Suppress collections pane - bing-maps

Apropos of this question Supply path data to OpenStreetMaps or Bing Maps I'd like to make the page open with the collections pane collapsed. So far I haven't found any parameters relating to that.
Does anyone know of a parameter governing collections pane initial state?

There is currently no way to force the pane to the closed state


Customize basic search form and provide appropriate search results

In basic search form I have included checkboxes to detect duplicates on name & phone number.
How shall i proceed further.I have included fields on /custom/modules/Contacts/metadata/SearchFields.php and searchdefs.php.
Please help.
SugarCRM's Basic and Advanced Search field arrnagements can (and should) be configured using the Studio Tool. Log in as a System Administrator, click the Admin link in the top right corner and find the link for Studio
Within Studio, navigate to the module you're like to configure, go into Layouts, then Search, then Basic Search. The screen arrangement can be configured using drag-and-drop 'bricks' to represent the fields. All database fields for the module can be added to the Basic or Advanced search filters.
The screen can be configured using code, but I don't see why you would opt to do that. If you do, though, be sure to clear your cache using Repair and Rebuild or by enabling Developer Mode in the System Settings.

Eclipse: search text in documentation pane

Is there a way to search for text in the documentation pane of Eclipse?
E.g. see the attached screenshot showing some Android SDK documentation:
and see this screenshot showing the Search menu:
I can't see how you can do a search. And Cmd F doesn't seem to do anything either.
This is basically a web browser pane. Sadly it is quite limited in functionality, you can't search within the view (and of course not within the documentation database instead of the currently shown document).
So the work around is to open the document in a complete, external browser. In this case it is easy to find the document ( but sometimes it might be annoying to find the URL as this limited web browser view doesn't even tell it to you or gives you a possibility to get it.
If it was about site search and not searching withing the page and if the site doesn't offer a site search (this one does) then of course you can use Google with a parameter; similar for other search engines.

Repeatable data content in umbraco

I am just wondering is there any plugin to create dynamic content for a page i.e something similar to a data repeaters in .net. To make it simple it should be a section that should contains 5 to 6 fields/property like
heading 2
content - rich text editor
This must be in repeatable control so that the editor can add any number of these section a page and all these should be displayed in a single page.
Is there a plugin for the above functionality or what is the best way to achieve this.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can achieve this without any plugins.
Create your repeatable section (containing the relevant fields) as a document type, and then use the multi-node picker in another document type to select one or many of the sections.
So for example, I could have a FAQs page (which uses a document type called "FAQs Page"), and I want to be able to add multiple question and answers to this page. I could set up a document type called "Question". This will contain two fields: Question and Answer.
On the "FAQs Page" document type, I would add a multi-node picker field called "Questions". This way, an author could select multiple "Question" nodes to appear on the FAQs page.
You would obviously need the code to output this, and also you would create a data type that inherited from multi-node picker, so that you could limit the selection to only Question nodes.
There is also the Repeatable Custom Content datatype which works well but does not support all data types. But it does support all the ones you need for your stated purpose (textstring, media picker, richtext area, etc).
You can find it here: I've used it a few times and it works really well in certain situations (e.g. where the items will not be shared across different pages of your site).
If you are sharing content components across multiple pages then #Digbyswift's solution is perfect.
I've always Digbyswifts method, but whilst looking for an alternate solution tonight I found this plugin, which is excellent for those situations where creating lots of widget nodes feels like overkill. It's licensed but the free older version is also available.

