Apache httpclient 4.5.2 not sending POST data on retry via ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy - httpclient

I have setup the HttpClient with ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy. I am making a POST call to the server with JSON payload in InputStreamEntity.
When server returns with "503 Service Unavailable" the retry strategy kicks in and makes another request after a delay read from Retry-After header.
I have enabled the logs and what I observe is, in the first request the JSON payload is sent properly. But on the retry request no payload is sent to the server and I am receiving a "400 Bad Request".
I wonder why the payload is not sent on the retry request. In my implementation of ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy I am not messing anything with HttpResponse or HttpContext. Is it because that once the content is read from InputStreamEntity, the Entity looses the data?
Is there anyway to prevent this from happening? Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.

The issue was actually with InputStreamEntity, which is a non-repeatable Entity. This means its content cannot be read more than once. So on retry the original Entity content was lost.
When I use a repeatable Enity like ByteArrayEntity, the issue was solved.


What is the correct way to return a specialized HTTP response?

Let's say that in my RESTful interface I require the client to include some special header, just to indicate it's an authorized client. (Trust me on this; it's a requirement of the project.) If the HTTP request contains an incorrect value in this header, the server needs to send back an HTTP response that the client can recognize that it sent an unsupported value in the header.
What's the appropriate way to send back this information using HTTP?
I could send back a 400 Bad Request response, but how do I tell the client what the problem was exactly? The obvious option is to include some message in the body of the response. But (besides issues of i18n) is it really a good idea for the client to blindly display the contents of an error message?
I could send back a 400 Bad Request response, with a proprietary special header indicating that such-and-such header had the wrong code. This has the benefit that the client can actually process what the error was (as opposed to free text in the content). So does the 400 response then become a catch-all response, with the actual error in some proprietary header? Is this a good general pattern? But that almost suggests...
I could could send back some arbitrary 4XX response that has a proprietary meaning, such as 472 Bad Foo Header Value. Microsoft seems to have gone this route at times. The obvious problem is the possibility of clashes in a future version of HTTP (or with others who have done the same thing).
I suppose I'm leaning more toward 400 Bad Request with a special header indicating the error specialization. Any thoughts or experience with this use case?
If the special header is incorrectly formatted then you could send a
400 Bad request Response indicating that the header is wrong.
However If the sole purpose of the header is authorization and you reject the header, because of invalid value, then I would opt for:
403 - Forbidden, if you want the connection to be refused
401 - Unauthorized, if the client should try to reauthenticate
In the Response phrase you can indicate the reason for refusing the connection.

HTTP status code for an effectless request

I'm designing a small RESTfull API for a media player and encoder. There you can start, pause and stop a stream or recording.
Lets assume the service is idle - theres no encoding activity. Now the client sends a request to the service like
POST media.box/api/stream
This obviously has no effect at the server side but the client should be noticed that theres something wrong with the request.
What HTTP status code is the most suitable for this case?
If you feel that that is an error condition, you should consider returning 422 (Unprocessable Entity). It indicates that the request was received, but a semantic error in the request prevented it from being executed.
The other school of thought is that no-op requests like "stop everything!" when nothing is running should just say "Ok! Nothing is running anymore." and return gracefully. You'll have to decide which is right for your API.

Is there a way to log only REST request bodies that fail with an internal server error in Spring

I am trying to log the request bodies for REST services(POST request body) that fail when there is some kind of internal server error. I don't want to log all the request bodies as that will take a lot of memory on my disc.
The exception is happening somewhere in the dao layer (like a Key constraint or some kind of unhandled exception), where I don't have the access to the entire request.
I tried using some aop advices(after-throws) but I was not able to log the required information.
Can someone suggest an approach that needs to be followed to log the request body.
I use RESTful(javax.ws.rs) webservices.
Since no response was given, I ended up using a filter http://static.springsource.org/spring-framework/docs/3.2.0.M2/api/org/springframework/web/filter/AbstractRequestLoggingFilter.html

POST from WinForms app using HttpWebRequest to webservice doesn't work when sent through Fiddler

