Why is fish not using my abbreviations.fish file? - fish

I have the following abbreviations.fish file located in ~/.config/fish/abbreviations.fish
abbr -a gco 'git checkout'
But when I am in the terminal, I can use gco. Can I just create any .fish files in the fish config folder and they should be automatically loaded?

Can I just create any .fish files in the fish config folder and they should be automatically loaded?
You can create function files in ~/.config/fish/functions (these should contain the function they are named after, and are only loaded when that function is about to be executed).
In fish >= 2.3.0, you can put arbitrary files that will be sourced on startup into ~/.config/fish/conf.d/. The only restriction is that the name has to end in ".fish".


vscode: how to setup a workspace by providing a master file list?

Some IDEs support a feature usually called "master filelist", that the user provides a simple text file containing all files for a project, thus the IDE only parses the listed files.
Is it possible with vscode workspace? Note that I am aware of the "Exclude" feature of vscode, but it is not convenient for my use case.
After trying many methods (all in vain), I came up with the following workaround: make symlinks to all files in the master filelist.
Suppose that the files in the filelist (${ABS_INCLUDE}) are with absolute pathes, and suppose they share a root directory (which can be always true), then first create a dedicated root directory (SYM_ROOT_DIR) for vscode workspace, and then create symlinks for each files under the new root directory, e.g.,
mkdir -p ${SYM_ROOT_DIR}
while IFS= read -r line
OLD_DIR=$(dirname "$line")
BASENAME=$(basename "$line")
SYM_DIR=$(echo "${OLD_DIR}" | sed "s#${ABS_ROOT_DIR}#${SYM_ROOT_DIR}#")
mkdir -p ${SYM_DIR}
ln -s ${line} ${SYM_DIR}/${BASENAME}
done < ${ABS_INCLUDE}

Winrar CommandLine & Powershell : Exclude Full Directory Path Structure

Suppose I have a directory structure like
I want to rar archive the abc folder so that the structure of rar is:
When I try using powershell to archive, winrar replicates the full path inside the archive, like:
I dont want the full path to be created inside the archive
Here's the script:
What am I doing wrong?
Use the command line:
Rar.exe a -r -ep1 Test.rar "C:\Users\Desktop\abc"
Rar.exe is the console version of WinRAR stored in same directory as WinRAR.exe. You can use this command line also with WinRAR.exe if you want to see the compression process in a graphic window.
a is the command and means add files to archive.
-r is a switch to recursively add all files and subdirectories including empty subdirectories to the archive.
-ep1 is another switch which results in execluding base directory.
For this command line the base directory is "C:\Users\Desktop\" and therefore the created archive Test.rar contains only abc and all files and subdirectories in directory abc which is what you want.
One more hint: Using the command line
Rar.exe a -r -ep1 Test.rar "C:\Users\Desktop\abc\"
results in adding all files and subdirectories of directory abc to the archive, but without directory name abc being also stored in the archive. The backslash at end makes this difference.
In other words: On using switch -ep1 everything up to last backslash in file/directory specification is not added to the archive.
For more information about available switches see the text file Rar.txt in the program files directory of WinRAR.

Is it possible to set output directory for triangle program from triangle package?

I see no way to set destination directory or file here: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/triangle.switch.html
Actually, the program places result file in the same directory, even if current directory is different.
Why? Is ti possible to change?
The output files for the program are generated from the input file names. You can see this from the source code on line 3586
strcpy(b->outnodefilename, b->innodefilename);
strcat(b->outnodefilename, ".node");
strcat(b->outelefilename, ".ele");
Because of that I don't think there is a way to set the output directory as an option. It seems you will need to manually copy the output files to a different directory
cp output.node your/output/dir/output.node && rm output.node

