Unset relative date format for GTK Open/Save dialog - gtk

Is there a possibility to teach the GTK dialogs of my system, that they should not show 'Wednesday' for a files last-change date field, but instead always the concrete date in 'dd.mm.yyyy HH:MM' form, or anything similar, which does not force me to calculate by myself which date the last change was?


LibreOffice : how shall I change the names of the weekdays in date format

In LibreOffice, I wish to change the weekdays names to have something shorter.
In French, the date format "ddd dd/mm/yy" applied to today 2021-08-17 gives : "mar. 17/08/21". I would prefer "ma 17/08/21" to have narrower columns.
So I wish to change the existing weekdays names "lun., mar., mer., jeu., even., sam., dim." to something shorter : "lu, ma, me, je, ve, sa, di", through the format used by LibreOffice.
I played with French locales (Swiss French, etc.) but it is not satisfactory. I tried to change the list for the sort but it has no effect on the date format.
Is it possible to change the list LibreOffice uses for the weekdays ? How shall I proceed ?
You cannot do this with normal formatting (unless you require a change to the national date standard).
However, you can easily get the desired date representation using the TEXTE() and REGEX() functions.
=REGEX(TEXT(A1;"OOO JJ/MM/AA");"(..)([^\.]*\.)(.+)";"$1$3";"g")
Or shorter notation using LEFT() (GAUCHE()):
Remember to check that the cell format is French, otherwise you will get an error (not every language uses O-J-A characters)

12h cycle AM/PM in Fluid

In TYPO3 I am using the News Extension to create an Event. In my List view I am using the following code snippet to show the End Time of the Event.
<f:format.date format=" - %H:%M Uhr">{newsItem.eventEnd}</f:format.date>
Which results in " - 20:00 Uhr" (German Language, hence the "Uhr").
I want a Format that switches that time to " - 08:00 PM" for the English translation, I am assuming that is not possible in Fluid since my searches have no result. Is there any workaround?
You can put your format into a locallang file. There it's possible to change the format related to the language.
<f:format.date format="{f:translate(key:'dateFormat')}">{newsItem.eventEnd}</f:format.date>
The date format viewhelper uses the same format as the default PHP date and strftime functions, so anything you can use %I:%M %p to get 08:00 PM. See http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php and http://php.net/strftime for more about this.

Qt5: date format MMM, in Spanish, remove point

In Qt5, the MMM format, which displays the month name in a short format (e.g., "Dec" instead of "12" or "December"), when using it for the Spanish locale, shows the abbreviated month name with a dot at the end, for example, for, "25th December 2016", in MMM/dd/yyyy format, shows "Dic./25/2016".
The problem is when editing. For displaying a date, it's ok, since it's what the Spanish rules say, but it isn't suitable for editing. I'm forced to position the cursor just after the point, at the end of the month part, to delete the point, and then, the rest of the month name. If I try to put the cursor just before the point, to edit just the month name part, the field is in "read-only" mode. I can't not remove anything, unless I remove everything from the very right of the line and back, character to character (or just selecting the whole month part and remove everything).
Besides, the point is not autocompleted. So, if the user writes the new month forgetting the dot, the edition is rejected and fall backs to the original value.
Taking all of it into account, editing a QDateEdit is a bit cumbersome (in Spanish).
I don't know if it is the built-in QDateEdit behaviour, or internally it is using a QRegExpValidator, but in that case, I don't know what it's the regexp expression, to personalize it from it.
In short, how can I "solved" it? (the cumbersome edition; it's ok for me both, removing the dot, or changing the validation).
The Qt 5 behavior is correct and there's nothing Qt can do (or should do). The only correct and acceptable short name of December in a es_ES locale is "dic.", trailing dot included. That's what CLDR says:

Raw Excel Data contains different Date formats

I have huge amounts of raw data that are separated by columns. All is well when i import these to Matlab except for the fact that I just saw that the excel files contains different formats for the dates.
One series (i.e 3 days, 1 row or each hour gets 3x24 rows) have its' dates in the format "mm/dd/yyyy" which neither excel or matlab recognizes as proper dates.
I've tried solving this problem in different ways. First i tried to just highlight the cells and use the function format cells, but this didn't work since excel doesn't see them as 'cells' but rather as 'text'.
Then i tried the Text to columns function which didn't work either (delimited or fixed width).
Im really stuck and would appreciate some help with this.
In Excel:
If cell A1 has a string like mm/dd/yyyy then try this:
=DATE(RIGHT(A1,4), LEFT(A1,2), MID(A1,4,2))
In Matlab:
=datenum(yourDateString, 'mm/dd/yyyy')
Select the desired range to fix and use this script:
Sub bulk_Date_fix()
on error resume next
Set d_ranged = Selection
For Each a In d_ranged
a.Value = Split(a.Value, "/")(0) & "/" & Split(a.Value, "/")(1) & "/" & Split(a.Value, "/")(2)
on error goto 0
End Sub
How it works: The above script loops through all the cells in the selected area and splits out the various attributes of a date based on the "/" symbol.
I examined your file and you will need to go back to the source data to straighten this out. Instead of "opening" the file in Excel, you will need to IMPORT the file. When you do that, the text import wizard will open, and you can then designate the date column as being of the format DMY (or whatever format is being generated by the source).
The problem is that there is a mismatch between the format of the file, and your Windows Regional Short date format. If you look at Row 229, you will see that real dates are present, but out of sequence with the rest.
Excel parses dates being input according to the Windows Regional Short Date settings. If the date doesn't make sense, according to that parsing (e.g. month > 12) , Excel will interpret the date as a string; if the date does make sense, it will be interpreted as a date in accordance with that windows regional date component order, and this will be different from what is intended.
So the first few hundred dates are strings, but at line 229, the date, which is probably meant to be 12 OCT 2014, gets changed to 10 DEC 2014. This will happen in other areas where that value in the 2nd position is 12 or less.
EDIT: I am not certain of the variabilities inherent in using XL on the MAC. In the Windows version of XL, the "text import" feature is on the Data Ribbon / Get External Data Tab:
When you click on that and open a text file, you will see the Text Import Wizard, and when you get to Step 3, you will be able to specify the text format of the data to be imported:

MakeInstant from Text doesn't work - Argument to MakeInstant should have a different form

I've been playing with MIT AppInventor and attempted to calculate a duration between two dates.
I take date values from two text fields. Clock.MakeInstant says it's only able to accept dates in MM/DD/YYYY format so I was careful to do that. Still, when I attempt to feed them into MakeInstant it always pops the same message about being able to only accept MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss or MM/DD/YYYY or hh:mm. I printed entered text values before passing them to MakeInstant to confirm that they are not somehow corrupted and they are fine -- each just a date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
I have no idea what else to try. As far as I can tell I followed the instructions to the letter. Any examples on how to pass a date as text to Clock.MakeInstant?
see this screenshot source: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/app-inventor-shared-utilities-repository/3bA4wczU9pU/discussion