Best way to pass widgets to child widget in flutter - flutter

I'm new to flutter but I have a widget that wraps a custom painter. I am trying to get it to work so I can supply a Widget to this child widget's constructor and then use that widget as the child of the custom painter.
For example:
class MyPainterWrapper extends StatefulWidget {
Widget _childWidget;
State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
return new MyPainterWrapperState(_childWidget);
class MyPainterWrapperState extends State<SceneRender> {
Widget _childWidget;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
CustomPaint(painter: MyPainter(), child: _childWidget)
And in another widget (called testWidget):
bool _answerCorrect = false;
bool _answerInputted = false;
var _msgController = TextEditingController();
FocusNode _answerFieldFocus = new FocusNode();
DictionaryEntry _currentEntry;
void _checkIfCorrect(String answerGiven) {
setState(() {
_answerCorrect = false;
if (_currentEntry.Full_Word == answerGiven)
_answerCorrect = true;
else if (_currentEntry.dictReadings.isNotEmpty) {
for (AlternateDictionaryEntryReading entryReading in _currentEntry
.dictReadings) {
if (entryReading.Alternate_Reading == answerGiven) {
_answerCorrect = true;
_answerInputted = true;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('test'),
body: MyPainterWrapper(Center(Container(Column(children: <Widget>[
if (_answerCorrect && _answerInputted) Text('CORRECT!'),
if (!_answerCorrect && _answerInputted) Text('WRONG:'),
if (_answerInputted)
if (_answerInputted)
for(AlternateDictionaryEntryReading reading in _currentEntry.dictReadings)
constraints: BoxConstraints.expand(
height: 100,
width: 1000
child: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
for (DictionaryTranslation translation in _currentEntry.dictTranslations)
Text('Enter Answer:',),
controller: _msgController,
focusNode: _answerFieldFocus,
onSubmitted: (String value) {
This works to render the first time correctly, but any setState calls from checkIfCorrect from testWidget do not force the child widget to rebuild. I've tried testing it this way and it works, so that leads me to believe that I'm passing the widget incorrectly to have it redrawn via setState
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('test'),
body: CustomPaint(painter: TestPainter(), child: Center(
child: Container(...))

Your MyPainterWrapperState class reads like you are creating a new _childWidget property inside your state (which has a default value of null). You are then using it to initialize a new instance of MyPainterWrapperState, then throwing away the instance of MyPainterWrapper() that you just created.
You're not actually using the stateful part of your stateful widget at all; You're just calling a method that returns something once.
That said, your approach is basically right, but the implementation is off a little.
My advice:
First, you can use named properties to supply constructor arguments to your class. I've made that change in the code snippet shown below.
The State class of a stateful widget supplies a widget property that should be used to reference the properties of the widget that created it. The State widget should also have a solitary initializer that accepts no arguments.
Also good to know is that the State class provides an initState() method that you can override to initialize any class local variables that you declare. This should be used to give a value to your _childWidget property.
Finally, anything you expect to be rebuilt should be inside the MyPainterWrapperState() class. Your SceneRender() method doesn't appear in your code, but you might want to move it into MyPainterWrapperState() if you expect the scene to change based on the value of the child.
I suggest these changes.
Pass arguments to MyPainterWrapper via named arguments.
Remove the argument to MyPainterWrapperState() and reference the child through the widget property supplied to the state.
Initialize _childWidget by overriding initState()
If SceneRender() does anything that depends on the value of _childWidget, move it to the build() method of MyPainterWrapperState().
The Flutter docs are great, and the Flutter team has created a ton of helpful YouTube videos that explain in a couple of minutes examples of how to use dozens of them. For a better understanding of StatefulWidget, you can read about it here.
If you make these changes, your solution would look something like the code snippet below.
Presuming you make those changes, you would alter your call to MyPainterWrapper() to use named properties.
Change this line
body: MyPainterWrapper(Center(Container(Column(children: <Widget>[
To this
body: MyPainterWrapper(child: Center(Container(Column(children: <Widget>[
This won't get you to done, but it will get you closer. I also haven't run this through a compiler, so there are probably errors in the snippet, but this should serve to illustrate the approach.
class MyPainterWrapper extends StatefulWidget {
#required child: this.childWidget,
final Widget childWidget;
// Not sure what this does, but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't
// provide anything into the widget tree.
// If it mutates its arguments, then you might still need it.
// SceneRender([this._childWidget]);
State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
// Note no arguments.
return new MyPainterWrapperState();
class MyPainterWrapperState extends State<MyPainterWrapper> {
// This is an uninitialized variable inside this class.
Widget _childWidget;
// MyPainterWrapperState(this._childWidget);
// Initialize state variables here.
#override initState() {
// Assigns the widget class initializer to your state variable.
_childWidget = widget.childWidget;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
CustomPaint(painter: MyPainter(), child: _childWidget)


Is it possible to share and update one screen's reactive value in another screen without Provider?

