Flutter How to create a custom border that acts as a progress bar around a Container, Card, Material? - flutter

In flutter how can I have edges around a card, container, material; that aren't fully wrapping, or aren't just one side?
Goal: To achieve a border based on the values between 0 and 1.
Example: https://imgur.com/a/fhrKboE
Possible Solution 1
Flutter | How to draw custom borders around a widget / inside a Container
Create a custom border that activates sides based on progress using the border width based on percentage.
Possible Solution 2
how to draw a custom flutter border like this?
Add A Custom Decoration To Container, Using Painter Class
How to create a custom border for container in Flutter?
Create a custom painter. This would probably be more efficient if I also want to animate the progress bar.


How to make Custom shape Like this with Container in Flutter?

How to create this shape in flutter?
I tried custom paint but didn't achieve this result

How to create a stacked cards with rotate slider in flutter with animation

I want to create a container that holds 5 cards
In the image below the design is showing how it should looks like
I need only to know how to create this Stack containers with Slider
When I Slide from one to another it should Animate from one to another but it should stay in the main container range width.
Anyone can help with this functionality?
here is the design:

How to create a shadow for a CustomPaint with flutter?

I am trying to reproduce this navigation bar (made on figma) with flutter :
I have already done the background shape with the CustomPaint class, however I cannot reproduce the shadow.
As you can slightly see, the border isn't equal along all borders, there is more shadow inside the half-circle in the middle than on the top border parts.
Also, I cannot control the blur and spread values (as with figma). Is there a way to achieve what I am trying to do. Or did I missed something ?

flutter reordable_grid_view package child white background

I am using flutter recordable grid view package recordable_grid_view
And it puts a white background behind my custom widgets while dragging.
How to make it transparent or how to give it rounded borders.
It makes the layout looks so ugly.

Flutter: How to create a CustomScrollView with items vanish/appear smoothly

I want a CustomScollView with flexible Header where the items while scrolling vanish/appear smoothlyt by overlaying the top and bottom limit of the SliverList with a gradient that ranges from transparent to the color of the rest of the page.
Like in the this schematic layout.
At the bottom this was possible without any problems by placing the Container with the gradient inside a Stack with overlap=true and positioning it outside the Stack.
I tried the same inside the SliverAppBar's flexiSpace but it did not allow that the gradient container overlapped its limits instead it was clipped.
Is there an easy way to accomplish it? I found a solution by using a Stack around everything and position the gradient container there by listening to the moving of the flexispace but that seems a bit cumbersome.