12h cycle AM/PM in Fluid - date

In TYPO3 I am using the News Extension to create an Event. In my List view I am using the following code snippet to show the End Time of the Event.
<f:format.date format=" - %H:%M Uhr">{newsItem.eventEnd}</f:format.date>
Which results in " - 20:00 Uhr" (German Language, hence the "Uhr").
I want a Format that switches that time to " - 08:00 PM" for the English translation, I am assuming that is not possible in Fluid since my searches have no result. Is there any workaround?

You can put your format into a locallang file. There it's possible to change the format related to the language.
<f:format.date format="{f:translate(key:'dateFormat')}">{newsItem.eventEnd}</f:format.date>

The date format viewhelper uses the same format as the default PHP date and strftime functions, so anything you can use %I:%M %p to get 08:00 PM. See http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php and http://php.net/strftime for more about this.


How to set default parameter as 7 days ago to different date format on ssrs

I have default parameter and this parameter shows me 7 days ago with the expression below:
=DateAdd("d",-7,CDate(Format(Today(), "MM/dd/yyyy")))
But my report just running without error while the customer using "MM/dd/yyyy" time format.
Is there a way to use this parameter ALSO with "dd/MM/yyyy" format?
I would like to set a parameter to show 7 days ago but ı would like to use this parameter with both time format.
Don't use the Format. Just put =DateAdd("d",-7,Today()). It will automatically take the Format according to System's format.
Firstly, the format part of your expression is redundant and misleading - don't use it
Secondly, you don't have any choice of how SSRS displays it's datepickers. It shows american format only (M/d/Y)
A date is a value and values do not have a format. A date is displayed and has to be entered in a format that depends on the language settings of your browser. Using a date picker, you even don't have to care about the input format. So, just use an expression that calculates the desired value:

$Date.Format on Silverstripe 4 Template

I have a date in the database with this format "YY-mm-dd". On the template I want it in this format: dd.mm.YY
Usually it would work with $date.Format('d.m.Y')
But not in Silverstripe 4. It converts from 2018-05-08 to 8.0.2018. Only the year is correct. Was there a change. I didn't find anything in the Documentation
Date formats in SS4 were changed from PHP date formatting to CLDR date formatting (changelog link):
Changed Format() method to use CLDR format strings, rather than PHP format string. E.g. d/m/Y H:i:s (php format) should be replaced with to dd/MM/y HH:mm:ss (CLDR format).
You can use this to achieve what you want:
The guide mentioned in the previous answer regarding date formatting has moved. The new location for CLDR date formatting as used by Silverstripe 4 can be found here:

How to format short german day names with TYPO3 fluid viewhelpers and strftime?

strftime returns only three letter weekday abbreviations, like "Thu". In german, that doesn't make any sense, it's Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So, not "Fre"...
How do I set
<f:format.date format="%A, %d.%m.%Y">{item.date}</f:format.date>
So that it appears correctly with the german locale?
Just split it up and crop it separately...
<f:format.crop append="" maxCharacters="2"><f:format.date format="%A">{item.date}</f:format.date></f:format.crop> <f:format.date format="%d.%m.%Y">{item.date}</f:format.date>
Use only D in format. it's display only three letters. Like below
<f:format.date format="D">{item.date}</f:format.date>

Displaying Date and Time in Codesys

I am trying to display system time in Codesys Visualization.
I am using "#dt" to get the time and displaying it in Text field using
%t[ddd MMM dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss] place holder.
I want to get display the local time. But I am getting in 'UTC' time stander.
What I should do to get the local time?
I am not sure if the #dt is really necessary. I just typed the expression %t[ddd MMM dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss] in the Text field of a rectangle object and it displays your PC's local time.
CodeSYS2 %t%a %b %d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S

MakeInstant from Text doesn't work - Argument to MakeInstant should have a different form

I've been playing with MIT AppInventor and attempted to calculate a duration between two dates.
I take date values from two text fields. Clock.MakeInstant says it's only able to accept dates in MM/DD/YYYY format so I was careful to do that. Still, when I attempt to feed them into MakeInstant it always pops the same message about being able to only accept MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss or MM/DD/YYYY or hh:mm. I printed entered text values before passing them to MakeInstant to confirm that they are not somehow corrupted and they are fine -- each just a date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
I have no idea what else to try. As far as I can tell I followed the instructions to the letter. Any examples on how to pass a date as text to Clock.MakeInstant?
see this screenshot source: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/app-inventor-shared-utilities-repository/3bA4wczU9pU/discussion