How to get StatefulWidget's state? - flutter

I am new to flutter and the way I get StatefulWidget's state is add a state property to widget, eg:
// ignore: must_be_immutable
class _CustomContainer extends StatefulWidget {
_CustomContainer({Key key}) : super(key: key);
__CustomContainerState createState() {
state = __CustomContainerState();
return state;
__CustomContainerState state;
void changeColor() {
if (state == null) return;
// call state's function
class __CustomContainerState extends State<_CustomContainer> {
var bgColor =;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
width: 200,
height: 200,
color: bgColor,
void changeColor() {
setState(() {
bgColor =;
final redContainer = _CustomContainer();
final button = FlatButton(
onPressed: () {
// call widget function
child: Text('change color'),
It works, but I wonder is there any hidden danger?

You'll notice it's very awkward to manipulate Flutter widgets in an imperative fashion, like in the question. This is because of the declarative approach Flutter has taken to building screens.
Declarative vs. Imperative
The approach / philosophy of Flutter UI is a declarative UI vs. an imperative UI.
The example in the question above leans toward an imperative approach.
create an object
object holds state (information)
object exposes method
use method to impose change on object → UI changes
A declarative approach:
there is state (information) above your object
your object is declared (created) from that state
if the state changes...
your object is recreated with the changed state
Below I've tried to convert the imperative approach above, into a declarative one.
CustomContainer is declared with a color; state known / kept outsideCustomContainer & used in its construction.
After construction, you cannot impose a color change on CustomContainer. In an imperative framework you would expose a method, changeColor(color) and call that method and the framework would do magic to show a new color.
In Flutter, to change color of CustomContainer, you declare CustomContainer with a new color.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
/// UI object holds no modifiable state.
/// It configures itself once based on a declared color.
/// If color needs to change, pass a new color for rebuild
class CustomContainer extends StatelessWidget {
final Color color;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
color: color,
child: Text('this is a colored Container'),
/// A StatefulWidget / screen to hold state above your UI object
class DeclarativePage extends StatefulWidget {
_DeclarativePageState createState() => _DeclarativePageState();
class _DeclarativePageState extends State<DeclarativePage> {
var blue = Colors.blueAccent.withOpacity(.3);
var red = Colors.redAccent.withOpacity(.3);
Color color;
// state (e.g. color) is held in a context above your UI object
void initState() {
color = blue;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Declarative Page'),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: [
// color "state" ↑ is passed in to build/rebuild your UI object
child: Text('Swap Color'),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
void toggleColor() {
color = color == blue ? red : blue;
Read more on declarative vs imperative on
setState() Rebuilds & Performance
Performance-wise it seems wasteful to rebuild the entire screen when a single widget, way down in the widget tree needs rebuilding.
When possible (and sensible) it's better to wrap the particular elements that have state & need rebuilding in a StatefulWidget, rather than wrapping your entire page in a StatefulWidget and rebuilding everything. (Likely, this wouldn't even be a problem, I'll discuss further below.)
Below I've modified the above example, moving the StatefulWidget from being the entire DeclarativePage, to a ChangeWrapper widget.
ChangeWrapper will wrap the CustomContainer (which changes color).
DeclarativePage is now a StatelessWidget and won't be rebuilt when toggling color of CustomContainer.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class ChangeWrapper extends StatefulWidget {
_ChangeWrapperState createState() => _ChangeWrapperState();
class _ChangeWrapperState extends State<ChangeWrapper> {
final blue = Colors.blueAccent.withOpacity(.3);
final red = Colors.redAccent.withOpacity(.3);
Color _color; // this is state that changes
void initState() {
_color = blue;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
child: Text('Swap Color'),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
void toggleColor() {
_color = _color == blue ? red : blue;
/// UI object holds no state, it configures itself once based on input (color).
/// If color needs to change, pass a new color for rebuild
class CustomContainer extends StatelessWidget {
final Color color;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
color: color,
child: Text('this is a colored Container'),
class DeclarativePage extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
print('Declarative Page re/built');
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Declarative Page'),
body: Center(
child: ChangeWrapper(),
When running this version of the code, only the ChangeWrapper widget is rebuilt when swapping colors via button press. You can watch the console output for "Declarative Page re/built" which is written to debug console only once upon first screen build/view.
If DeclarativePage was huge with hundreds of widgets, isolating widget rebuilds in the above manner could be significant or useful. On small screens like in the first example at top or even or average screens with a couple dozen widgets, the difference in savings are likely negligible.
Flutter was designed to operate at 60 frames per second. If your screen can build / rebuild all widgets within 16 milliseconds (1000 milliseconds / 60 frames = 16.67 ms per frame), the user will not see any jankiness.
When you use animations, those are designed to run at 60 frames (ticks) per second. i.e. the widgets in your animation will be rebuilt 60 times each second the animation runs.
This is normal Flutter operation for which it was designed & built. So when you're considering whether your widget architecture could be optimized it's useful to think about its context or how that group of widgets will be used. If the widget group isn't in an animation, built once per screen render or once per human button tap... optimization is likely not a big concern.
A large group of widgets within an animation... likely a good candidate to consider optimization & performance.
Btw, this video series is a good overview of the Flutter architecture. I'm guessing Flutter has a bunch of hidden optimizations such as Element re-use when a Widget hasn't materially/substantially changed, in order to save on CPU cycles instantiating, rendering & positioning Element objects.