Creating an Access Form [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am not going to pretend to know anything about creating forms in Access, it is an entirely new concept to me. I have a DB in access that contains a number of tables and queries. I would like to create an access form that I can use as a search form, to look up any particular fields i need. I would simply type in what I was looking for and a list of the tables/queries that relate to it would appear. Is this doable?
The short answer to your question "is this doable" is: yes this is absolutely doable.
A good place to start would be to use the Form Wizard. Then get some training (plenty online) on how to design forms. Dlookup will likely be your friend.
Alternatively, a Report is another way to show a specific record based on some specified criteria (show me address for person A).
Short answer: Yes.
Longer Answer: I dont know what your background is. If this is your first Database project then you have a lot of reading to do and I would go and get myself a good ACCESS book and read it or spend a lot of time on the Microsoft Technet. Thats about as specific as I can get from the question itself.
Perhaps a solution for you:
Step A: Create a form
There are many ways to create forms. You may try this one:
1) In the Access Objects Window (far left on your screen) mark the table or query you want your form be based on. That means: the form shall display all the fields that are in that specific table or query.
2) With your table or query marked, in the "Create" pane of the Ribbon, click the button "Form". This creates a rudimentary form with all the fields from your table or query arranged in a more or less sensible way. (If you do not like the way the fields are arranged, you can re-arrange them, resize them or remove some of them, etc.)
3) Close this form. On closing, you will be asked to enter a name for it so that you can identify it later.
Step B: Use the form for filtering
1) Open that form (now in "form" view, not "design" view, of course)
2) In Home section of the Ribbon, in the Sort&Filter Area, click on the tiny button "Advanced", and from the dropdown select "Filter by form". Having this done, you then can enter various criteria in the fields on your form. Some of them may display dropdowns to choose from existing content. In some fields you may want to enter stuff like
Like "*liv*"
which will search for content containing any of live, lively, oblivious, olive, etc.
3) To apply the filtering, in the Ribbon, Home Section, Sort&Filter Area, click "Toggle filter". This will make your form display only records that comply with your criteria.
4) To wipe out your filter criteria, use the button Advanced --> Clear all filters.
This was a very basic introduction into core functionality of Access. Generally, I would support the other contributors here in saying: go to your local library and take any of the various Access introductory books they have there, read it, and try out what you read. You will make quick progress. (You may as well read any tutorial in the internet, but I personally would recommend a book: you just will have the fun to stroll through the pages, perhaps sitting in your garden, and bump into interesting stuff you probably would not have expected. That will help your progress considerably.)

What function does a tag cloud serve? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I see them all the time and always ignore them. Can someone explain to me why they have become so prevalent? If I'm using a site that allows me to explore it via tags (e.g., this one,, etc.) that's what I will do. Why would I need a "cloud" of tags upon which to click? I can just type that tag(s) into a search box. What am I missing?
It's more of a browse assist than a search assist. If you see a large or bold tag in a tag cloud that interests you it my lead to some knowledge discovery that wouldn't have otherwise been sought out with a deliberate search. When I am browsing or stackoverflow I appreciate the tags as they sometimes lead me to discover related topics.
Wikipedia has an interesting definition:
A tag cloud or word cloud (or weighted list in visual design) is a visual depiction of user-generated tags, or simply the word content of a site, used typically to describe the content of web sites. Tags are usually single words and are typically listed alphabetically, and the importance of a tag is shown with font size or color. 1 Thus both finding a tag by alphabet and by popularity is possible. The tags are usually hyperlinks that lead to a collection of items that are associated with a tag.
It's a easy mechanism to determine which tags are most popular or how dense that tag is populated ( amount of tags).
It's just a intuative interface, I'm fairly certain that's one of the bigger reason's why they are so popular, that and they are very Web 2.0 also.
Why would I need a "cloud" of tags upon which to click? I can just type that tag(s) into a search box. What am I missing?
How do you know what tags are available to type without a lot of trial and error? Even if you know what tags are available, how do you know which are most popular without a bunch more trial and error?
The thing that makes a tag cloud really useful (at least a well implemented tag cloud IMO) is the ability to drill into a topic deeper and deeper.
For example, I could click "Topic A" and then I can see the items in the tag cloud for all tags within the "Topic A" items. I can then drill into one of those sub topic and narrow the items even further.
The stackoverflow tag cloud doesn't do this (which is too bad), but if it did, I could click something like "visualstudio" to drill into the threads tagged visualstudio then click "" to drill into that, then "javascript". The end result would be a list of all items tagged all three "visualstudio", "" and "javascript". This is where a tag cloud becomes really useful. Unfortunately, not all tag clouds work this way (but IMO they should).
Because searching for php is not the same as viewing all posts that the owner has tagged as php. Try it.
It helps you understand the focus of the page or site that you're looking at. What topics being discussed the most? What kinds of information will I find here?
If you search for something related to Java and land on two sites, one with a tag cloud showing 'Java' is prominent, and one where Java is almost invisible but 'C#' is prominent it's pretty easy to quickly decide which site is most valuable to you.
Tags give a way of explicitly labelling something with what it is about instead of relying on computers to extract this information.
For example, you might be interested in on questions about stackoverflow. If you search for "stackoverflow" you will get all kinds of questions that are not about stackoverflow at all (e.g. they only contain the word "stackoverflow" because there is some link to another question). By selecting questions that are tagged with "stackoverflow" you get only those post that people have explicitly identified as being about stackoverflow.