How to make material ui slider thumb not outside of the rail - material-ui

I want to make material ui slider which the thumb is not outside of the rail like in W3school range Slider the image is below.
When im using material ui slider the thumb half is outside the rail like the image below My code with 500% zoom

I have found the solution with tricky to make a div in ::after in rail and ::after in track Mui Slider thumb not outside rail


Why are background color property of Button and Material widgets not animated in Flutter?

If increase duration of animation for a button or material widget, then change the color of these elements, you will notice that the background color does not change smoothly. At the same time, other widget properties are animated.
Was it done on purpose? If yes, then why?
Live example

Flutter How to create a custom border that acts as a progress bar around a Container, Card, Material?

In flutter how can I have edges around a card, container, material; that aren't fully wrapping, or aren't just one side?
Goal: To achieve a border based on the values between 0 and 1.
Possible Solution 1
Flutter | How to draw custom borders around a widget / inside a Container
Create a custom border that activates sides based on progress using the border width based on percentage.
Possible Solution 2
how to draw a custom flutter border like this?
Add A Custom Decoration To Container, Using Painter Class
How to create a custom border for container in Flutter?
Create a custom painter. This would probably be more efficient if I also want to animate the progress bar.

How To Implement 3d effect in container like in the picture on top right with orange in color in FLUTTER?

I want to implement the 3d effect in my application like in this picture on top right.

How could I animate to another screen by using a Material-like circle expanding effect with Flutter?

Here is an example from a mockup I made of what I am trying to achieve.
Right now in code, these are 2 separate screens, but they are simply using a regular built-in animation between screens. Where would I even start to begin achieving an animation like the mockup example? Could I use a Stack that has a circle as a background with a hero tag, and then change its radius? How could I guarantee it would fill the size of any screen?
Thank you!
It's quite simple, you can do it in 1 page, follow this:
Layer a full page popup menu widget (let's say the widgets on pink)
on the page 1 with Stack, hide it at initial.
Scale animation to the top left circle when pressing it
Show the hidden menu widget after scale animation
Hide and reverse the scale animation when pressing closing or back button

Hide thumbnails in jssor silder

I am using jssor slider .I have a requirement, I used images gallery with thumbnails . When clicked on external button thumbnails should hide and image should align centre in slider and arrows should align left and right to slider.
If you know how to set slider height and width according to window size please help me.
Your slider is made of 'outer container', 'slides' container and 'thumbnail navigator' container. You can adjust layout dynamically.
You can scale the slider while window resizes, please note that jssor slider always keeps aspect ratio.