add setState() method where you want to add state


How to manage multiple ScrollView widgets using one useScrollController() hook?

Flutter documentation for ScrollController has this paragraph:
Scroll controllers are typically stored as member variables in State objects and are reused in each A single scroll controller can be used to control multiple scrollable widgets, but some operations, such as reading the scroll offset, require the controller to be used with a single scrollable widget.
Does this mean that we cannot pass the same ScrollController to different ScrollView widgets to read ScrollController.offset?
What I'm trying to accomplish is this:
There are two screens. Each screen has a ListView.builder() widget.
Through parameters I pass from screen 1 to screen 2 an object ScrollController and apply it to ListView.
I use scrolling and the offset value changes, but as soon as I move/return to another screen, the offset is knocked down to 0.0 and I see the beginning of the list.
The same ScrollController object is used all the time (hashcode is the same)
How can we use one ScrollController object for different ScrollView widgets, so that the offset is not knocked down when moving from screen to screen?
This problem can be solved a bit if, when switching to another screen, we create a new ScrollController object with initialScrollOffset = oldScrollController.offset and pass it to ScrollView.
I don't seem to understand how to use flutter_hooks. I created a simple example showing that if we use separate widgets and specify ScrollController as a parameter, the scroll is reset to position 0.0.
Reference for an example:
How do we overcome this?
For now, the best solution I can offer is to pass final ValueNotifier<double> offsetState; instead of final ScrollController controller; as a widget parameter.
Then, in each widget we create a ScrollController. By listening to it via the useListenableSelector hook we change the offsetState.
To avoid unnecessary rebuilding, we use the useValueNotifier hook.
A complete example looks like this:
void main() => runApp(
const MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: MyApp(),
class MyApp extends HookWidget {
const MyApp();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
print('#build $MyApp');
final isPrimaries = useState(true);
final offsetState = useValueNotifier(0.0);
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(isPrimaries.value
? 'Colors.primaries List'
: 'Colors.accents List'),
actions: [
onPressed: () => isPrimaries.value = !isPrimaries.value,
icon: const Icon(Icons.ac_unit_sharp),
body: isPrimaries.value
? ListPrimaries(offsetState: offsetState)
: ListAccents(offsetState: offsetState),
class ListAccents extends HookConsumerWidget {
const ListAccents({
Key? key,
required this.offsetState,
}) : super(key: key);
final ValueNotifier<double> offsetState;
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
print('#build $ListAccents');
final controller =
useScrollController(initialScrollOffset: offsetState.value);
useListenableSelector(controller, () {
if (controller.hasClients) {
offsetState.value = controller.offset;
return null;
return ListView(
primary: false,
controller: controller,
children: Colors.accents
.map((color) => Container(color: color, height: 100))
class ListPrimaries extends HookConsumerWidget {
const ListPrimaries({
Key? key,
required this.offsetState,
}) : super(key: key);
final ValueNotifier<double> offsetState;
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
print('#build $ListPrimaries');
final controller =
useScrollController(initialScrollOffset: offsetState.value);
useListenableSelector(controller, () {
if (controller.hasClients) {
offsetState.value = controller.offset;
return null;
return ListView(
primary: false,
controller: controller,
children: Colors.primaries
.map((color) => Container(color: color, height: 100))
Another idea was to use useEffect hook and give it a function to save the last value at the moment of dispose():
useEffect(() {
return () {
offsetState.value = controller.offset;
}, const []);
But the problem is that at this point, we no longer have clients.
If our task is to synchronize the scroll of the ListView, another useListenableSelector hook added to each of the widgets solves this problem. Remind that we cannot use the same `ScrollController' for two or more lists at the same time.
useListenableSelector(offsetState, () {
if (controller.hasClients) {
// if the contents of the ListView are of different lengths, then do nothing
if (controller.position.maxScrollExtent < offsetState.value) {

