Customize ZSH Prompt with Virtual Environment Name and Current Branch - virtualenv

I'd like to customize my ZSH-prompt such that it displays the name of my current pipenv virtual environment (or nothing if no virtual environment is activated) followed by the path of the current working directory and the name of the git branch I'm working on (or, once again, nothing if git doesn't run). Thus, it should look like this:
(name of virtual environment) path (name of current branch) >
I managed to get git branch information with vcs_info by modifying ~/.zshrc as follows:
# Load version control information
autoload -Uz vcs_info
precmd() { vcs_info }
# Format the vcs_info_msg_0_ variable
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats '(%b)'
# Set up the prompt (with git branch name)
PROMPT='%n in ${PWD/#$HOME/~} ${vcs_info_msg_0_} > '
Running source ~/.zshrc makes my prompt appear like this:
path (name of current branch) >
How can I complete my script with the current virtual environment information? Or should I choose another way altogether? Thanks for your help.


Show current branch on terminal

Is there any way to show in Terminal of VS Code to show in brackets current branch? I saw it somewhere but not sure how it can be done. By some extension or whatever..
C:/myUser/project> git status
I would like to see it something like:
C:/myUser/project>(master) git status
Open zshrc file
open ~/.zshrc
Add this text in the end of zshrc file
autoload -Uz vcs_info
precmd() { vcs_info }
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats 'on branch %b'
PROMPT='%n in ${PWD/#$HOME/~} ${vcs_info_msg_0_} > '
Source zshrc file
source ~/.zshrc
For Linux Terminal
You can modify the PS1 variable. PS1 is a Bash Environment Variable that represents the primary prompt string which is displayed when the shell is ready.
You can achieve your result by modifying this variable with a script.
First, get the output of your current value of the variable by running
$ echo $PS1
Sample output:[\u#\h \W]$
Now you save the following code in a bash file(Remember to replace the initial string of export PS1 with the output of the above command).
source ~/.bashrc
get_cur_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'
export PS1="[\u#\h \W]\$(get_cur_branch)\$ "
Let's say path of the file is "/home/samar/Documents/"
Now change your VS code settings by adding the following lines in 'settings.json'
"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.linux": [
Now each time you open a new terminal in VS code, script file "" will execute and you get the desired output.
For Windows-Powershell
The solution above works well for the Linux terminal. But if you want to do it for another command-line shell-like Powershell, you can change the 'setting.json' to
"": [
"-Command", "c:/scripts/myscript.ps1"
where 'myscript.ps1' must have a function 'prompt' definition to add git branch to your prompt.
You can refer this question for your 'myscript.ps1' code.
You don't need to change 'Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1'. Defining it in another file works too.
I hope it helps.

Why is fish not using my file?

I have the following file located in ~/.config/fish/
abbr -a gco 'git checkout'
But when I am in the terminal, I can use gco. Can I just create any .fish files in the fish config folder and they should be automatically loaded?
Can I just create any .fish files in the fish config folder and they should be automatically loaded?
You can create function files in ~/.config/fish/functions (these should contain the function they are named after, and are only loaded when that function is about to be executed).
In fish >= 2.3.0, you can put arbitrary files that will be sourced on startup into ~/.config/fish/conf.d/. The only restriction is that the name has to end in ".fish".

how to alias the current folder

How can I alias the output of this command?
[basename "$PWD"]
I basically want to be able to to do
git browse [basename "$PWD"]
You can run this directly: git browse "$(basename $PWD)"
Or, you could alias it:
alias browsepwd='git browse "$(basename "$PWD")"'
Or, you could write a bash function
function bnpwd() {
basename $PWD
Then you can run git browse "$(bnpwd)".
Or any combination of the above ;)
I'm not familiar with git browse, but I suspect what you want is this:
git browse .
Your original concept seems a little flawed to me for this reason - suppose my git repository is in /usr/local/projects/widgets. If I cd /usr/local/projects/widgets, then $PWD will be /usr/local/projects/widgets, and basename $PWD will report widgets. Unless my project has a subdirectory widgets, git browse $(basename $PWD) probably isn't right, and even if such a subdirectory does exist, I would guess the result wouldn't be exactly what is expected. On the other hand, depending on exactly git browse does with its arguments, git browse . is probably essentially equivalent to git browse $PWD. They at least reference the same directory.

Github-plugin for Jenkins get committer and author name

If I understand well, git plugin exposes committer and author names and emails to environmental variables GIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_COMMITTER_NAME, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL and GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL based on the global configuration of git. Is there a way to get that info using Github-plugin? Does Github-plugin exposes payload info, getting from github-webhook, to environmental variables or to something else?
In reality these variables are available just when you overwrite the Author Name and Author Email on the Advanced features of the SCM configuration.
"Additional Behaviours" -> "Custom user name/email address"
This is described on the source code:
Solution: In order to retrieve the author name and email I suggest scripting this:
GIT_NAME=$(git --no-pager show -s --format='%an' $GIT_COMMIT)
GIT_EMAIL=$(git --no-pager show -s --format='%ae' $GIT_COMMIT)
Being $GIT_COMMIT the SHA1 commit id.
You can use this workaround in your scripted pipeline file:
script: "git --no-pager show -s --format='%ae'",
returnStdout: true
You can try for below command, it worked for me:
git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%ae'
You need check who is contributing this variables, github plugin only triggers git build that runs Git SCM (that is git-plugin). This variables probably injected by git-plugin.

Setting SVN username (Author Name in Eclipse) when using svn+ssh

When I commit changes in Eclipse, svn records my author name as the one that I entered the first time I committed changes in Eclipse (Alok). By author name, I mean the name that shows up when you run "svn log" or "svn blame".
However, when I commit changes from the command line, the Author Name is set to the username that I use to ssh to the repository (svnadmin). Is there a way to set the equivalent of Author Name/svn username independently of the ssh username from the command line when using svn+ssh? I have tried
svn --username Alok ci
but the username in this case is ignored, and the change is attributed to svnadmin.
It is by design that you cannot change the username for svn+ssh. If you could, you would be able to fake somebody else as the committer - when the SSH key would normally clearly identify yourself as the committer.
So if you want different committer names to show up with svn+ssh, you need to change something on the server:
Create separate remote users, and put your key into the authorized_keys file for the user you want to appear as committer. Alternatively,
Put command= lines into the authorized_keys file of the svnadmin user. The command should read /usr/bin/svnserve -t --tunnel-user Alok; optionally also with a --root option.
One workaround is to first enable editing of revision tags by putting a shell script like the following in hooks/pre-revprop-change
if [ "$PROPNAME" = "svn:log" ]; then exit 0; fi
if [ "$PROPNAME" = "svn:author" ]; then exit 0; fi
exit 1
Then, after the commit you can change the svn:author with
svn propset --revprop -r1234 svn:author Alok
This does not explain how eclipse is able to set svn:author at commit time without having a pre-revprop-change hook. This solution is a little unsatisfying because it allows any user to change the svn:author of any commit, it would be nice to know what eclipse is actually doing.