I'm using HttpWebRequest in a VB.Net WinForms app to get data from an inhouse webservice. The code I'm using works for both GET and POST when run while Fiddler is not running. If I have Fiddler running the GETs work and are captured but a POST doesn't complete. In this case Fiddler captures the initial request but never gets the response and the application doesn't get a response.
The code builds a HttpWebRequest for the POST setting the appropriate properties, encodes the data to be sent into JSON and then does this.
Using postStream As Stream = webrequestobj.GetRequestStream()
postStream.Write(WebServiceByteData, 0, WebServiceByteData.Length)
End Using
I used WireShark to capture the generated network packets and noticed that when a POST is sent without going through Fiddler the following happens.
When "postStream As Stream = webrequestobj.GetRequestStream()" is executed a packet with all of the header info is sent that includes a "Expect: 100-continue" header but doesn't have the request data.
When the postStrean.Write call is executed an additional packet is sent that has the request data.
With Fiddler running nothing is put on the wire until after the postStream.Write is executed. At that point both the header packet with the "Expect: 100-continue" header and the request data packet are sent back to back before the service has responded with the "100 Continue". I'm guessing that this confuses the webservice as it doesn't expect to get the request data packet yet. It doesn't respond with the requested data.
I used Composer to manually create the request without the "Expect: 100-continue" header. When this is executed the same two packets are generated and the service responds with the expected data.
So, in order to be able to use Fiddler to capture the POST traffic it looks like I need to either be able to tell HttpWebRequest to not issue the "Expect: 100-continue" header (I've looked but haven't found a way to do this) or for Fiddler to handle the packets differently, maybe not sending the second packet until it sees the "100 Continue" response or by stripping out the "Expect: 100-continue" header.
It's possible that I've missed a setup option in Fiddler but nothing I've tried so far makes any difference.
Old question, but the short answer is that the lack of a 100/Continue response shouldn't have mattered at all.
To learn more about Expect: Continue, including how to remove this header if you like, see http://blogs.msdn.com/b/fiddler/archive/2011/11/05/http-expect-continue-delays-transmitting-post-bodies-by-up-to-350-milliseconds.aspx

Best way to return error messages on REST services?

I've been looking at examples of REST API's like Netflix http://developer.netflix.com/docs/REST_API_Reference#0_59705 and Twitter and they seem to place error messages in the statusText header response instead of the responseText. We're developing an internal RESTful api and I am arguing for sending custom statusText messages and ignoring the responseText.
For the scope of our app, we're returning error 400 when the user has tried doing something they aren't supposed to, and the only error messages that will be updated in the UI for the user will be delivered with 400. I am of the belief that the message should be sent as a modified statusText but one of the engineers (who knows a bit less about REST than me) is arguing for sending it in the responseText.
What's the best way to go?
HTTP defines that you should put a descriptive error message in the response entity body, aka responseText.
statusText is not rendered or processed by any client.
I'd use the status text for the error message type, aka 400 Client Error, and the body for a description of the problem that can be rendered to the user, in whatever the format the client may be able to process.
Edit: Note that since then, a new standardised format exists to communicate in a standard fashion error details back to the client, which you can find at https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7807 and which I would recommend.
I think you're right, the general approach is use the existing error mechanism built into HTTP.
In general, try to map your errors to existing HTTP errors, for example if they request something they don't have permission to, return a 403 error.
If they request something that doesn't exist, return a 404.
According to the HTTP specification (rfc2616): "HTTP status codes are extensible"
However I don't think that creating new statuses for every different error message is the correct approach:
I would say choose HTTP Status appropriately (HTTP Status Code Definitions) if you can't find any category which matches your requirement create a custom one (but I'm sure you will) and put error messages in the HTTP response body.
Picking appropriate status code for your responses is extremely important as it is a key enabler of self-descriptive messages.
The entity body should be a representation of the resource's state and ideally contain hyperlinks to available next states in your application
Http Status Codes are pretty self explanatory and should be used as such. Returning 200 OK with validation errors is pretty Soap-y and misleading. Any REST Client implementation 4xx and 5xx errors go into a error block and it really depends on case to case basis if you really want to use the response body for non 2xx responses.