How to set up Apache Sling to use a relational DB - rdbms

I am on Sling 11, which uses Jackrabbit Oak as content repository. I was wondering how to set up Sling to store the JCR repo on an RDBMS (DB2 to be specific).
I found this link on Jackrabbit Persistence, but looks like it does not apply to Oak and Oak documentation is mostly about MongoDB.
Also found an implementation of a Cassandra Resource Provider, although that seems designed to access specific paths mapped to Cassandra without using Oak.

Answering here but credit goes to Sling user's mailing list
Package the DB driver in an OSGi bundle
Download Sling's starter project
In boot.txt add a new running mode (in my case oak_db2)
Download Sling's datasource project and compile it.
In oak.txt configure the running mode (this will load the bundles for you in Felix):
[artifacts startLevel=15 runModes=oak_db2]
And set-up the services that will manage persistence:
[configurations runModes=oak_db2]
Create a 'sling' named database.
run with java -jar sling-starter.jar


Spring boot Kogito Mongodb integration

I'm working on creating a kogito bpm spring boot project. I'm very happy to see reduced level of complexity on integration on jbpm in spring boot with the help of KOGITO. I'm struggling to find answers for my question, so posting them here,
Kogito is a open source cloud offering for jbpm. I'm I correct?
I see only mongodb or infinispan can only be used or supported with Kogito. I can't integrate psql with kogito. I'm I correct?
I successfully created the spring boot kogito mongodb project and when I placed a .bpmn file in the resource folder, automatically endpoints got created. I was able to access, run the process and get response. But I don't see any entries created in MONGODB :| I don't even see the table being created. The .bpmn contains a simple hello world flow with start+scripttask+end nodes. Please explain help me understand this. Is the RuntimeMangar configured for per request stratergy? How can I change it?
Answers inline.
Kogito is a open source cloud offering for jbpm. I'm I correct?
Kogito is open-source and has jBPM integrated into its codebase to run on a cloud-native environment. In addition, a lot has been made to make it also run with native compilation if used with Quarkus.
I see only mongodb or infinispan can only be used or supported with Kogito. I can't integrate psql with kogito. I'm I correct?
To this date, Kogito has the following add-ons to support persistence:
JDBC (so you can extend to support any database you wish)
See more about it here
But I don't see any entries created in MONGODB
Do you mind sharing a reproducer? Have you taken a look at the examples in This example shows a call to a sub-process that relies on a user task. Hence the process must be persisted to fire up again on a new request to solve the task. However, since your process starts and ends in one request, there's nothing to be persisted in the DB:
Runtime persistence is intended primarily for storing data that is required to resume workflow execution for a particular process instance. Persistence applies to both public and private processes that are not yet complete. Once a process completes, persistence is no longer applied. This persistence behavior means that only the information that is required to resume execution is persisted.

Keycloak configure with PostgreSQL

I develop Spring Boot Rest API project using JDBC and the database is PostgreSQL. I added authorization with Keycloak. I wanna use User Federation because I would like to use Users in my PostgreSQL DB. How can I use it and other ways not to use User Federation?
I have faced the same problem recently. I have different clients with different RDBMS, so I have decided to address this problem so that I could reuse my solution across multiple clients.
I published my solution as a multi RDBMS implementation (oracle, mysql, postgresl, sqlserver) to solve simple database federation needs, supporting bcrypt and several types of hashes.
Just build and deploy this solution on keycloak and configure it through the admin console providing jdbc connection string, login, password, the required SQL queries and the type of hash used.
Feel free to clone, fork or do whatever you need to solve your issue.
GitHub repo:
I'm doing similar development but with Oracle and JSF.
I created a project with three classes:
one implementing UserStorageProvider, UserLookupProvider and CredentialInputValidator
one implementing UserStorageProviderFactory
one extending AbstractUserAdapter
Then I created another project which creates an ear file containing the jar file generated in the previous project plus the driver jar file (of PostgreSQL in your case) inside a lib folder.
Finally the ear file is copied in the /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/deployments/ folder of the Keycloak server and it gets autodeployed as a SPI. It's necessary to add this provider in the User federation section of the administration application of Keycloak.

Solr + Eclipse + Jetty + custom jsp

i wish to design a jsp page which uses solr to index and search for queries. I would like to know how to do that with eclipse, jetty, solr and jsp. Please advise. Thanks.
You don't want to expose Solr directly to the web. Think of it as a special kind of database that needs to be protected. So, it will be a standalone service and you ignore that it is running as part of a container (Jetty). With Solr 5, just released, this is now the official position.
So, then you design your client anyway you want in the other service and it should talk to Solr using SolrJ client.
Or you could use something like Spring Boot with Spring Data Solr, which does not use JSP, but does make it easier to build a web interface quickly and to talk to Solr using it's own client library.

Using Cassandra and MySQL together with JPA in Play framework

I would like to use Cassandra NoSQL server with an RDBMS in Play 2.3.0!
Started to build it up using Kundera, according to this tutorial:
It works fine, and I can use it with pure mysql-jdbc connection, and it also works if I use jdbc for Cassandra connection and JPA for MySQL..
.. but the goal is to use a persistence framework, without handling basic JDBC stuffs!
It looks, this problem was mentioned in the link above:
Caution: javaJdbc app dependency downloads hibernate-entitymanager jar file that interferes with Kundera. Make sure you remove this app dependency which is by default present.
If I remove the hibernate-entitymanager from the dependencies, the project runs, but when it wants to call the Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("mysql") method, Play says: No Persistence provider... as it was expected.
If I keep the hibernate-entitymanager in the dependencies list, beside the kundera client, the Play server simply shuts down.
Is there a possibility to make it work or I have to replace Kundera?
DataNucleus JPA supports persistence to all RDBMS around (via JDBC), as well as to Cassandra, MongoDB, Neo4j, LDAP, HBase and many others. It's Cassandra support seems to be for all latest versions and uses the native Cassandra driver (not JDBC) and so no chance of conflicts like above. You can read up on it at
Caution: javaJdbc app dependency downloads hibernate-entitymanager jar file that interferes with Kundera. Make sure you remove this app dependency which is by default present.
This should not be an issue with latest Kundera releases. Also you can email sample project at in case looking for quick support.

Configure JDBC driver in JBoss 7 - as a deployment OR as a module?

As mentioned in the article JBoss 7 provides 2 main ways to configure a data source.
What is the BEST practice of configuring a data source in JBoss 7 AS ? Is it
As a module?
As a deployment?
(The same question has been asked in the thread, but no one has provided an acceptable answer yet.)
The guide JBoss AS7 DS configuration says the recommended way is to configure the datasource by deployment
But according to discussion on the link Jboss 7 DS configuration JBoss Community Discussion on page 54 of the guide it mentions that the recommended way to deploy JDBC driver is to use modular approach
But I personally say that the better(not the best) approach to configure JDBC driver would be to use modules because of 3 reasons
JDBC driver will generally not change.
Re-usability : You can use the same module across various applications and not deploy the jar along with each application, this prevents duplicacy
Space Effective : Using the module approach lets you reduce the size of your EAR/WAR as you do not need to supply the jar with the package
Hence I would argue that the better of the two approaches is via modules
#Mukul Goel
It's not necessary to include it the EAR of your application it's sufficient to put the .jar inside the deployments folder so:
no need to embed in ear
no need to create a module
Jist deploy in deployments folder or via admin console