How can I pass in any function as a parameter? - swift

I'm trying to make an extension to Array, see below
extension Array {
func mapThenUnique<T: Comparable>(f: (Element) -> T) -> Array<T> {
var mapped: Array<T> = Array(self.filter( f(self) ))
/* Three Errors /\
1) Cannot assign value of type '[Element]' to type 'Array<T>'
2) Cannot convert value of type 'Array<Element>' to expected argument type 'Element'
3) Cannot convert value of type 'T' to expected argument type '(Element) throws -> Bool' */
var noDups: Array<T> = []
for element in mapped {
if (!noDups.contains(where: element)) { noDups.append(element) }
// Error - Cannot convert value of type 'T' to expected argument type '(T) throws -> Bool'
return noDups
I know the noDups array has to be of type 'T' because that is the correct return type, see below for an example of what mapThenUnique does:
["abc", "Hi", "AbC"].mapThenUnique { $0.lowercased() } -> ["abc", "hi"]
[2, 9, -9, 3].mapThenUnique { Int($0) * $0 } -> [4, 9, 81]
// notice that there are no duplicates in the array
But I'm not sure why I am getting these error messages. And what does '(Element) throws -> Bool' mean? Any help will be greatly appreciated!
My now awake brain realizes that it should be map instead of filter, thanks #Sulthan.
extension Array {
func mapThenUnique<T: Comparable>(f: (Element) -> T) -> Array<T> {
var mapped: Array<T> ={ f($0) }
var noDups: Array<T> = []
for element in filtered {
if (!noDups.contains(where: element)) { noDups.append(element) }
// Error - Cannot convert value of type 'T' to expected argument type '(T) throws -> Bool'
// this works for the numerical test cases but not for ["abc", "Hi", "AbC"] which returns ["abc", "hi"], idk why it does
return noDups
I'm still trying to figure out what the error message in the for loop means. Oh, this is for a HW assignment.

If you use a Set and make it Hashable instead of Comparable, it's fairly straightforward
extension Array {
func mapThenUnique<T: Hashable>(f: (Element) -> T) -> [T] {
var seen = Set<T>()
return map { f($0) }.filter { seen.insert($0).inserted }
["abc", "Hi", "AbC"].mapThenUnique { $0.lowercased() } // ["abc", "hi"]
[2, 9, -9, 3].mapThenUnique { Int($0) * $0 } // [4, 81, 9]
Or if you don't care about the original order
Set(["abc", "Hi", "AbC"].map { $0.lowercased() }) // ["abc", "hi"] or ["hi", "abc"]
Set([2, 9, -9, 3].map { Int($0) * $0 }) // Some random order of [4, 81, 9]
Also a more "correct" way to do this in Swift would be to create the extension on Collection
extension Collection where Element: Hashable {
func mapThenUnique(f: (Element) -> Element) -> [Element] {
var seen = Set<Element>()
return map { f($0) }.filter { seen.insert($0).inserted }
Although I consider it "bad form" to have a function that does two things, so my personal preference would be
extension Collection where Element: Hashable {
func unique() -> [Element] {
var seen = Set<Element>()
return filter { seen.insert($0).inserted }
["abc", "Hi", "AbC"].map { $0.lowercased() }.unique()
(Again, assuming you want to keep the order. Otherwise, just use a Set!)


Does Swift have a function similar to numpy.diff that calculates the difference between adjacent elements of an array

I'm trying to convert some Python code to Swift and wondering if there is an existing function to calculate the difference between successive elements in a Swift array. For example:
diff([1,3,5,6,10]) would return [2,2,1,4]
No, but it could be very easily implemented:
let a = [1, 3, 5, 6, 10]
zip(a.dropFirst(), a).map(-) // => [2, 2, 1, 4]
It's simple enough that it's probably not worth wrapping into a function, but if you insist:
extension Collection where Element: Numeric {
func diff() -> [Element] {
return zip(self.dropFirst(), self).map(-)
[1, 3, 5, 6, 10].diff() // => [2, 2, 1, 4]
If you need the result to be lazily evaluated, you can do this:
extension Collection where Element: Numeric {
func diff() -> AnyCollection<Element> {
return AnyCollection(zip(self.dropFirst(), self)
You can use reduce(into:) combined with dropfirst to achieve what you want:
extension Collection where Element: SignedNumeric {
func diff() -> [Element] {
guard var last = first else { return [] }
return dropFirst().reduce(into: []) {
$0.append($1 - last)
last = $1
Another option is to use map and defer:
extension Collection where Element: SignedNumeric {
func diff() -> [Element] {
guard var last = first else { return [] }
return dropFirst().map { element in
defer { last = element }
return element - last
let arr = [1,3,5,6,10]
print(arr.diff()) // "[2, 2, 1, 4]\n"
There's no built in function for this, but you can easily implement it recursively. Thanks for the HeadTail extension for #Alexander.
extension Array {
func headTail<ReturnType>(_ closure: (Element?, [Element]) -> ReturnType) -> ReturnType {
return closure(self.first, Array(self.dropFirst()))
extension Array where Element == Int {
func diff() -> [Int] {
return self.headTail { head, tail in
guard let head = head, let next = tail.first else { return [] } //base case, empty list
return [next - head] + tail.diff()

