Where can i find my STORE_UUID for Uber Eats? - uber-api

I'm trying to make a link open the app directly at the restaurant. I found this deep link for that:
However, I can't find the {STORE_UUID} to replace. Looked everywhere. Nothing. Where can I find it?
Thanks in advance.


Swift Read HTML elements on webpage

I am trying to read a specific text on a website, and I was wondering how I would proceed doing so. I am trying to get the followers-count on the instagram website, to then retrieve it in my app and display it. How would I proceed with this?
I have searched both Google and GitHub for parser, with no luck - and there is no tutorial on YouTube explaining how to do this.
Thanks in advance.
Usually for something like this, you'll want to use the official API.
Isolating and reading an element in web page is likely not what you want to do. An API gives you access to parts of a service an application might need to interact with, just like this.

Panoramio api for searching by tag

I am in developing web application to allow user search Panoramio images using a tag. Would be appreciate if someone has done previously and share how you do that to me.
You'll find all the information you need to know here:
Its easy to implement, give it a go. As long as you've set up the Panoramio service correctly, it should only take a line or two of code.

Is it possible to implement facebook chat inside iframe in my own website?

I am trying to implement fb-chat from inside my website (in any possible way). Something like in ebuddy or meebo. In a previous question, I was suggested to use the facebook-chat from within an iframe. I searched for some documentation on how to do that but most of the results show how to make applications in a facebook.
Please somebody help me in this? I need some pointers or tutorials from websites which already implemented this. If not possible, please suggest another solution. I have been stuck in this for long time.
thanks a lot
Yes it can be possible and you can implement this by using facebook provided code and its link is
kindly check this...

Creating rss feed with appcelerator

I'd like to create an RSS feed in my window does but I do not know how. I link the xml file that contains the videos, etc. but I do not know how it works excat.
Can you give me an example please because of the kitchen sink I did not understand.
Thank you
I found this one to be perfect:
Make sure you build the whole project and try to read what is happening. It's only helpful when you actually code it yourself.
EDIT: I just now saw it was for Appcelerator. Check out this tutorial: http://twoappguys.com/blog/appcelerator-view-rss-feed/

creating an address textfield like in apple's sms-app

I'm writing an app, where I the user has to be able to select multiple adresses. I wanted to solve this in the same way, apple does when you send an SMS to someone.
You can enter text and it gets surrounded by a blue bubble for each adress selected.
I've already found facebook's tree20-kit, but I can't get it to work because of some linker error I cannot solve.
Is there any other kit out there, that's capable of doing this, or do you have any suggestions on how to create such a textField?
Interesting. I don't know of any other open source solutions for this, and I think writing from scratch would be much more time consuming than trying to resolve the linker error. I would recommend spending a few hours and do the following:
Create a new empty application.
Download Three20 and follow the detailed instructions on GitHub for linking the framework.
You should be able to get this to link as many others, including myself, have been able to use this framework.
Sorry this isn't a straight forward answer to your question. I hope it was helpful just the same. Andrew.