How to retrieve a domain from a deleted project? - gcloud

Hello and thanks in advance for you help.
I bought a domain through GCloud Domains, but it was tied to a deleted project.
The deletion is already completed, so the project can not be restored.
How can I retrieve the domain that I bought to use it in another project?

You should contact Cloud Support:
I'm confident your situation was considered when domain registration was added to Cloud DNS.
Since you've bought the domain and, I assume, for a year, it remains yours. It's unclear how the registration persists but, I assume, an account was required during registration and this has possibly been sent recovery details.
Aha! Recovery is covered in the troubleshooting:


Access Changed on Google Cloud storage

I had a simple Google Cloud Storage Account (for the last 5 years) that I had a small online backup service offering for my clients.
About a month or so ago I began getting messages about my "Trial" was expiring ... I ignored it mostly since I had not setup a trial anything. Then about a couple of weeks ago, my backup service quite working with the message I had no cloud account.
I went back and found the emails and clicked and "Upgraded" the account (which again I have no idea why since I have been paying Google Cloud Storage for years) and the backup began to work again.
But now when I go to look at the Project it states I have no permission for anything. I had access until this garbage happened ... of course there is absolutely no way to get support from Google.
I have tried to see how to give me admin access again, but there does not seem to be any way to do this ...
BTW ... I am the only login
Help please
about a year ago, some requirements were changed with GCP and storage. as such, you will need to ensure you have an attached billing account and manager access on the accounts that you are using to back up with. Typically these are service accounts with service credentials.
You can find the IAM roles here:
you will have to ensure you are in the correct project, then select the user that you are using to authorize with the backup service (or potentially create one).
Then you will want to edit the roles this account has with any of the following, or their subset permissions:
Storage Admin
Storage Transfer
Storage Object Admin
I also highly recommend getting a Google/Firebase technician to look at your GCP project, you can contact them through support here as they can debug if there are any backend issues. Just clarify that your project may not be a Firebase project. They are often more helpful than typical Google Support.
If for some reason your account was hijacked or migrated to an account you don't have access to when you should. contacting GCP support is your best option, they are able to restore access, roll back changes, and otherwise assist with any potential lockouts you have.

Cannot get Firebase Hosting to work with Google Domains

I've hosted multiple websites on Firebase so far but never via Google Domains. Ironically, I never had a problem with other domains registrants but with Google Domains I'm stuck with a "Needs setup" status:
What I have done:
I have already deployed my assets and my website serves on
I've verified domain ownership with a TXT record
I've copied the IP addresses provided here:
And added both into the custom resource records in Google Domains:
According to the documentation (and all other related threads I found here on Stackoverflow) now the status of my domain should move to pending. But it does not. I've configured this many days ago so waiting also won't solve it.
Is there anything that I am missing here?
Somehow, after removing and adding the domain again in Firebase (without any changes in Google Domains), it now shows status pending. Solved.

How does one get around the firebase hosting proof of ownership catch 22?

Firebase hosting requires that a TXT setting be set up to as they call it
Prove the domain is yours
I purchased a domain. It is mine. In order to set this TXT setting I have to have the domain hosted. The place I purchased the domain from sells hosting for minimum one year at a time. What is the point of firebase hosting when I have to buy hosting somewhere in order to prove that the domain is mine? Is there any way to get around this catch 22?
Proving ownership is done by putting a TXT record in the DNS. This doesn't require that you have a website hosted yet, it merely requires access to the DNS settings for your domain.
It's hard to help beyond that without knowing where you registered your domain.
Update. I took Frank's advice and set up a few Namecheap accounts. Wowie! The discount names are as cheap as 50 cents/year if you buy 1 or 5 years. Thanx for the advice. There is a caveat to using Namecheap/firebase, however.
Do not take this as if I were looking a gift horse in the mouth. I am super grateful to Google for free hosting. I merely want to warn users that firebase is not a free country. Google forces the s religion. I put in many hours of work to create my website using my girlfriend's hosting MySQL. Her hosting platform does not have an s in the URL: https. So the Angular 5 HTTP calls barf. I also included a contact page and a share via email popup. I used my girlfriend's hosting and set up a poor man's PHP web service for that. That does not work because girlfriend's hosting uses HTTP not https. So now I have to go back and recode these backend connections to use Google firebase and Google functions/SendGrid. I could have done that from the get-go and saved myself the time and aggravation.

How to Configure IdentityManager

I'm at the early days of looking into IdentityServer v3 and IdentityManager, as I'm certain those guys are more clued up than I, but I cannot see how to configure the IdentityManager.
If we're deploying IdentityManager to a client, all the client want to do is "standard admin type stuff", such as
create users
unlock accounts (e.g. after 3 failed login attempts)
suspend accounts (not paid your bill, tut tut...)
delete users
..rather than amend claims, roles and suchlike (presumably these would be hidden from the Administrators).
What am I missing?
Or, is the IdentityManager supposed to be used by the implementation team installing the thing, and then the business administrators who deal with the topics listed above actually don't use IdentityManager at all, but a separate admin site we have to write? As far as I can make out all the pages, htm letc is within the nuget package so cannot be amended by me.
If it makes any difference, we're trying to create a public facing website that can be logged into, but the users are only created by the company, whose admin site to create & administer the users is IP restricted / not public facing.
Identity Manager is aimed at developers and internal administrators for testing and initial configuration purposes, as opposed to end users.
Check out by the repo's author. I think it's explicitly stated at around the 1 minute mark. It's mentioned on the Github issue tracker quite frequently too.
Also, it's not that extensible yet, so you won't be able to brand it or remove sections (such as your requirement of no claims).

Legacy Google Apps Changing Domain Alias to Primary Domain

I have signed up earlier for the google apps account which is now called as legacy and the primary domain has got expired. I am trying to bootstrap a startup ourselves and thought of using this legacy account. below are the steps I tried so see if I can change the primary domain. let me know if anyone of you know about any existing solutions.
No option to add a secondary domain because its a legacy account. Google removed the option.
Added our new domain as a domain alias.
Went through the GAM tool, Admin SDK.
There are couple of options which I could think off to achieve this.
Upgrade the google legacy account to a 30 day trial account and get the option to add a secondary domain and then make the primary domain change and downgrade. However, from what I have read in the internet, there is a risk where when I downgrade there would be only 1 license to use. here is a website telling me they have a script to run and make these changes and asking for 30 dollars. This is another option that I came across.
I know it a sounds a bit crude but I am just trying to use a freebie till we get a funding for the startup :) Let me know if anyone of you have any solutions.
If you do the free trial, you will gain the ability to add a domain rather than a domain alias. However, you will not be able to downgrade back to legacy free until you remove the domain. (I tried this on an account I was willing to lose).
For your purposes I think you could get away with using the domain alias. Your users will need to sign in under the old primary domain name but your users can configure your domain alias as the default outgoing email address under settings/Accounts/Send mail as.