How to find out what profile was used for building *.ipa file? - iphone

Is it possible and how to grab that information about profile just from existing *.ipa file?

I can give you a direction in this, not sure if it'll actually help:
Change the extension of the *.ipa file to *.zip.
Un-archive this zip file.
The folder contains a *.app file. Open its package contents by right clicking it.
Inside, you'll find an embedded.mobileprovision file.
EDIT- Since Xcode 6 doesn't show the provisioning profile, I'll extend the answer to still see the details:
Change the extension of the embedded.mobileprovision to embedded.txt or just open it with any text editor of choice.
Inside, you'll find some binary data and a hash that contains the profile's details like Entitlements, CreationDate, ExpirationDate, Name, etc which will be sufficient to conclusively lead you to the provisioning profile used to create the .ipa.
Hope it'll help!

Use Nomad.
$ ipa info /path/to/app.ipa
| ApplicationIdentifierPrefix | DJ73OPSO53 |
| CreationDate | 2014-03-26T02:53:00+00:00 |
| Entitlements | application-identifier: |
| | aps-environment: production |
| | get-task-allow: false |
| | keychain-access-groups: ["DJ73OPSO53.*"] |
| CreationDate | 2017-03-26T02:53:00+00:00 |
| Name | Shenzhen |
| TeamIdentifier | S6ZYP4L6TY |
| TimeToLive | 172 |
| UUID | P7602NR3-4D34-441N-B6C9-R79395PN1OO3 |
| Version | 1 |

Something like the following dumps an xml version of the provisioning profile:
unzip -p <ipafile>.ipa Payload/<myapp>.app/embedded.mobileprovision | security cms -D
Replace <ipafile> and <myapp> accordingly. If you don't know what <myapp> should be, try:
unzip -l <ipafile>.ipa | grep mobileprovision

Below are step for getting profile details from an IPA file :
Change the extension of IPA to ZIP. This will prompt an alert whether to keep .ipa or Go with Use .zip option
This will convert IPA to ZIP file
Extract the ZIP file by double click on it
This will create a folder with contents : Payload, SwiftSupport and Symbols
Goto Payload -> App file
Right click and ‘Show Package Contents’ for App file
This will show detailed content such as codeSign, localised file, framework, provision files etc of your app file
You can see provision profile details in embedded.mobileprovision. This file can be read only in txt file format. So add an extension .txt to file
Now open this file using textEdit. Now thoroughly go through this file you can see provision profiles for the IPA.

Go to your Xcode organizer and click on the archives.You can see the list of archives you have made. Clicking on it will show you the details like date of creation, identifier etc. You can find the profile you created for this by matching this identifier you got.


VS Code Extension Settings CLI

I want to create an automated script for setting up VS Code.
Part of this is the installation of the extensions and configuring them as necessary.
So I was able to install the extensions via CLI, but can't find how to change the extension settings by only using the command line.
For example - I want to change Jest Runner settings. I found this on their readme:
Jest Runner will work out of the box, with a valid Jest config.
If you have a custom setup use the following options to configure Jest Runner:
| Command | Description |
| --- | --- |
| jestrunner.configPath | Jest config path (relative to ${workFolder} e.g. jest-config.json) |
| jestrunner.jestPath | Absolute path to jest bin file (e.g. /usr/lib/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js) |
| jestrunner.debugOptions | Add or overwrite vscode debug configurations (only in debug mode) (e.g. `"jestrunner.debugOptions": { "args": ["--no-cache"] }`) |
| jestrunner.runOptions | Add CLI Options to the Jest Command (e.g. `"jestrunner.runOptions": ["--coverage", "--colors"]`) |
| jestrunner.jestCommand | Define an alternative Jest command (e.g. for Create React App and similar abstractions) |
| jestrunner.disableCodeLens | Disable CodeLens feature
| jestrunner.codeLensSelector | CodeLens will be shown on files matching this pattern (default **/*.{test,spec}.{js,jsx,ts,tsx})
But don't know how to access it via cmd.
Any thoughts on how to do this?
Was able to find a solution now.
So it turns out that the settings are actually stored in:
From there I can open up the json file and add in the commands as specified by the extension's readme.