How to create temporary files `.#filename` in `/tmp`, not working directory

When files are being modified in Emacs, a temporary file is created in the working directory that looks like this: .#filename. The file is deleted when the buffer is saved.
I found a few of these types of temporary files in my Git remote repositories, and I thought it might be better to nip the bud at the source instead of configuring Git to ignore them for every project.
How can we configure Emacs to create those files in the /tmp directory instead of the working directory?
The file at issue is called a lock file -- commencing with Emacs version 24.3, it can be controlled with the following setting:
(setq create-lockfiles nil)
These files are auto-save files. The variable auto-save-file-name-transforms controls what modifications to make to the buffer's file name to generate the auto save file name. Usually, the default in file.el will suffice to put all the auto save files in the /tmp directory. It's default value is:
(("\\`/[^/]*:\\([^/]*/\\)*\\([^/]*\\)\\'" "/tmp/\\2" t))
That /tmp comes by reading the variable temporary-file-directory. Check that value so that it points to /tmp. Then, the value constructed for auto-save-file-name-transforms (and hence for the auto save file name) will be correct.
As a more general solution, you could also make a global exclude file, which applies to all repositories locally. By default, this will be in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore (usually ~/.config/git/ignore). The path can be overridden using the core.excludesFile option. See the gitignore manpage for more details.
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/git
$ echo '.#*' >> ~/.config/git/ignore

Capistrano - How to put files in the shared folder?

I am new to Capistranoand I saw there is shared folder and also option :linked_files. I think shared folder is used to keep files between releases. But my question is, how do files end up being in the shared folder?
Also, if I want to symlink another directory to the current directory e.g. static folder at some path, how do I put it at the linked_dirs ?
Lastly how to set chmod 755 to linked_files and linked_dirs.
Thank you.
Folders inside your app are symlinks to folders in the shared directory. If your app writes to log/production.log, it will actually write to ../shared/log/production.log. That's how the files end up being in the shared folder.
You can see how this works by looking at the feature specs or tests in Capistrano.
If you want to chmod these shared files, you can just do it once directly over ssh since they won't ever be modified by Capistrano after they've been created.
To add a linked directory, in your deploy.rb:
set :linked_dirs, %w{bin log tmp/backup tmp/pids tmp/cache tmp/sockets vendor/bundle}
set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs) + %w{public/system}
Capistrano 3.5+
Capistrano 3.5 introduced append for array fields. From the official docs, you should use these:
For Shared Files:
append :linked_files, %w{config/database.yml}
For Shared Directories:
append :linked_dirs, %w{bin log public/uploads vendor/bundle}
I've written a task for Capistrano 3 to upload your config files to the shared folder of each of your servers, it'll check these directories in order:
And upload all config files found. It'll only upload the files if they've changed. Note also that if you have the same file on both directories then the second one will be ignored.
Here's the code: https://gist.github.com/Jesus/448d618c83fb0445ebbf
One last thing, this task is just uploading the config. files to your remote shared folder, you still need to set linked_files in config/deploy.rb, eg:
set :linked_files, %w{config/database.yml config/aws.yml}
If you're using Git, you'll probably want to ignore these files:
echo "config/deploy/config/*" >> .gitignore
There are 3 simple steps you can follow to put a file that you don't want to change in consecutive releases; add your file to linked_files list.
set :linked_files, fetch(:linked_files, []).push('config.php')
Select all the files that you want to share. Put this file from your local to remote server through scp
scp config.php deployer#amazon:~/capistrano/shared/config.php
Now, deploy through the command given below:
bundle exec cap staging deploy
of course, staging can be changed as per requirements may be production,sandbox etc.
One more thing, because you don't want your team members to commit such files. So, put this file to your .gitignore file. And push it to git remote repo.
For Capistrano 3.5+, as specified in official doc :
append :linked_dirs, ".bundle", "tmp"
For me non of the above worked so I ended up adding two functions to the end of the deployment process:
namespace :your_company do
desc "remove index.php"
task :rm_files do
on roles(:all) do
execute "rm -rf #{release_path}/index.php"
namespace :your_company do
desc "add symlink to index.php"
task :add_files do
on roles(:all) do
execute "ln -sf #{shared_path }/index.php #{release_path}/index.php"
after "deploy:finished", "your_company:rm_files"
after "deploy:finished", "your_company:add_files"