flutter slider not updating widget variables

am playing around with the slider widget on flutter, and I can't figure out why it does not update certain values in a different widget, example code is shown below;
When i move the slider, it has no issues moving, but the value i'm trying to update on the other widget does not update even though the onchanged is updating the variable passed through in a set state accordingly.
any help would be greatly appreciated!
Scaffold Code
class TestPage extends StatelessWidget {
static const id = "test_page";
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
double testValue = 0;
return Scaffold(
body: Column(
children: [
Text("Hello World"),
numberDisplay: testValue,
TestSlider(testValue: testValue),
Slider Code
class TestSlider extends StatefulWidget {
double testValue;
TestSlider({required this.testValue});
_TestSliderState createState() => _TestSliderState();
class _TestSliderState extends State<TestSlider> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Slider(
activeColor: themeData.primaryColorLight,
value: widget.testValue,
min: 0,
max: 100,
divisions: 100,
label: widget.testValue.round().toString(),
onChanged: (double value) {
setState(() {
widget.testValue = value;
Different Widget Code
class TestBoxNumber extends StatefulWidget {
final double numberDisplay;
const TestBoxNumber({required this.numberDisplay});
_TestBoxNumberState createState() => _TestBoxNumberState();
class _TestBoxNumberState extends State<TestBoxNumber> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
child: Text(widget.numberDisplay.toString()),
The problem is that you are constructing TestBoxNumber widget in such a way that value (testValue) will always be the same (testValue is never returned out of the TestSlider widget).
How to overcome this issue?
You can make your TestPage a StatefullWidget. Then create callback from TestSlider, so when you change value in TestSlider you will call some function in TestPage (with setState in it, causing re-rendering your page).
Or if you don't want your whole TestPage widget to be Statefull (if, let's say, you predict a lot of other static widgets in it and you don't want them to be re-rendered because you just moved a slider), you can create wrapper Statefull widget and put both TestSlider and TestBoxNumber widgets in it. This is more flexible approach, imho.
Here is small scheme of what I mean by wrapping two widgets in another one:
UPD: btw, there is no point in making TestBoxText a statefull widget if it's only purpose is to display a text and you pass it's value through the constructor.

List.remove() removes the correct object but the object's state in the list shifts as if last entry is being deleted

