How to upload a static website with firebase - firebase-hosting

I'm going a bit mad trying to update my static website using Firebase, I recently had to re-install everying on my machine and can't remember how I managed to connect and upload my files previously.
I'm sure it's just something incredibly simple related to the public directory folder but I can't workout what. When I go to deploy the project it tells me that it's uploaded 150 files which is correct and I can see in my Firebase account under the "hosting" section that these files have been uploaded but when I view the site I just get a genreric "Welcome Firebase Hosting Setup Complete" screen.
Just to clarify if my project's route (containing index.html etc) is located under "C:\site" what should I enter for the public directory? I've tried a slash, leaving it blank, entering "." and half a dozen other options without any joy. I also tried moving them to a folder titled "public" under "site" but that doesn't appear to make any difference either.
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!


Can't load an Adobe Captivate HTML5 presentation in a Google Cloud Storage bucket

I am trying to store an Adobe Captivate HTML5 file in a bucket and then load the file and play the presentation. I've watched other videos on this and many people have successfully used Google Cloud Storage for this purpose, but they generally use it on a public bucket. My bucket is private and only accessible to a couple of users if it matters.
The file I'm trying to load will only go as far as showing a loading icon. Originally it only showed a blank page, and I was advised to add a tag to the with the "Authenticated URL" of the file and now it shows a loading icon but still won't load correctly.
Has anyone had this issue with html5 files before? Or know if there is anything in particular you need to do differently to view a file like this on a private bucket with a couple users vs allUsers?
Adobe Captivate HTML5 file, is still HTML codes. After you uploaded to the GCS, when you visit GCS bucket, actually you executed getobject, you downloaded the file to your browser, of course, the browser can write HTML file and display in your browser. Just set it to public to allusers, clean the browser cache. the try to use the public url visit again.

Images not showing up in hosted site

Thanks for taking the time to look at this, I've researched as best I can but am not coming up with anything. I saw a similar stack overflow post about waiting for images to be done processing, but I've been waiting for about 2.5 hours and the images are still missing.
I am using angularfire with Firebase. I am using grunt build to create a dist folder and that is what I am deploying to Firebase. The dist folder contains an images folder and firebase says it's uploading 780 files when it deploys (before I added the images it was about 25).
However, the images just don't seem to show up. The URL pattern is
My firebase.json file is shown below, it's pretty basic.
"firebase": "<redacted>",
"public": "dist",
"ignore": [
The app itself deploys just fine and works, all the images are just 404ing. I apologize in advance for what I am guessing is something very basic that I'm missing.
After Redeploying a million times to no avail, I figured I had to troubleshoot and figure out what was wrong. I inspected the url for the file i.e. or whatever it is in your case. In essence my problem was simply case sensitivity. So instead of myimg.png the file was stored as myimg.PNG. So just check if that extension is your issue.
It is probably because the src, rel, and href tags contain absolute urls which causes firebase issues while getting to the right file.
What you must do is, get all the URLs to be relative, such as: images/image1.png
you must do this even with your css and js links.
Also, you must store every thing in a folder named public, or you will have to change the name to your directory while prompted in the command prompt regarding to use specific directory as public.
So, I sort of solved the problem. Grunt's imagemin thing during the build process did "something" to the images that caused them to not display. I will figure out what eventually and hopefully remember to update this post in case others run into this in the future. But in the meantime just replacing the built images folder with the source fixed the problem.

Adding link to local file in Confluence

I would like to add a link to a local file in confluence. Obviously this link would only work if the file is locally on the users computer. I understand that.
If I add the address like this :
The browser sends me to :
If I try to add it with quotes like so :
..confluence crashes!
How is it possible in confluence?
As you mentioned when adding the web link in Confluence specifying the file using the file protocol (file:///) you might face the issue that it doesn't work.
Obviously this link would only work if the file is locally on the users computer.
This is not entirely true. If you open the developer tools you most likely will be getting the error "Not allowed to load local resource"
As measure of security the browser won't let you access files from a different origin, specially from the users computer (this would be a serious security risk). Only imagine if you could access the files in the Windows directory from the browser, you could break apart the operating system in no time (or steal user data).
This is explained in here
If you put the file in the same server Confluence is running, then this should work just fine. However I believe you can save time just adding the page as an attachment and loading it (Confluence is pretty decent at version controlling in case you want to modify the html file).
Hope this helps!

cannot find image of webite header in joomla

Am just beginning with joomla on a site that is already existing and was previously managed by someone else who is not available at the moment. I am trying to troubleshoot a problem why the website is displaying the header differently in different PCs but I am not being able to find the image of that header file. I tried to look for it under "site > media" but cannot find the image among the images in that area. I also tried to look for the path to the image through the template css and found this path ../images/logo.png which I believe must be the path to the header image but I honestly don't really know which path ../images/logo.png is but assuming it is the one under "media" then I still cannot find the image. Could you give me a clue on where the header image files could be found cause I've actually still failed? Or, could you make me understand this path ../images/logo.png or how to find an image on a joomla admin interface like say "logo.png". In fact I discover that on looking at the CSS for the template, the image paths found in it are not found in "Media"? Is there another path for the images in the template and how do I access them? I cannot FTP my host at the moment to view the physical files due to the long procedure needed so am hoping that there is a way to find it. I only have joomla admin access and nothing like Cpanel as yet. The joomla version of the site is 1.5.22 which I know is an old one but I plan to do first things first. Hope I've given enough infor.
Try using FireBug, or Chrome debugger - (press F12) and check "Click an element in the page to inspect" to see where the specific image is located exactly.

Can't find mosConfig_absolute_path in configuration.php

I am trying to move my Joomla1 website from localhost to my domain. For testing I have created a subdirectory on my domain for testing and moved all my Joomla! files to this. I have created this subdirectory under the public_html folder.
I am using different menus on the front page (custom page) and remaining pages. My problem is that the menu items on the front page are looking for pages in a subdirectory named joomla instead of looking for pages in my subdirectory (testing)
Based on suggestions from some websites I thought changing mosConfig_absolute_path will help but my configuration.php file in the testing subdirectory doesn't have a property called mosConfig_absolute_path. I do not face this problem on any of the menu items on the other pages.
Can someone please help me with this problem and how I should overcome it. Thanks.
The variable you're talking about is $mosConfig_absolute_path rather than $msConfig_absolute_path. You will also need to reset $mosConfig_live_site.
Also, migrating to Joomla! 1.5 would avoid this issue entirely; it automatically detects your base path and URL.