Task which need to be reviewed on priority basis - formsflow.ai

How come the reviewer know the task is of high priority? Is there any provision for the client to inform the reviewer that the form need to review soon.
Also how the client came to know that the application submitted is rejected/returned?

The client as a user isn't actually the one who should be setting the task as high priority. It should be either a admin user/ another reviewer user who is supposed to assign whether a task is of high priority or not. It can be done by setting Due dates in task details section to signify the task is of high priority and should be completed quickly.
To answer the second question, the client can know the application status by checking the application history tab and understand the progress of their application.


How to make a deployment with different parallel approvals?

I want to make a pipeline (or azure workflow of any kind) that deploys a snapshot of my software to somewhere for User Acceptance Tests, then having people approve this User Acceptance Test and after successful approvals deploy the very same snapshot to the final production place.
Having "Approvals & Checks" configured for an environment and making a YAML-Pipeline with a "Production"-Stage which is assigned to that environment solves the problem.
But only if I had one group of approvers.
In my case there need to be 3 groups of approvers with different rules each that should be able to have their approval process at the same time (to make it as fast as possible):
Change Advisory Board when one more than 50% of the assigned Change Advisory Board members give approval
Tech Review when anyone of the assigned people gives approval
Design Review when anyone of the assigned people gives approval
Any idea how to do that?

Tracking in progress cadence workflow by client

Let's say we need to generate the order after the user finalized his/her cart.
This is our steps to generate order:
generate an order in pending state (order microservice)
authorize user's credit(accounting microservice)
set status of the cart to closed(cart microservice)
approve the order (order microservice)
To do this we simply create a cadence workflow that calls to an activity for each step.
problem1: how the client can detect that the order creation is in progress for that cart if the user opens the cart again or refresh the page?
(Note: assume our workflow is not executed by the worker yet)
My Solution for problem 1: create order and change its status to pending before running the workflow, so for the next requests, the client knows that the order is in pending status. but what happens if order creation was successful, but start workflow failed? it's not transactional (order creation and workflow run)
If this solution is your solution also and you accept its risk, tell me please. I'm new to cadence.
Problem 2: How to inform the client after the workflow has done and the order is ready?
Any solution or article or help, please?
Problem 1 : There are multiple solutions to consider:
1.1 Add a step in the workflow to change the order to pending state, before calling order microservice, instead of doing it outside of workflow. It will save you from the issue of consistency, you can add retry in the workflow to make sure the state are eventually consistent.
1.2 Add a query method to query the workflow state, and User/UI can make queryWorkflow call to retrieve the workflow state to see the order status.
1.3 Put the state into SearchAttribute of the workflow, and User/UI can make describeWorkflow call to get the state
1.4. After https://github.com/uber/cadence/issues/3729 is implemented, you can use memo instead of SearchAttribute like 1.3
Comparison: 1.1 is the choice if you think order storage is the source of truth of order state, 1.2~1.4 will make workflow become source of truth. It really depends on how you want to design the system architecture.
1.2 may not be a good choice if User/UI expects low latency. Because QueryCall may take a few seconds to return.
1.3~1.4 will be much more performant/fast. It only requires Cadence server make a DB call to get the workflow state.
1.3 has another benefit if you have Advanced visibility enabled with ElasticSearch+Kafka setup -- you can search/filter/count workflows by order states. But the limitation of 1.3 is that you should only put very small data like a string/integer, not a blob of state.
The benefit of 1.4 is that you could put a blob of state.
To prevent user finalizing a cart multiple times:
When starting workflow, use a stable workflowID associated to the cart. So that you can call describeWF before allowing them to finalize/checkout a cart. The workflow is persisted once the StartWF req is accepted.
If there is an active workflow(not failed/completed/timeouted), it means the cart is pending. For example if a cart uses a UUID, then you can use that UUID+prefix to make workflowID. Cadence guarantees workflowID uniqueness so there will be no race condition of starting two workflows for the same cart. If a checkout failed then a user can submit the checkout workflow again.
Problem 2 : It depends on what you want by "inform". The term inform sounds like asynchronous notification. If that's the case you can have another activity to send the notification to another microservice, or send a signal to another workflow that need the notification.
If here you means synchronous manner like showing on a WebUI, then it can be solved the same way as in the solutions I mentioned for problem 1.

Can SonarQube notification email quantity be reduced via batching?

We've been doing a bunch of bulk fixing of issues in our codebase (deprecated code usage, mostly) and every time the analysis kicks off next, everyone gets 10-100-1000 individual emails detailing the status changes that occurred.
Is there any way to consolidate all this information into a single email so users don't end up being unable to tell what's going on due to sheer bulk of repetitive information?
I really don't want to have to turn off the notification emails and implement my own email mechanism if I've just missed a setting or plugin somewhere.
You can change the user notification subscriptions. Here are the different notifications a SonarQube can set in 6.7:
Background tasks in failure on my administered projects
Changes in issues assigned to me
New quality gate status
Issues resolved as false positive or won't fix
New issues
My new issues
Either keep only “My new issues” or unassign issues that will not be fixed by the author.
There's an issue that is linked to the problem raised. Feel free to vote for it.

Sparx EA - How to capture event (e.g. status change)

Is there an automated way to detect when a requirement's status is set to 'Approved'? The business need is to alert an external app each time a requirement is approved.
One option is to to build an add-in for Enterprise Architect. I wrote some articles about that subject that should help you get started.
In this add-in you can implement the "events" EA_ConContextItemChanged to capture the status before it was changed and EA_OnNotifyContextItemModified to compare it with the previously captured status.
It might be possible that you can also use workflow scripts, but I'm not sure (nobody really uses that).

Bittorrent sync approval process not working properly

I created a link to share a folder, deselecting the option that peers I invite must be approved on this device.
The other person used the link, and received a message that the "Sender needs to approve access to this folder based on these identity details".
My bittorrent sync window isn't showing me anything to indicate that someone is waiting on approval. I've never shared a folder via a link before (always just used keys directly on previous versions), so I have no idea how the program is supposed to prompt me for approval, and I can't find any documentation indicating how this prompt would be provided.
So there seem to be two problems here:
1. Even though I said the link doesn't require approval, they are being told that it does.
2. I don't have any way to approve it.
What's going on here? How do I fix this?
The most common cause of this is one of the systems having clock time out of sync too much, usually resetting your computers time using an online time server resolves it.