So I have been trying to solve this issue for a couple of days now and I seem to have hit a real dead end here.
The issue (which I have simplified in the code below) is that when I try to remove an item from a List<"SomeDataObject">, it does actually remove the correct object from the list. This is evident because the ID that I arbitrarily assigned to the objects does shift just as I would expect it to when I remove something. However, oddly enough, even though the IDs shift in the list and the correct ID is removed, the states of all the widgets seem to act as though the last item is always removed, even when the deleted object is at the middle or even beginning of the list.
An example would be if the list looked as such:
Data(id: 630) // This one starts blue
Data(id: 243) // Let's say the user made this one red
Data(id: 944) // Also blue
And let's say I tried to remove the middle item from this list. Well what happens is that the list will look like this now:
Data(id: 630)
Data(id: 944)
This seems at first to be great because it looks like exactly what I wanted, but for some reason, the colors did not change their order and are still Red first, then Blue. The color state data seems to function independently from the actual objects and I could not find a clear solution.
I have code of an example program to reproduce this problem and I also have some pictures below of the program so that it is clearer what the issue is.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
home: HomeScreen(),
// Home screen class to display app
class HomeScreen extends StatefulWidget {
_HomeScreenState createState() => _HomeScreenState();
class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> {
List<DataWidget> widgetsList = List<DataWidget>();
// Adds a new data object to the widgets list
void addData() {
setState(() {
// Removes a given widget from the widgets list
void removeData(DataWidget toRemove) {
setState(() {
widgetsList = List.from(widgetsList)..remove(toRemove);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
/* I used a SingleChildScrollView instead of ListView because ListView
resets an objects state when it gets out of view so I wrapped the whole
list in a column and then passed that to the SingleChildScrollView to
force it to stay in memory. It is worth noting that this problem still
exists even when using a regular ListView. */
body: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(
// Added a SizedBox just to make column take up whole screen width
children: [...widgetsList, SizedBox(width: double.infinity)],
// FloatingActionButton just to run addData function for example
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(onPressed: addData),
// Simple class that is a red square that when clicked turns blue when pressed
class DataWidget extends StatefulWidget {
final Function(DataWidget) onDoubleTap;
// Just a random number to keep track of which widget this is
final String id =;
String toStringShort() {
return id;
_DataWidgetState createState() => _DataWidgetState();
class _DataWidgetState extends State<DataWidget> {
/* Here the example state information is just a color, but in the full version
of this problem this actually has multiple fields */
Color color =;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: GestureDetector(
// onDoubleTap this passes itself to the delete method of the parent
onDoubleTap: () => widget.onDoubleTap(widget),
// Changes color on tap to whatever color it isn't
onTap: () {
setState(() {
color = color == ? :;
child: Container(
child: Center(child: Text(,
width: 200,
height: 200,
color: color,
Before user changes any colors (object ID is displayed as text on container):
User changes middle container to blue by tapping:
User attempts to delete middle (blue) container by double tapping:
As you can see from the image above, the ID was deleted and the ID from below was moved up on the screen, but the color information from the state did not get deleted.
Any ideas for things to try would be greatly appreciated.
You need to make a few changes to your DataWidget class to make it work:
// Simple class that is a red square that when clicked turns blue when pressed
class DataWidget extends StatefulWidget {
Color color =; // moved from _DataWidgetState class
final Function(DataWidget) onDoubleTap;
// Just a random number to keep track of which widget this is
final String id =;
String toStringShort() {
return id;
_DataWidgetState createState() => _DataWidgetState();
class _DataWidgetState extends State<DataWidget> {
/* Here the example state information is just a color, but in the full version
of this problem this actually has multiple fields */
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: GestureDetector(
// onDoubleTap this passes itself to the delete method of the parent
onDoubleTap: () => widget.onDoubleTap(widget),
// Changes color on tap to whatever color it isn't
onTap: () {
setState(() {
widget.color =
widget.color == ? :;
child: Container(
child: Center(child: Text(,
width: 200,
height: 200,
color: widget.color,