So I have this block of code in a widget that navigates to another screen:
class ScreenOne extends StatefulWidget {
const ScreenOne({ super.key });
State<ScreenOne> createState() => _ScreenOneState();
class _ScreenOneState extends State<ScreenOne> {
List<String> state = [''];
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
onPressed: () => Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/screen-two'),
child: Text('Click here.')
class ScreenTwo extends StatelessWidget {
const ScreenTwo({ super.key });
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container();
Basically I need to pass the state variable from ScreenOne to ScreenTwo and then update it there (in ScreenTwo)
ScreenTwo needs to display the same thing as ScreenOne and add() a new item to the state list when some button is clicked which should show on both the screens.
Its just one simple List so I am trying to avoid using provider.
Is it possible to do though?
I'm currently just passing it through the Navigator:
arguments: state,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final List<String> post = ModalRoute.of(context)!.settings.arguments as List<String>;
// ...
first I want to recommend you when things go bigger and more complex, it's better to use a state management approach, However since you did say that you have only one List you can simply use a ValueNotifier, with ValueListenableBuilder:
// this should be outside widget classes, maybe in a custom-made class or just in a global scope.
ValueNotifier stateNotifier = ValueNotifier([""]);
now in the places you want to use that state, you can use ValueListenableWidget like this:
valueListenable: stateNotifier,
builder: (context, value, child) {
return Column(
children: [
onPressed: () {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/screen-two'),
child: Text('click'),
and any other place where you want to see that state get updates, you need to use ValueListenableWidget.
Now, for executing a method like add() on the List and notify the widgets, you need to assign a new value for it like this:
void addInTheList(String elem) {
List current = stateNotifier.value;
// this exactly what will be responsible for updating.
stateNotifier.value = current;
now, you can just call addInTheList and expect it to update in all of them:

Global key is not restoring state sometimes of child widget

Basically, in this example, I am using global key to restore value of by child,
This work,
But sometimes, it appears that the global key does not restore the value of the child items.
To make it clear, I have added a checkbox widget and a slider widget to the first and last pages of this code (green and red).
When I change the slider value on the first page and try to see it on the third page, it works fine.
Same thing if I change checkbox value (like true) on first page and then click on third page it shows mostly true, but sometimes does not.
I am unable to understand the reason behind this issue. Please refer to the following gif to better understand my question.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
runApp(MaterialApp(home: MyApp()));
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
final _key = GlobalKey();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Global Key Example")),
body: PageView.builder(
itemCount: 3,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
switch (index) {
case 0:
return Container(
child: ActionPage(_key),
case 1:
return Container(
child: Text("Blank Page"),
case 2:
return Container(
child: ActionPage(_key),
throw "Not found";
class ActionPage extends StatefulWidget {
_ActionPageState createState() => _ActionPageState();
ActionPage(key) : super(key: key);
class _ActionPageState extends State<ActionPage> {
bool _switchValue = false;
double _sliderValue = 0.5;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
value: _switchValue,
onChanged: (v) {
setState(() => _switchValue = v);
value: _sliderValue,
onChanged: (v) {
setState(() => _sliderValue = v);
I'd recommened you to not use a GlobalKey here. Make sure to pass the needed data not the widget sate. If you take a look at the documentation the following pitfalls are listed:
GlobalKeys should not be re-created on every build. They should
usually be long-lived objects owned by a State object, for example.
Creating a new GlobalKey on every build will throw away the state of
the subtree associated with the old key and create a new fresh subtree
for the new key. Besides harming performance, this can also cause
unexpected behavior in widgets in the subtree. For example, a
GestureDetector in the subtree will be unable to track ongoing
gestures since it will be recreated on each build.
Instead, a good practice is to let a State object own the GlobalKey,
and instantiate it outside the build method, such as in
So you have to make sure that two widgets with the same key are never rendered on the screen at the same time. With a PageView this obviously can happen since you can display (eventhough there might be a transition state) two of your widgets with the same key at the same time. This can mess things up. Also they changed quite a bit in the past implementation wise if I recall correctly.
You should either pass the value directly to your widget or use something like an InheritedWidget to be safe.
Generally speaking I'd always try to avoid using GlobalKeys because they are quite complex and can have side effects which might not be always fully comprehensible. Also there are good alternatives.