Sort an array using generic functions throws error on closure result type

I'm trying to create a generic function to filter an array using a FilterDescriptor(similar to SortDescriptors described in this post:
Basically the filtered elements should be in any of the sets to be included in the filter. I'm following this approach because the filters need to be selected at runtime, and you can have a combinations of them.
However I'm getting this errors when constructing the filterFunction():
error: cannot convert value of type 'String' to closure result type '_'
case .grade: return filterDescriptor(key: { $0.grade }, set: gradeFilters)
error: cannot convert value of type 'Int' to closure result type '_'
case .term: return filterDescriptor(key: { $0.term }, set: termFilters)
This is my code:
struct Note {
let grade: String
let term: Int
typealias FilterDescriptor<Value> = (Value) -> Bool
class Filter {
var gradeFilters: Set<String> = []
var termFilters: Set<Int> = []
enum Option: Int {
case grade, term
private func filterDescriptor<Value, Key>(
key: #escaping (Value) -> Key,
set: Set<Key>)
-> FilterDescriptor<Value> {
return { set.contains(key($0)) }
func filterFunction() -> FilterDescriptor<Note> {
switch self {
case .grade: return filterDescriptor(key: { $0.grade }, set: gradeFilters)
case .term: return filterDescriptor(key: { $0.term }, set: termFilters)
let notes = [Note(grade: "F grade", term: 10), Note(grade: "A grade", term: 3)]
// Filter by grade
let filter = Filter.Option.grade.filterFunction()
let filteredNotes = notes.filter(filter)
I think is related to the Set<Key> parameter in filterDescriptor method and the error messages aren't helping

Getting a random element in array by a generic function

func ramElment<X, T: CollectionType >(list: T) -> X {
let len = UInt32(list.count)
let element = arc4random_uniform(len)
return list[element]
it pops up:
error: cannot invoke initializer for type UInt32 with an argument list of type '(T.Index.Distance)'
let len = UInt32(list.count)
I have checked the T.Index.Distance is Int type. but why can't i change the type to UInt32?
The Index of a CollectionType is
a ForwardIndexType:
public protocol ForwardIndexType : _Incrementable {
// ...
typealias Distance : _SignedIntegerType = Int
// ...
This means that the associated type Distance must conform to _SignedIntegerType, and (by default) is Int unless declared (or inferred)
Example: The following is a valid type conforming to ForwardIndexType,
with Distance == Int16:
struct MyIndex : ForwardIndexType {
var value : Int16
func advancedBy(n: Int16) -> MyIndex {
return MyIndex(value: value + n)
func distanceTo(end: MyIndex) -> Int16 {
return end.value - value
func successor() -> MyIndex {
return MyIndex(value: value + 1)
func ==(lhs : MyIndex, rhs : MyIndex) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
And here is a (for demonstration purposes, otherwise pretty useless)
type conforming to CollectionType with Index == MyIndex,
Index.Distance == Int16:
struct MyCollectionType : CollectionType {
var startIndex : MyIndex { return MyIndex(value: 0) }
var endIndex : MyIndex { return MyIndex(value: 3) }
subscript(position : MyIndex) -> String {
return "I am element #\(position.value)"
let coll = MyCollectionType()
for elem in coll {
I am element #0
I am element #1
I am element #2
But we can also define a forward index type without declaring
any Distance type, and using the default protocol implementations
for advancedBy() and distanceTo():
struct MyOtherIndex : ForwardIndexType {
var value : Int16
func successor() -> MyOtherIndex {
return MyOtherIndex(value: value + 1)
func ==(lhs : MyOtherIndex, rhs : MyOtherIndex) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
Now MyOtherIndex.Distance == Int because that is the default type
as defined in ForwardIndexType.
So how does this apply to your function?
You cannot assume that
Index.Distance is Int for an arbitrary collection.
You can restrict the function to collection types with
Index.Distance == Int:
func randomElement<T: CollectionType where T.Index.Distance == Int>(list: T)
But you can also utilize that _SignedIntegerType can be converted to and from IntMax:
func randomElement<T: CollectionType>(list: T) -> T.Generator.Element {
let len = UInt32(list.count.toIntMax())
let element = IntMax(arc4random_uniform(len))
return list[list.startIndex.advancedBy(T.Index.Distance(element))]
Note also that the return type is determined as T.Generator.Element,
and cannot be an arbitrary generic type X.
This function works with arbitrary collections, for example Array, ArraySlice, or String.CharacterView:
let array = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]
let elem1 = randomElement([1, 2, 3])
let slice = array[2 ... 3]
let elem2 = randomElement(slice)
let randomChar = randomElement("abc".characters)
but also with the above custom collection type:
let mc = MyCollectionType()
let r = randomElement(mc)
In the title of your question you talk about Array. But in your code you are declaring the input param as a CollectionType.
If you really want to receive a Generic Array param then this is the code
func randomElement<T>(list: [T]) -> T {
let len = UInt32(list.count)
let random = Int(arc4random_uniform(len))
return list[random]
This is the simplest example what you want.
extension CollectionType where Index.Distance == Int {
func randomElement() -> Self.Generator.Element {
let randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count)))
return self[startIndex.advancedBy(randomIndex)]

