Customize basic search form and provide appropriate search results - sugarcrm

In basic search form I have included checkboxes to detect duplicates on name & phone number.
How shall i proceed further.I have included fields on /custom/modules/Contacts/metadata/SearchFields.php and searchdefs.php.
Please help.

SugarCRM's Basic and Advanced Search field arrnagements can (and should) be configured using the Studio Tool. Log in as a System Administrator, click the Admin link in the top right corner and find the link for Studio
Within Studio, navigate to the module you're like to configure, go into Layouts, then Search, then Basic Search. The screen arrangement can be configured using drag-and-drop 'bricks' to represent the fields. All database fields for the module can be added to the Basic or Advanced search filters.
The screen can be configured using code, but I don't see why you would opt to do that. If you do, though, be sure to clear your cache using Repair and Rebuild or by enabling Developer Mode in the System Settings.


SharePoint Online Change the look Theme not working

I am working with a site using the Microsoft Developer Program. I am able to use the new Change the look feature on modern Communication sites to adjust the theme.
I created a theme using Powershell
I created a Communicators site and selected the Custom theme and used a PowerShell cmdlet to set that site as the homepage. I am still able to change the theme on that site by going to Settings > Change the look > Theme. The default and custom theme appear in the menu to select.
I attempted to follow the instructions on creating a Site Design to test out the feature of potentially exploring site designs. I ran into some issues of the feature I was attempting to use was not supported yet. I did not create any site designs. I use the Get_SPOSiteDesign cmdlet and nothing is returned.
I then created another communications site. I was just going to build these one at a time since Site designs did not meet my goal. I wanted to change the theme to the Custom theme, I go to Settings > Change the look > Theme and it closes the Change the look menu in the panel and returns me to the Settings panel.
I am able to go to Settings > Change the look > Header, Navigation and Footer successfully. Only the Theme option causes this error. I am unable to change the theme.
I used a PowerShell cmdlet to ensure the themes were not hidden, Set-SPOHideDefaultThemes $false. This is set.
I then created a second, third a fourth Communications site (using the Topic, Showcase and Blank designs) and the same error above occurs not being able to access the theme menu.
I then created a Team site. I am able to access the Theme and change to the Custom theme or one of the default selections.
I need help as to why new Communication sites I create in my environment will not allow me to access the theme menu, but homesites and team site do allow this. What do I need to do to correct this?
I too am coming across the same issue. I have attempted it in difference browsers and in incognito to verify it wasn't an extension or browser specific issue. Have you discovered a resolution or opened a ticket yet?
We have the same issue on our tenant and have opened a ticket a MS support. They confirmed that this a bug and are going to solve it.
For now we have a workaround via PNP Powershell.
When you set the theme first via Set-PnPWebTheme -Theme "Custom Theme", the option to modify the theme via the browser works again.

How do I publish just 1 HTML file in author instance of aem server?

I want to create a simple HTML file
in the author instance in the aem server and publish it. How should I publish it - either through the UI or command-line is fine?
Two options for easier, to handle from browser itself,
1) Go to tree activation page and select the page path which you want to activate and click on the Activate button use the check boxes ( Only Modified, Only Activated, Ignore Deactivated) according to your need,
2) Go to crx/de console select the page that you want to activate under the content node. use the right side Replication Tab Replicate button to replicate the node.
Note that when using this node level replicate action you need to
activate all the child/individual nodes that are required to your page
There are several other ways of doing replication by code, CURL, etc. as which one to use depends on your comfort levels.
package manager Image
Simplest ways are already mentioned above but i am mentioning one more way .
check it out if you are more comfortable with it.
You can replicate it or publish your file using Package manager.
1.Goto http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr
2.Goto your package[/content/1.html] and edit it.
3.Save it and choose the replicate option under the more tab.
In the page side kick, you click on properties then "activate"

Is there a way in (DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing) to write protect a paragraph?

I understand you can protect the whole document with something like this: myDocument.ExtendedFilePropertiesPart.Properties.DocumentSecurity= new DocumentSecurity("4");
Is there a way to do the same, but to just a single paragraph ?
-thanks in advance
Yes, although I'm on a mobile device and can't check the exact syntax at the moment. But you can find it, yourself.
Start a new document, fairly simple content. In the Word application go to the Developer tab. There's a group/button "Restrict Editing" / "Protect document" (depending on the version of Word). That displays a task pane where you can define the kind of restriction. Select everything BUT the paragraph, then from Step 2 choose "Read-only" (or something like that - not protect for comments or form fields). Make the selection editable for "everyone". In the next step, activate the protection.
Once you have this working, open the document in the Open XML SDK Productivity Tool and you can inspect the underlying Word Open XML syntax. Plus, if you're using the SDK (that's not clear from your question) it will also show you the code for generating the document.

add functionality layer to AtTask by plug-in on Internet Explorer

I would like to add functionality to the AtTask system by "adding a layer".
What I want to know is whether this can be achieved with a plug-in for Internet Explorer.
To give a concrete example:
This extra layer would allow users to click on "Online Edit" document (which is not available right now). The linked application will open, and when you click save, the file is loaded back to AtTask.
All this happens in the background via the AtTask API, and is transparent to the user.
The question is: is it possible to add functionality to a site by somehow adding layers?
Last comment: this plug-in (or whatever needs to be installed inbto the browser) will only be visible/active when accesing the AtTask website.
Thanks in advance for your responses.
Within the confines of AtTask your best bet is to use an "External Page" create a service that handles the data in the manner you need.
The Dashboard that contains your External Page can be added as a tab via Layout Templates.
Most of the heavy lifting would have to be handled by your application. You would have to link the document(s) you wish to edit.
Some sort of referrer would be necessary to place the revised document back into AtTask. The method in which the client can do this would be determined by your preference and requirements. I am sure you can find some sort of Wiz-Bang jQuery uploader.
Depending on the level of control you have with your user base, you could make an Application URL
Windows : Registering an Application to a URI Scheme
OS X : Launching Scripts from Webpage Links
I do not know of any other way to handle this other than what Steve suggested.
Having said that a possible solution to this is to create a new application and iframe in AtTask.
At the top or wherever on the page your application could have a link for "Online Edit". Then you would use javascript to extract the task id, project id or any other needed information you need for the api to get the needed content to edit. Then save using the same api information.
I have not tried this type of method but theoretically it could work.

Eclipse: search text in documentation pane

Is there a way to search for text in the documentation pane of Eclipse?
E.g. see the attached screenshot showing some Android SDK documentation:
and see this screenshot showing the Search menu:
I can't see how you can do a search. And Cmd F doesn't seem to do anything either.
This is basically a web browser pane. Sadly it is quite limited in functionality, you can't search within the view (and of course not within the documentation database instead of the currently shown document).
So the work around is to open the document in a complete, external browser. In this case it is easy to find the document ( but sometimes it might be annoying to find the URL as this limited web browser view doesn't even tell it to you or gives you a possibility to get it.
If it was about site search and not searching withing the page and if the site doesn't offer a site search (this one does) then of course you can use Google with a parameter; similar for other search engines.