How to get StatefulWidget's state?

I am new to flutter and the way I get StatefulWidget's state is add a state property to widget, eg:
// ignore: must_be_immutable
class _CustomContainer extends StatefulWidget {
_CustomContainer({Key key}) : super(key: key);
__CustomContainerState createState() {
state = __CustomContainerState();
return state;
__CustomContainerState state;
void changeColor() {
if (state == null) return;
// call state's function
class __CustomContainerState extends State<_CustomContainer> {
var bgColor =;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
width: 200,
height: 200,
color: bgColor,
void changeColor() {
setState(() {
bgColor =;
final redContainer = _CustomContainer();
final button = FlatButton(
onPressed: () {
// call widget function
child: Text('change color'),
It works, but I wonder is there any hidden danger?
You'll notice it's very awkward to manipulate Flutter widgets in an imperative fashion, like in the question. This is because of the declarative approach Flutter has taken to building screens.
Declarative vs. Imperative
The approach / philosophy of Flutter UI is a declarative UI vs. an imperative UI.
The example in the question above leans toward an imperative approach.
create an object
object holds state (information)
object exposes method
use method to impose change on object → UI changes
A declarative approach:
there is state (information) above your object
your object is declared (created) from that state
if the state changes...
your object is recreated with the changed state
Below I've tried to convert the imperative approach above, into a declarative one.
CustomContainer is declared with a color; state known / kept outsideCustomContainer & used in its construction.
After construction, you cannot impose a color change on CustomContainer. In an imperative framework you would expose a method, changeColor(color) and call that method and the framework would do magic to show a new color.
In Flutter, to change color of CustomContainer, you declare CustomContainer with a new color.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
/// UI object holds no modifiable state.
/// It configures itself once based on a declared color.
/// If color needs to change, pass a new color for rebuild
class CustomContainer extends StatelessWidget {
final Color color;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
color: color,
child: Text('this is a colored Container'),
/// A StatefulWidget / screen to hold state above your UI object
class DeclarativePage extends StatefulWidget {
_DeclarativePageState createState() => _DeclarativePageState();
class _DeclarativePageState extends State<DeclarativePage> {
var blue = Colors.blueAccent.withOpacity(.3);
var red = Colors.redAccent.withOpacity(.3);
Color color;
// state (e.g. color) is held in a context above your UI object
void initState() {
color = blue;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Declarative Page'),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: [
// color "state" ↑ is passed in to build/rebuild your UI object
child: Text('Swap Color'),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
void toggleColor() {
color = color == blue ? red : blue;
Read more on declarative vs imperative on
setState() Rebuilds & Performance
Performance-wise it seems wasteful to rebuild the entire screen when a single widget, way down in the widget tree needs rebuilding.
When possible (and sensible) it's better to wrap the particular elements that have state & need rebuilding in a StatefulWidget, rather than wrapping your entire page in a StatefulWidget and rebuilding everything. (Likely, this wouldn't even be a problem, I'll discuss further below.)
Below I've modified the above example, moving the StatefulWidget from being the entire DeclarativePage, to a ChangeWrapper widget.
ChangeWrapper will wrap the CustomContainer (which changes color).
DeclarativePage is now a StatelessWidget and won't be rebuilt when toggling color of CustomContainer.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class ChangeWrapper extends StatefulWidget {
_ChangeWrapperState createState() => _ChangeWrapperState();
class _ChangeWrapperState extends State<ChangeWrapper> {
final blue = Colors.blueAccent.withOpacity(.3);
final red = Colors.redAccent.withOpacity(.3);
Color _color; // this is state that changes
void initState() {
_color = blue;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
child: Text('Swap Color'),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
void toggleColor() {
_color = _color == blue ? red : blue;
/// UI object holds no state, it configures itself once based on input (color).
/// If color needs to change, pass a new color for rebuild
class CustomContainer extends StatelessWidget {
final Color color;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
color: color,
child: Text('this is a colored Container'),
class DeclarativePage extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
print('Declarative Page re/built');
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Declarative Page'),
body: Center(
child: ChangeWrapper(),
When running this version of the code, only the ChangeWrapper widget is rebuilt when swapping colors via button press. You can watch the console output for "Declarative Page re/built" which is written to debug console only once upon first screen build/view.
If DeclarativePage was huge with hundreds of widgets, isolating widget rebuilds in the above manner could be significant or useful. On small screens like in the first example at top or even or average screens with a couple dozen widgets, the difference in savings are likely negligible.
Flutter was designed to operate at 60 frames per second. If your screen can build / rebuild all widgets within 16 milliseconds (1000 milliseconds / 60 frames = 16.67 ms per frame), the user will not see any jankiness.
When you use animations, those are designed to run at 60 frames (ticks) per second. i.e. the widgets in your animation will be rebuilt 60 times each second the animation runs.
This is normal Flutter operation for which it was designed & built. So when you're considering whether your widget architecture could be optimized it's useful to think about its context or how that group of widgets will be used. If the widget group isn't in an animation, built once per screen render or once per human button tap... optimization is likely not a big concern.
A large group of widgets within an animation... likely a good candidate to consider optimization & performance.
Btw, this video series is a good overview of the Flutter architecture. I'm guessing Flutter has a bunch of hidden optimizations such as Element re-use when a Widget hasn't materially/substantially changed, in order to save on CPU cycles instantiating, rendering & positioning Element objects.
add setState() method where you want to add state

