folders to a "workspace" in VSCode but:
(a) these aren't "root" folders, they're subfolders
(b) I'm not using workspaces, yet another file that is unrelated to my project that would have to get synced.
(c) ideally I wouldn't have to have to manually add more folders as more third party libraries are added. They're sub folders of a bigger project so ideally it would just work.
The same way .clang-format and .gitattributes work by covering the subtree they're in, I tried putting a .vscode/settings.json with different settings but no luck.
Are there other solutions?
In VS Code, I have a Vue project with less than 50 files but upon running the dev server VS Code throws Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached.
My VS Code Watcher Exclude settings have the following ignore patterns.
I tried to figure out what files could possibly be setting me over the max_user_watches limit on my machine, which is 8192.
With a StackExchange answer from user "mosvy" and a script derived from that answer by another user "oligofren", I've found that the following sources are likely causing this.
| Watchers | Source |
| -------- | ------ |
| 4033 | /usr/share/code/code --max-old-space-size=3072 /usr/share/code/resources/app/extensions/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsse |
| 3889 | /usr/share/code/code /usr/share/code/resources/app/extensions/node_modules/typescript/lib/typingsInstaller.js --globalTy |
| 99 | /usr/share/code/code /usr/share/code/resources/app/out/bootstrap-fork --type=watcherService |
I'm not sure why any of these are being watched, but the first two seem to be ignoring VS Code's Watcher Exclude setting of **/node_modules/**
If possible, is it safe to exclude all three of these in the Watcher Exclude settings of VS Code?
I don't want to break my VS Code install.
The Watcher Exclude settings above are what VS Code has listed as default. I added the same settings
"files.watcherExclude": {
"**/.git/objects/**": true,
"**/.git/subtree-cache/**": true,
"**/node_modules/**": true
directly to the settings.json file and the two node_modules sources listed above were removed and the error went away for that session.
After restarting VS Code and verifying that settings.json still included the changes I made, the two node_modules sources from before are no longer being excluded.
I had the same issue.
I did not found a solution, but a workaround.
Just disable this built-in extension: TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features
What is the TFS command line filter mask to exclude nested directories?
Consider the following example:
______|_______ ____________
| | |
dir1 dir2 resources
| |
resources dir3
I want only to filter out root/dir1/resources folder.
Based on official MS documentation on folder comparison filters I should be able to write:
"!dir1\resources\" - Does not work. 'dir1\resources' is not filtered
Tried "!root\dir1\resources\" - Also doesn't work.
"!resources\" - This filters out 'root\resources' as well and any other folder which is named 'resources'
What I am missing?
According to the MSDN article you posted above:
If you want to exclude a subset of file or folder names, you must specify the filter for the file or folder name that you want to match first and then specify the exclusion filter.
So, you need to define the Filter to be:
Then, when you do compare on the root folder, the root\dir1\resources leaf folder will be excluded.
I am trying to specify rather complicated labeling rule in VCS of Teamcity. Not sure if what I am trying to do is possible or not.
This is my directory structure I have inherited.
- branches
- tags
- trunk2
I want to specify such a rule that in the working directory of the checkout directory of Teamcity has structure like this:
Teamcity checkout directory
Where FolderA has contents of trunk1 and FolderB has contents of trunk2.
Is it possible to be done?
SVN URL like:
does give me trunk1. But I need contents of trunk1 and trunk2 under two different folders in the same build checkout directory.
Labeling I have been using: trunk=>tags
Ok got the thing working. Its kind of hit and trial. Hoping someone comes up with proper explanations.
Labeling rules still has:
The SVN URL : mysvn/abc/repos/TestSystem
It is the checkout rules which I added:
On creating a report via iReports, called "Test", iReports will create a hidden folder in the repo called "Test_files".
You can see these folders through the database in the table jiresourcefolder, because it has a column called hidden.
id | version | uri | hidden | name | label | description | parent_folder | ...
You cannot access the folders through the default GUI, nor through anything else but the database and the webservice, if you explicitly request the ResourceDescriptor of the folder.
Now my question: Is there any option or property (inside the resource descriptor) that can bet set to hide or unhide a folder or even other resources?
Is it possible and how to grab that information about profile just from existing *.ipa file?
I can give you a direction in this, not sure if it'll actually help:
Change the extension of the *.ipa file to *.zip.
Un-archive this zip file.
The folder contains a *.app file. Open its package contents by right clicking it.
Inside, you'll find an embedded.mobileprovision file.
EDIT- Since Xcode 6 doesn't show the provisioning profile, I'll extend the answer to still see the details:
Change the extension of the embedded.mobileprovision to embedded.txt or just open it with any text editor of choice.
Inside, you'll find some binary data and a hash that contains the profile's details like Entitlements, CreationDate, ExpirationDate, Name, etc which will be sufficient to conclusively lead you to the provisioning profile used to create the .ipa.
Hope it'll help!
Use Nomad.
$ ipa info /path/to/app.ipa
| ApplicationIdentifierPrefix | DJ73OPSO53 |
| CreationDate | 2014-03-26T02:53:00+00:00 |
| Entitlements | application-identifier: DJ73OPSO53.com.nomad.shenzhen |
| | aps-environment: production |
| | get-task-allow: false |
| | keychain-access-groups: ["DJ73OPSO53.*"] |
| CreationDate | 2017-03-26T02:53:00+00:00 |
| Name | Shenzhen |
| TeamIdentifier | S6ZYP4L6TY |
| TimeToLive | 172 |
| UUID | P7602NR3-4D34-441N-B6C9-R79395PN1OO3 |
| Version | 1 |
Something like the following dumps an xml version of the provisioning profile:
unzip -p <ipafile>.ipa Payload/<myapp>.app/embedded.mobileprovision | security cms -D
Replace <ipafile> and <myapp> accordingly. If you don't know what <myapp> should be, try:
unzip -l <ipafile>.ipa | grep mobileprovision
Below are step for getting profile details from an IPA file :
Change the extension of IPA to ZIP. This will prompt an alert whether to keep .ipa or use.zip. Go with Use .zip option
This will convert IPA to ZIP file
Extract the ZIP file by double click on it
This will create a folder with contents : Payload, SwiftSupport and Symbols
Goto Payload -> App file
Right click and ‘Show Package Contents’ for App file
This will show detailed content such as codeSign, localised file, framework, provision files etc of your app file
You can see provision profile details in embedded.mobileprovision. This file can be read only in txt file format. So add an extension .txt to file
Now open this file using textEdit. Now thoroughly go through this file you can see provision profiles for the IPA.
Go to your Xcode organizer and click on the archives.You can see the list of archives you have made. Clicking on it will show you the details like date of creation, identifier etc. You can find the profile you created for this by matching this identifier you got.