Swift function to find first element of collection matching a predicate?

If xs is a collection and pred is a closure that returns a Bool, is there a built-in function that does the following?
This gets the first element of a collection matching the predict, or nil if there is no match. Not interested in the index, but the element itself.
No there isn't, but you can write one yourself like this:
extension SequenceType {
func first(#noescape pred: Generator.Element throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Generator.Element? {
return try filter(pred).first
EDIT: This version isn't optimal, since the filter creates a whole new array, even though only the first element would be needed. As noted by Martin R, lazy.filter also doesn't work for. This would be necessary to make it work with lazy:
extension CollectionType {
func first(pred: Generator.Element -> Bool) -> Generator.Element? {
return lazy.filter(pred).first
#noescape can't be used because #noescape means that the closure cannot escape the current function, which would be possible when passing it to the lazy filter (doesn't evaluate elements until it is asked to -> has to escape the predicate)
throws can't be used because the filter is lazy -> errors wouldn't be thrown immediately, but rather when it is used the first time which would be when calling first, but first can't be throwing because it's a property. There are some discussions on making getters (and subscripts) throwing in future versions of Swift.
CollectionType has to be used, because only LazyCollectionType has the first property.
So to really make it lazy and have all the #noescape, throws and SequenceType, you'd have to use an imperative approach:
extension SequenceType {
func first(#noescape pred: Generator.Element throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Generator.Element? {
for elem in self where try pred(elem) {
return elem
return nil
In the simplest case, what you want may look like this:
let array = [18, 12, 35, 11, 12, 44]
var first: Int?
for element in array where element == 12 {
first = element
print(first) // prints: Optional(12)
If you really need to set a predicate closure, you can use the following pattern:
let array = [18, 12, 35, 11, 12, 44]
var first: Int?
let predicateClosure = { (value: Int) -> Bool in
return value == 12
for element in array where predicateClosure(element) {
first = element
print(first) // prints: Optional(12)
If you need to repeat these operations, you can refactor your code by using a SequenceType protocol extension:
extension SequenceType where Generator.Element == Int {
func getFirstWithPredicate(predicate: Int -> Bool) -> Int? {
for element in self where predicate(element) {
return element
return nil
let array = [18, 12, 35, 11, 12, 44]
let predicateClosure: Int -> Bool = {
return $0 == 12
let first = array.getFirstWithPredicate(predicateClosure)
print(first) // prints: Optional(12)
Note that you don't need your predicate closure parameter to escape your getFirstWithPredicate(_:) method here, so you can add the #noescape attribute before it (see Nonescaping Closures for more details):
extension SequenceType where Generator.Element == Int {
func getFirstWithPredicate(#noescape predicate: Int -> Bool) -> Int? {
for element in self where predicate(element) {
return element
return nil
let array = [18, 12, 35, 11, 12, 44]
let predicateClosure = { $0 == 12 }
let first = array.getFirstWithPredicate(predicateClosure)
print(first) // prints: Optional(12)
If you want the previous code to work for any type of sequence, you can remove the Int constraint and redeclare your getFirstWithPredicate(_:) method like in the following example:
extension SequenceType {
func getFirstWithPredicate(#noescape predicate: Generator.Element -> Bool) -> Generator.Element? {
for element in self where predicate(element) {
return element
return nil
let intArray = [18, 12, 35, 11, 12, 44]
let firstInt = intArray.getFirstWithPredicate { $0 == 12 }
print(firstInt) // prints: Optional(12)
let stringArray = ["Car", "Boat", "Plane", "Boat", "Bike"]
let firstString = stringArray.getFirstWithPredicate { $0 == "Boat" }
print(firstString) // prints: Optional("Boat")
If you're using a CollectionType protocol conforming object (for example, an Array), you can easily get the last element that matches your predicate with the same getFirstWithPredicate(_:) declaration by using reverse():
extension SequenceType {
func getFirstWithPredicate(#noescape predicate: Generator.Element -> Bool) -> Generator.Element? {
for element in self where predicate(element) {
return element
return nil
struct Toy {
let name: String
let price: Int
let array = [
Toy(name: "Ball", price: 20),
Toy(name: "Car", price: 12),
Toy(name: "Plane", price: 35),
Toy(name: "Boat", price: 12),
let lastToyWithMatchingPrice = array.reverse().getFirstWithPredicate { $0.price == 12 }
print(lastToyWithMatchingPrice) // prints: Optional(Toy(name: "Boat", price: 12))

