I cannot add any scopes through the developer dashboard in the auth tab - uber-api

In the tutorial, i have been told to select the needed scopes, but it seems that I cannot.
I even have a sentence in my dashboard saying "I do not have all the access, and I need to contact Uber"
Has someone already had this issue where we just cannot add any scopes ?
I tried many browsers
Thank you


Error when generating access token for Facebook messaging app

Despite googling and asking around I cannot find an answer to hat I am doing wrong.
I have a Facebook account and a Facebook developer account.
I created a page with my Facebook account
I log into FB developer page and create an app.
I give it a name and email and verify I am not a robot. I have a app id.
I go to dashboard and note I am in development mode.
I add a product - messenger to add te FB messaging to my page where I'll have my chat bot app.
To generate an Access Token I select the page I created from the drop down.
In the tutorial I am following an Access Token appears in the right had input.
But I get the following error
'lease edit permissions to grant the app pages_messaging in order to generate an access token.'
Can anyone tell me why and / or how to solve this issue.
Please note when I click edit permissions I see a prompt to get my permission changes reviewed by Facebook , but I should not need to do that as my app is in develop mode and will not be available to general FB users, as I understand it.
Here is a screen shot of what I see after clicking edit permissions
Thanks for your time . Much appreciated.
My apologies , I was confused when I saw the login permissions and thought I'd have to request fB to review my app , while it was still in deveopment mode. In fact you can follow the instructions below. Although I have no idea why iy just doesn't fill in the Access Token as it used to , the additional step seems pretty redundant and confusing (IMHO).
The process is simple however, just click on Edit Permissions > Select the ChatMiester page (deselect all others) > Make sure the checkbox is enabled and hit next and complete. This should generate the PAT. Having said this, I could not replicate this at my end, but it should work easily.

Okta App Accessing issues

I have added community applications to our Dashboard by clicking on Add Apps(home page), and assigned to the people. its working fine, people able to access Community Software, but whenever we are intended to create our custom app(Jive demo sandbox) from admin panel and assigned people its not working as expected. even the admin not able to access the app it is showing message "Sorry, you can't access Jive Software because you are not assigned this app in Okta".
i have followed the integration process from
please help me that i am missing any integrations or configurations
There is not sufficient information in this question to be able to answer. Have you tried reaching out to Okta Support? They should be able to check your configuration with your permission and help you with it.

How to ask for optional Facebook permissions

We use Facebook Connect on our web site. We have some mandatory and some optional permissions. Is it possible to get FB to display a check box next to the optional ones? I've seen some sites that do this but maybe they are displaying their own dialog.
Once an optional permission has been granted, what is the best way to allow the user to revoke just it?
We are using the Javascript SDK but could also implement something in PHP if needed.
I believe you are referring to the "Improved Auth Dialog" which Facebook will automatically switch all apps over to on 2/15. You can opt-in now through your app settings so you can make sure everything works. After 2/15 you can opt-out, but only until 3/1. The improved dialog shows a second screen of "optional" permissions.
Users can remove permission at any time by going into their "Privacy Settings", then to the "Apps and Websites" section. I think most users have no idea they remove individual privileges from there.
I find the javascript SDK provides a much better user experience than using redirects on the backend with something like PHP.

Create a facebook application programmatically

I'm trying to programmatically create an application in Facebook. I can do that with this:
However, there's always a popup that says "Allow [Root App] to integrate Facebook functionality for you?" ... OK.
Is it possible for the "Root App" to create the application on the user's behalf without the popup via some previous permission which they have allowed, like stream_publish ...etc or maybe a session_token or ??
Someone said I can create child apps via "admin.setAppProperties" but couldn't get it working. I've also tried "FB.Connect.createApplication" and "Facebook.createApplication" but also failed.
Can anyone help? Maybe with some sample code.
There used to be an API for this but I think it has been discontinued. You can see if you can hack it together from the information available here:
Child applications (I believe they called them 'fourth party applications') intentionally need user interactions to create.
The documentation for https://www.facebook.com/connect/create_app.php?api_key=[key]&name=app_name is scarce to none. Are you able to access the API key of the newly created application somehow? Or set further app settings such as site-url?
I'm thinking you would need the user's permission to view /accounts then monitor before/after state to detect which one was created.
Is it possible for the "Root App" to create the application on the
user's behalf without the popup via some previous permission which
they have allowed, like stream_publish ...etc or maybe a session_token
or ??
If you create a Facebook application that only pulls someone's profile information, and then you add new functionality that allows it to automatically post on people's walls; you would have to require the user to re-authenticate themselves to give you those extra permissions.
It's hard to understand what you meant by that question.

Facebook app - no "Installable to"

I am creating a small Facebook application for pages (not profiles).
I can see in many tutorials, to allow the application to be added to a page, as a tab, you need to select in the app settings:
Authentification -> Authentification Settings -> Installable to : Facebook pages.
I think the menu is evolving since different tutorials show different locations.
Form the screenshots, I can tell this page is for me Facebook Integration.
In it I can see the Page Tabs section, but there is no "Installable to" option.
Not here nor anywhere else.
That really drives me crazy, I have wasted almost half day on this, I just want to click this option ... :(
If anyone can tip me on this my appreciation will be infinite!
Thank you,
That option is no longer exists (at least in the settings page).
What you can do is getting the page admin to authorize your application and then post on his behalf OR get the page access token (also needs the admin authorization) by asking for the manage_pages permission.
A quick note when reading tutorials about facebook development, check the date of the article because most of articles are outdated!
I found out how to add my app to a new tab:
You need to create a profile for the page admin! If you didn't, on the top right of Facebook page you should have a link 'Create Your Profile'. It doesn't make sense to me but ...
Go to this link (thanks ifaour):https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=YOUR_APP_ID&redirect_uri=YOUR_URL&scope=manage_pages&response_type=token
Got to your http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=YOUR_APP_ID and add the app to your page