Flutter: localization not working due to context being null. how to correctly pass it through stateless to stateful?

I have this stateless widget called myPage.dart. which contains a Stack of Texts and Stateful List View Builder.
here is the code (I commented out the 2nd group of Text and Stateful List View Builder for now:
Widget content(BuildContext context) =>
child: Stack(
children: <Widget>[
// nextDayText(),
// nextDay.NextDayWorkManagement(),
The sameDayText is no problem. probably because the class for that is inside the myPage.dart but I can't seem to pass the context to sameDayWorkManagement.dart which is a stateful widget that contains a listview builder. keep in mind that everything worked in the past. its just that when I tried to add localization now, It seems that the context is null for some reason in the sameDayWorkManagement. Localization requires context. and I keep getting error on snippet of codes in the sameDayWorkManagement that localizes text. and again because of the context being null:
here is the sample code of the context being null in the sameDayWorkManagement.dart
and here is the script for the sameDayWorkManagement.dart
class SameDayWorkManagement extends StatefulWidget {
BuildContext buildContext;
_SameDayWorkManagementState createState() => _SameDayWorkManagementState();
class _SameDayWorkManagementState extends State<SameDayWorkManagement>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
// backgroundColor: Color(app_background_color_blue),
child: LayoutBuilder(
builder: (context, constraints) => SafeArea(
child: Container(
child: new StoreConnector<AppState, MainPageViewModel>(
converter: (store) => MainPageViewModel.fromStore(store),
builder: ( _, viewModel) => content(viewModel, constraints),
void initState () {
if(widget.buildContext != null) {
print("is true");
} else {
print("is not true");
In initState the result is is not true
to be more precise. here is the image of myPage that does not have Localization and instead uses static Japanese Text
The first dot and Japanese Text with a telephone icon in the right is the sameDayText widget. the card below it is the sameDayWorkManagement its a list view and its scrollable.
and then the rest bellow are those that I commented out ( for now) called next day
I created a really ugly work around, so I'm still hoping this would be fixed. my work around is I created a map of all the necessary translated text in myPage using the localization which again is working in there. and pass that map to the sameDayWorkManagement as a parameter. and use that map to populate my needed text. yes it is very ugly. but for now it is working.

Separate widgets in other files flutter

I want to make my code neater but I have a problem when I separate widgets that I use often in 1 file
here is it my main widget
import 'package:a_tiket/Helpers/widget_helper.dart';
class LoginPage extends StatefulWidget {
_LoginPageState createState() => _LoginPageState();
class _LoginPageState extends State<LoginPage> {
bool _isLoading = false;
var _message = '';
var _hasError = false;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_isLoading ?
body: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Container(
this is my widget_helper.dart
Widget _loadingWidget (BuildContext context){
return Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(
backgroundColor: ACCENT_COLOR,
valueColor: new AlwaysStoppedAnimation<Color>(PRIMARY_COLOR),
the problem is i got some error. i have add import for widget_helper but still get error
lib/Pages/loginPage.dart:193:7: Error: The method '_loadingWidget' isn't defined for the class '_LoginPageState'.
what should i do? i just want to make the code neater
please remove underline
change from
There are a few issues with your code:
For such a small piece of code like showing a
CircularProgressIndicator you should not be putting a method in a separate
file. Instead of making your code "neater", you are making it harder
to read. If you really want to have it in a separate file, create a Stateless widget that shows the code you want. But then again you are just using a CircularProgressIndicator. You aren't saving any code, just creating more unnecessary code.
You already have a Scaffold where your are going to show the CircularProgressIndicator. You don't need to have another one. It's not doing anything.
While Dart uses camelCase for variable naming, file names use snake_case. Try to use it when naming files.