Error when generating access token for Facebook messaging app - facebook

Despite googling and asking around I cannot find an answer to hat I am doing wrong.
I have a Facebook account and a Facebook developer account.
I created a page with my Facebook account
I log into FB developer page and create an app.
I give it a name and email and verify I am not a robot. I have a app id.
I go to dashboard and note I am in development mode.
I add a product - messenger to add te FB messaging to my page where I'll have my chat bot app.
To generate an Access Token I select the page I created from the drop down.
In the tutorial I am following an Access Token appears in the right had input.
But I get the following error
'lease edit permissions to grant the app pages_messaging in order to generate an access token.'
Can anyone tell me why and / or how to solve this issue.
Please note when I click edit permissions I see a prompt to get my permission changes reviewed by Facebook , but I should not need to do that as my app is in develop mode and will not be available to general FB users, as I understand it.
Here is a screen shot of what I see after clicking edit permissions
Thanks for your time . Much appreciated.

My apologies , I was confused when I saw the login permissions and thought I'd have to request fB to review my app , while it was still in deveopment mode. In fact you can follow the instructions below. Although I have no idea why iy just doesn't fill in the Access Token as it used to , the additional step seems pretty redundant and confusing (IMHO).
The process is simple however, just click on Edit Permissions > Select the ChatMiester page (deselect all others) > Make sure the checkbox is enabled and hit next and complete. This should generate the PAT. Having said this, I could not replicate this at my end, but it should work easily.


Submit facebook application for review

I created an fb application which uses the following permissions: manage_pages,publish_pages, and read_insights.
The main purpose of the application is to give to the authenticated user reports and statics about the popularity of his own fb page.
I noticed that I can't use those permissions until I submit the app for review.
In the facebook developer account, I noticed that for each of the above permissions I have to complete some notes:
1. How a person logs in with Facebook
2. How a person sees the permission used in your app.
Also they want me to upload a video to show them that I use the permission correctly.
The problem is that I'm not sure what should the video contain in order to clarify the point 1 and 2.
Right now my application is only doing the authentication phase (signup), and in the next release we are going to create and display analytics for each user who joined the platform.
I would be grateful, If you could give me some suggestions regarding what facebook would like to know in order to approve the permissions.
Your App needs to be working before you can send it in for review. Meaning, you need to have at least a working prototype. For development, you do not need to go through the review process, every permission works for everyone with a role in the App without review.
In other words, you can´t go through review with permissions you don´t even use right now.

Getting Facebook publish_actions Permissions

If this is the wrong place to ask this - I super apologize in advance, I'm at a loss here.
I'm trying to develop a simple Facebook PHP app and I'm having trouble getting publish_actions. Here's how the app will work:
You enter your email address
Periodically, you receive emails like this ("Hey nice person, here's a video we think you might be interested in, click here to share it on your wall")
You click the button, it takes you to the app site, which asks for your publish permissions
You enter a message and share the video to your wall.
My problem: all of that requires publish_actions permissions, but FB won't grant them to me until I can show a working app (I applied for permissions and was denied because "Canvas
Your app isn't loading properly and errors appeared while testing your app").
My question: How do I get access to publish_actions without being able to show a working app (which requires publish_actions)? Can I use PHP to post to my own wall in development mode somehow to test it out?
Again - I apologize for the dumbness of this question, I am a PHP dev who is very new to FB, and I've looked everywhere for answers on this.
Try using the Facebook Graph API Explorer
You will be able to simulate some of the app permissions as if it was production.
Just go and select your app, then select Get User Access Token, finally select all the permissions you want to test.
Use the given token to develop and test things out and when you have a semi finished version, submit it through the app review section, following the Facebook App Review Guidelines
I submitted screenshots, a video of my app working, and step by step description on how to reproduce the publish action.
Hope it helps.

Adding tester and admins to FB app

I'm sure this is something blindingly obvious, but I can't work it out.
I've added an admin and a tester user to my app (and I mean they're real people as opposed to the generated random named user that FB offers) but after a couple of weeks they're still listed as '(pending)' and they're unable to login to the web page that I've written using their Facebook account. OAuth responds with an error:
Sorry, this feature isn't available right now: An error occurred while processing this request. Please try again later.
I appear to be able to login just fine and can test the [currently] limited functions.
Our web page is right at the beginning of development but it's now at the stage where I'd like real people to mess around on the page and give me feedback.
The two users haven't received any messages - I sort of expected they'd get something in their inbox asking to confirm their role with the app.
So how do I go about getting real people to be test users? Have I missed the point of the test user role?
As of this writing (things change), have the Facebook user go to
They will need to be logged in to Facebook.
There should be listed one or more pending requests that they will need to confirm. If the Confirm button(s) is disabled, they may need to register as a Facebook Developer before the Confirm buttons are enabled.

Displaying MY public wall using AS3 without user login

I've been trying to get this to work for a while, but I've apparently missed something.
All I want is to have the latest 3 or so posts from my clients Facebook page to populate and animate in a screensaver that I am building using Flash (AS3).
So far, every time I try to bring anything in, it requires a complete oAuth login and account link, but it's only a one way exchange (read-only, absolutely no writing, posting or even linking, since it's a screensaver) I'm not even sure the client wants pictures or anything.
I am currently trying to use the facebook-actionscript-api, but there isn't an option for the "App Login" type of Authentication that would solve most of my problems.
I'm at wits end and about to have to tell my client it can't be done. At least they'll always have twitter...
I don't think it is possible to get facebook feeds without an accesstoken (even if they are public). So I guess you need to define an app within Facebook and add login stuff to your app so users can give permission to your app for basic access.
Maybe this article offers some help:

Facebook app - no "Installable to"

I am creating a small Facebook application for pages (not profiles).
I can see in many tutorials, to allow the application to be added to a page, as a tab, you need to select in the app settings:
Authentification -> Authentification Settings -> Installable to : Facebook pages.
I think the menu is evolving since different tutorials show different locations.
Form the screenshots, I can tell this page is for me Facebook Integration.
In it I can see the Page Tabs section, but there is no "Installable to" option.
Not here nor anywhere else.
That really drives me crazy, I have wasted almost half day on this, I just want to click this option ... :(
If anyone can tip me on this my appreciation will be infinite!
Thank you,
That option is no longer exists (at least in the settings page).
What you can do is getting the page admin to authorize your application and then post on his behalf OR get the page access token (also needs the admin authorization) by asking for the manage_pages permission.
A quick note when reading tutorials about facebook development, check the date of the article because most of articles are outdated!
I found out how to add my app to a new tab:
You need to create a profile for the page admin! If you didn't, on the top right of Facebook page you should have a link 'Create Your Profile'. It doesn't make sense to me but ...
Go to this link (thanks ifaour):
Got to your and add the app to your page