Data Driven testing with cucumber protractor

Lets say I have a scenario in my demo.feature file
Scenario Outline: Gather and load all submenus
Given I will login using <username> and <password>
When I will click all links
Examples :
| username | password |
| user1 | pass1 |
| use2 | pass2 |
lets say i have a file called users.json
How can i get those usernames and passwords from that external file to my demo.feature ?
Can I catch the file by passing parameters to my npm script like below ?
npm run cucumber -- --params.environment.file=usernames.json
I recommend having the login step access that json file within the step definition. Just make sure not to check it into the repo and instead always expect it to be in a location but only locally and not in the repository.
Doing the above is useful for a couple of reasons:
- An engineer running your tests does not need to know that a param must be passed in from the command line
- The code is self-descriptive in that step as to how it logs in
- You can add better error handling
- You can use multiple user files if needs be by having hooks define paths etc based on tags

Talend Administration Center linking Job to project

I'm trying to create Project and Task in TAC using MetaServletCaller.bat file.
I'm able to create a project using the bat file, but didn't get how to link or assign jobs to that project.
How to create project with the jobs using MetaServletCaller.bat file?
Talend MetaServletCaller API doesn't provide any command for creating a job from an export file. The only way to do this would be to do it in Talend studio, or programmatically using the commandline importItems command which allows you to import an exported job (while logged in to the project):
| importItems source (dir|.zip) imports items |
| -if (--item-filter) filterExpr item filter expression |
| -im (--implicit) import implicit |
| -o (--overwrite) overwrite existing items |
| -s (--status) import the status |
| -sl (--statslogs) import stats & logs params |
You can find the commandline API reference here.

Hidden folder in Jasper repository

On creating a report via iReports, called "Test", iReports will create a hidden folder in the repo called "Test_files".
You can see these folders through the database in the table jiresourcefolder, because it has a column called hidden.
id | version | uri | hidden | name | label | description | parent_folder | ...
You cannot access the folders through the default GUI, nor through anything else but the database and the webservice, if you explicitly request the ResourceDescriptor of the folder.
Now my question: Is there any option or property (inside the resource descriptor) that can bet set to hide or unhide a folder or even other resources?

Magento admin panel inaccessible with no error (after server hang)

the server that a magento install was on crashed for (currently reason unknown) and now the backend is inaccessible. I either get no error or I get access denied. I am able to preform the password reset.
I have tried:
clearing the browser cookies and cache
clearing the session, tmp and cache folders in magento
using the magento database repair tool - no errors were found
creating a new user manually in the admin_users table (this gets access denied)
rebooting the server again (last resort but still no)
The main admin user gets a redirect loop.
Any ideas are welcome, I am now stumped.
EDIT:I am really after any way to recover a magento admin login? or failing this any way to export the data (without exporting the bugged section)
I have employed a hack in one of the core magento files detailed here:
I have had to comment out lines in "app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php":
(please note this is for 1.6 - check link posted for advice on 1.4)
$cookieParams = array(
'lifetime' => $cookie->getLifetime(),
'path' => $cookie->getPath()//,
//'domain' => $cookie->getConfigDomain(),
//'secure' => $cookie->isSecure(),
//'httponly' => $cookie->getHttponly()
also line 104 comment out :
//call_user_func_array('session_set_cookie_params', $cookieParams);
It seems to be when the server went down something happened to the session, as the new install also failed.
You can get your data by performing a database backup via cPanel or mysqldump via SSH access. Your hosting provider should be able to help you. Additionally, you can unzip the admin files from your Magento installed version. Download it to your computer and unzip the installation... then re-zip the folder for app/design/adminhtml ... upload and unpack this on your website in the proper place, and this will reinstall the PHP pages.
Double check the file app/etc/local.xml this usually has the database login stored in it.
Inside the mysql database for your magento installation, there is the table core_config_data and in it, some path values might interfere with using admin if intentionally set incorrectly:
mysql> select config_id, path, left(value,30) from core_config_data WHERE path LIKE '%admin%';
| config_id | path | left(value,30) |
| 50 | dev/translate_inline/active_admin | 0 |
| 220 | web/secure/use_in_adminhtml | 0 |
| 687 | admin/startup/page | catalog/products |
| 690 | admin/security/use_form_key | 0 |
| 691 | admin/security/use_case_sensitive_login | 1 |
| 692 | admin/security/session_cookie_lifetime | 36000 |
| 745 | admin/url/use_custom | 0 |
| 746 | admin/url/custom | |