Xcode Swift: extension of array: "can't invoke.. with argument list .. " [duplicate]

I am trying to write a simple Array extension that provides a 'distinct' method. Here is what I have so far:
extension Array {
func distinct() -> T[] {
var rtn = T[]()
for x in self {
var containsItem = contains(rtn, x)
if !containsItem {
return rtn
The problem is that the 'contains' statement fails as follows:
Could not find an overload for 'contains' that accepts the supplied arguments
I am pretty sure the type constraints are correct. Any ideas?
Swift 1.x
The elements in an array don't have to be Equatable, i.e. they don't have be comparable with ==.
That means you can't write that function for all possible Arrays. And Swift doesn't allow you to extend just a subset of Arrays.
That means you should write it as a separate function (and that's probably why contains isn't a method, either).
let array = ["a", "b", "c", "a"]
func distinct<T: Equatable>(array: [T]) -> [T] {
var rtn = [T]()
for x in array {
var containsItem = contains(rtn, x)
if !containsItem {
return rtn
distinct(array) // ["a", "b", "c"]
Update for Swift 2/Xcode 7 (Beta)
Swift 2 supports restricting extensions to a subset of protocol implementations, so the following is now allowed:
let array = ["a", "b", "c", "a"]
extension SequenceType where Generator.Element: Comparable {
func distinct() -> [Generator.Element] {
var rtn: [Generator.Element] = []
for x in self {
if !rtn.contains(x) {
return rtn
array.distinct() // ["a", "b", "c"]
Note how apple added SequenceType.contains using the same syntax.
Finally found out how to do it:
extension Array {
func contains<T : Equatable>(obj: T) -> Bool {
return self.filter({$0 as? T == obj}).count > 0
func distinct<T : Equatable>(_: T) -> T[] {
var rtn = T[]()
for x in self {
if !rtn.contains(x as T) {
rtn += x as T
return rtn
And usage/testing:
let a = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3 ]
Unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to do it without having to specify an argument which is subsequently ignored. The only reason it's there is to invoke the correct form of distinct. The major advantage of this approach for distinct seems to be that it's not dumping a common term like distinct into the global namespace. For the contains case it does seem more natural.
Another solution is to use the find(Array:[T], obj:T) function. It will return an optional Int, so what you could do is
if let foundResult = find(arr, obj) as Int
//obj is contained in arr
} else
//obj is not contained in arr.
As of Swift 2, this can be achieved with a protocol extension method,
e.g. on all types conforming to SequenceType where the sequence
elements conform to Equatable:
extension SequenceType where Generator.Element : Equatable {
func distinct() -> [Generator.Element] {
var rtn : [Generator.Element] = []
for elem in self {
if !rtn.contains(elem) {
return rtn
let items = [1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4]
let unique = items.distinct()
print(unique) // [1, 2, 3, 4]
If the elements are further restricted to be Hashable then you
can take advantage of the Set type:
extension SequenceType where Generator.Element : Hashable {
func distinct() -> [Generator.Element] {
return Array(Set(self))