Preserve widget state when temporarily removed from tree in Flutter

I'm trying to preserve the state of a widget, so that if I temporarily remove the stateful widget from the widget tree, and then re-add it later on, the widget will have the same state as it did before I removed it. Here's a simplified example I have:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
home: MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
MyHomePage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
final String title;
_MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
bool showCounterWidget = true;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Material(
child: Center(
// Center is a layout widget. It takes a single child and positions it
// in the middle of the parent.
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
showCounterWidget ? CounterButton(): Text("Other widget"),
SizedBox(height: 16,),
child: Text("Toggle Widget"),
onPressed: (){
setState(() {
showCounterWidget = !showCounterWidget;
class CounterButton extends StatefulWidget {
_CounterButtonState createState() => _CounterButtonState();
class _CounterButtonState extends State<CounterButton> {
int counter = 0;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialButton(
color: Colors.orangeAccent,
child: Text(counter.toString()),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
Ideally, I would not want the state to reset, therefor the counter would not reset to 0, how would I preserve the state of my counter widget?
The reason why the widget loose its state when removed from the tree temporarily is, as Joshua stated, because it loose its Element/State.
Now you may ask:
Can't I cache the Element/State so that next time the widget is inserted, it reuse the previous one instead of creating them anew?
This is a valid idea, but no. You can't.
Flutter judges that as anti-pattern and will throw an exception in that situation.
What you should instead do is to keep the widget inside the widget tree, in a disabled state.
To achieve such thing, you can use widgets like:
These widgets will allow you to keep a widget inside the widget tree (so that it keeps its state), but disable its rendering/animations/semantics.
As such, instead of:
Widget build(context) {
if (condition)
return Foo();
return Bar();
which would make Foo/Bar loose their state when switching between them
index: condition ? 0 : 1, // switch between Foo and Bar based on condition
children: [
Using this code, then Foo/Bar will not loose their state when doing a back and forth between them.
Widgets are meant to store transient data of their own within their scope and lifetime.
Based on what you have provided, you are trying to re-create CounterButton child widget, by removing and adding it back to the widget tree.
In this case, the counter value that is under the CounterButton was not saved or not saving in the MyHomePage screen, the parent widget, without any reference to a view model or any state management within or at the top level.
A more technical overview how Flutter renders your widgets
Ever wonder what is the key if you try to create a constructor for a widget?
class CounterButton extends StatefulWidget {
const CounterButton({Key key}) : super(key: key);
_CounterButtonState createState() => _CounterButtonState();
keys (key) are identifiers that are automatically being handled and used by the Flutter framework to differentiate the instances of widgets in the widget tree. Removing and adding the widget (CounterButton) in the widget tree resets the key assigned to it, therefore the data it holds, its state are also removed.
NOTE: No need to create constructors for the a Widget if it will only contain key as its parameter.
From the documentation:
Generally, a widget that is the only child of another widget does not need an explicit key.
Why does Flutter changes the key assigned to the CounterButton?
You are switching between CounterButton which is a StatefulWidget, and Text which is a StatelessWidget, reason why Flutter identifies the two objects completely different from each other.
You can always use Dart Devtools to inspect changes and toggle the behavior of your Flutter App.
Keep an eye on #3a4d2 at the end of the _CounterButtonState.
This is the widget tree structure after you have toggled the widgets. From CounterButton to the Text widget.
You can now see that the CounterButton ending with #31a53, different from the previous identifier because the two widgets are completely different.
What can you do?
I suggest that you save the data changed during runtime in the _MyHomePageState, and create a constructor in CounterButton with a callback function to update the values in the calling widget.
class CounterButton extends StatefulWidget {
final counterValue;
final VoidCallback onCountButtonPressed;
const CounterButton({Key key, this.counterValue, this.onCountButtonPressed})
: super(key: key);
_CounterButtonState createState() => _CounterButtonState();
class _CounterButtonState extends State<CounterButton> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialButton(
color: Colors.orangeAccent,
child: Text(widget.counterValue.toString()),
onPressed: () => widget.onCountButtonPressed(),
Assuming you named your variable _counterValue in the _MyHomePageState, you can use it like this:
? CounterButton(
counterValue: _counterValue,
onCountButtonPressed: () {
setState(() {
: Text("Other widget"),
In addition, this solution will help you re-use CounterButton or other similar widgets in other parts of your app.
I've added the complete example in
Andrew and Matt gave a great talk how Flutter renders widgets under the hood:
Further reading
The real solution to this problem is state management. There are several good solutions for this available as concepts and flutter packages. Personally I use the BLoC pattern regularly.
The reason for this is that widget state is meant to be used for UI state, not application state. UI state is mostly animations, text entry, or other state that does not persist.
The example in the question is application state as it is intended to persist longer than the live time of the widget.
There is a little Tutorial on creating a BLoC based counter which could be a good starting point.

What's the design benefit of Flutter's (Widget)State/StatefulWidget pattern?

