Hibernate Search 6 with Infinispan Directory Provider - hibernate-search

Can't find any information about the Infinispan directory provider in the Hibernate Search 6.0 documentation.
See: https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/search/6.0/reference/en-US/html_single
Does this mean, the Infinispan directory provider is not supported anymore since version 6.0?

Does this mean, the Infinispan directory provider is not supported anymore since version 6.0?
It does.
The Infinispan directory provider was deprecated in Infinispan 10.1 and removed in Infinispan 11.
There are plans to provide an actual Infinispan backend in Hibernate Search 6, one that would use the Infinispan APIs to index documents and run search queries instead of just storing indexes on Infinispan. But work on this backend hasn't started yet.
In the meantime, if you want a distributed search index, you can always use the Elasticsearch backend.


Does Keycloak stopped configuration with Wildfly after Keyclaok 17?

What is meaning of (https://www.keycloak.org/archive/downloads-17.0.1.html)
Keycloak: Distribution powered by Quarkus
Keycloak WildFly (deprecated): Distribution powered by WildFly
When i see documentation it says:
The default distribution of Keycloak is now powered by Quarkus, which brings a number
of breaking changes to you configure Keycloak and deploy custom providers.
For more information check out the Quarkus Migration Guide.
The WildFly distribution of Keycloak is now deprecated, with support ending June 2022.
We recommend migrating to the Quarkus distribution as soon as possible.
However, if you need to remain on the legacy WildFly distribution for some time,
there are some changes to consider
I am using Wildfly as application Server where projects are deployed.
Shall this means i use Wildfly distribution of Keycloak only whose support is ending June 2022.
Does this mean that Keycloak use Wildfly underneath and not use that anymore and quarkus is used? (now here can quarkus distribution work fine with wildfly settings we currently have)
Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with WildFly anymore. Until recent versions, the Keycloak was being packaged as a Java EE archive file (or as WildFly module) that you could deploy into WildFly application server.
Quarkus on the other hand is a framework to develop cloud native Java applications. It's runtime relies on many open source projects for underlying services (e.g. Vertx, SmallRye projects, etc.) and has a completely different architecture. As part of such a migration, Keycloak is now being packaged as an standalone java application (that is a typical output for an app developed using Quarkus) and contains all its dependencies. So there is no deployment/installation on WildFly anymore.
Quarkus applications are being designed by default to be run on cloud environments like Kubernetes. So you may also require to consider if you can benefit from this if you have such an infrastructure in your organization (however it's not mandatory and you can just run it as a normal java app on your server). But you can definitely not use your WildFly specific configurations (e.g. the Keycloak subsystem or OpenID subsystem) anymore.
You can find more details here.
Quarkus is a variation of Wildfly that is packaged in such a way as to make containerization (i.e. Docker, Kubernetes, etc.) much easier. Applications written for Wildfly (and JEE in general) can be made to run in Quarkus quickly.
Wildfy 25 and above include OIDC functionality internally. Therefore, you don't need to install the Keycloak extensions like you used to. And Keycloak, as of version 15, is based on Quarkus too. Because of this there is a build phase of the installation that lets you set many of the options before the run phase. For example, I used to setup a data source in the standalone.xml for my database. Now, I use the resources.properties to setup my database for Keycloak. The concepts are similar.
If you're using a version of Wildfly less than 25 then you'll still want the Keycloak adapter.

Configuring Infinispan Settings Not Present in Keycloak Wildfly's jboss-as-infinispan_4_0.xsd Schema

I'm looking to configure some settings present in the version of Infinispan shipped with Keycloak's Wildfly from the following Infinispan provided xsd:
The settings I'm looking for ('global-state' element) aren't present in the jboss-as-infinispan_4_0.xsd schema, though.
How do I leverage configuration features the version shipped with Wildfly supports?
I apologize if this is obvious (I'm new to Wildfly). I've spent a fair amount of time researching and am starting to think it cannot be done without write a custom submodule. Any pointers would be appreciated.

How to set up Apache Sling to use a relational DB

I am on Sling 11, which uses Jackrabbit Oak as content repository. I was wondering how to set up Sling to store the JCR repo on an RDBMS (DB2 to be specific).
I found this link on Jackrabbit Persistence, but looks like it does not apply to Oak and Oak documentation is mostly about MongoDB.
Also found an implementation of a Cassandra Resource Provider, although that seems designed to access specific paths mapped to Cassandra without using Oak.
Answering here but credit goes to Sling user's mailing list
Package the DB driver in an OSGi bundle
Download Sling's starter project
In boot.txt add a new running mode (in my case oak_db2)
Download Sling's datasource project and compile it.
In oak.txt configure the running mode (this will load the bundles for you in Felix):
[artifacts startLevel=15 runModes=oak_db2]
And set-up the services that will manage persistence:
[configurations runModes=oak_db2]
Create a 'sling' named database.
run with java -jar -Dsling.run.modes=oak_db2 sling-starter.jar

Wildfly Infinispan cache compatibility

In Infinispan 6.0.x version is there
but what is property for in wildfly 8.2 ?
A cluster between infinispan and wildfly?
Both have different purpose.
Infispan as a DataGrid and WildFly as an application server.
Both use JGroups as underlying cluster communication but you should separate it.
Or did you mean you access the cache within an infinispan server from different clients?

Configure custom Infinispan loader with JBoss AS 7.1

we are migrating one application from JBoss AS 6 to 7.
This new instance is useing the standalone-ha profile. On the previous version, we used a custom Infinispan loader which stored the cache entries into our custom database.
Now, on JBoss 7.1, when trying to change this configuration using the visual administration console, it don't work. The value that we type on the tab "Store Class Impl" on "Replicated caches" is not being stored on the profile configuration as it should be. So, here is my question: is it possible to change this configuration using xml? How can I configure this custom loader for our replicated caches? Does anyone here ever experience this kind of dificulty?
Unfortunately I can't provide you any valuable information about JBoss admin console.
Anyway, I would suggest you to set up cache stores/loaders for your Infinispan caches declaratively (using configuration xml file) or programmatically (using fluent API builder just in code).
Here you can find more details about stores/loaders and some example configurations: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/ISPN/Cache+Loaders+and+Stores
And also take into account that in the recent Infinispan version (5.2) there is no possibility to change cache configuration "on fly". You need to restart your service with new configuration in case of any wanted change.
(What do you exactly mean by custom Infinispan loader?)