My docs and Flutter videos, the explanation of the design of the StatefulWidget (+(Widget)State) is that it:
promotes a declarative design (good)
formalizes the process by which Flutter to efficiently decide which components need to be re-rendered (also good)
From the example:
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
MyHomePage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
final String title;
_MyHomePageState createState() => new _MyHomePageState();
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
int _counter = 0;
void _incrementCounter() {
setState(() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {...}
since we have to explicitly remember call setState in order to invalidate the state, is this really a declarative design?
Flutter doesn't automatically detect changes in the State object and decide to call build (although it could have), and so it doesn't really formalize/automate/make-safe the invalidation of view components. Since we have to explicitly call setState, what's the benefit of the Flutter's (Widget)State/StatefulWidget pattern over, let's say:
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget // Define dirty method
MyHomePage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
final String title;
int _counter = 0;
_incrementCounter() {
this.dirty(); // Require the view to be rebuilt. Arranges generateView to be called.
Widget generateView(BuildContext context) {return ... rendering description containing updated counter ... ;}
... which would place the same burden of marking the UI dirty on the programmer, is no less decalrative, and avoids additional abstraction that obfuscates the intention of the program.
What have I missed? What's the benefit of separating of StatefulWidget from (Widget)State in Flutter?
[Before people chime in with MVC comments, note that the Flutter model rather explicitly only manages only the widget's state and its tightly coupled to the UI's Widget through the build method - there is no separation of concern here and it doesn't have a lot to say about larger application state that's not attached to a view.]
[Also, moderators, these not the same questions: Why does Flutter State object require a Widget?, What is the relation between stateful and stateless widgets in Flutter?. My question is one about what's the benefit of the present design, not how this design works.]
Update: #Rémi Rousselet -- Here's a declarative example with only a new state class needing to be declared. With some work, you could even get rid of that (though it may not be better).
This way of declaring interaction with need didn't require (the user) declaring two new circularly type-referencing class, and the widget that is changing in response to state is decoupled from the state (its constructed a pure function of the state and does not need to allocate the state).
This way of doing things doesn't survive hot-reload. (sad face).
I suspect this is more of an issue with hot-reload, but if there's a way to make it work it would be great,
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// Define some application state
class MyAppState with ChangeSubscribeable<MyAppState> {
* TODO. Automate notifyListeners on setter.
* Binds changes to the widget
int _counter;
get counter => _counter;
set counter(int c) {
_counter = c;
notifyListeners(); // <<<<<< ! Calls ... .setState to invalidate widget
increment() {
counter = _counter + 1;
MyAppState({int counter: 0}) {
_counter = counter;
void main() => runApp(MyApp5());
class MyApp5 extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// Declare the mutable state.
// Note because the state is not coupled to any particular widget
// its possible to easily share the state between concerned.
// StateListeningWidgets register for, and are notified on changes to
// the state.
var state = new MyAppState(counter: 5);
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Flutter Demo'),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: [
// When the button is click, increment the state
onPressed: () => {
print("Clicked. New state: ${state.counter}")
child: Text('Click me'),
// Listens for changes in state.
// Construct the actual widget based on the current state
// A pure function of the state.
// However, is seems closures are not hot-reload.
(context, s) => new Text("Counter4 : ${s.counter}"),
// //////////////////////
// Implementation
// This one is the onChange callback should accept the state.
//typedef OnChangeFunc<ARG0> = void Function(ARG0);
typedef OnChangeFunc = void Function();
mixin ChangeSubscribeable<STATE> {
final _listener2Notifier =
new LinkedHashMap<Object, OnChangeFunc>(); // VoidFunc1<STATE>>();
List<OnChangeFunc> get _listeners => List.from(_listener2Notifier.values);
void onChange(listenerKey, OnChangeFunc onChange) {
// onChange(listenerKey, VoidFunc1<STATE> onChange) {
_listener2Notifier[listenerKey] = onChange;
print("Num listeners: ${_listener2Notifier.length}");
void removeOnChange(listenerKey) {
if (_listener2Notifier.containsKey(listenerKey)) {
void notifyListeners() {
// _listener2Notifier.forEach((key, value)=>value(state));
// Safer, in-case state-update triggers add/remove onChange:
// Call listener
_listeners.forEach((value) => value());
typedef StateToWidgetFunction<WIDGET extends Widget,
STATE extends ChangeSubscribeable>
= WIDGET Function(BuildContext, STATE);
void noOp() {}
class _WidgetFromStateImpl<WIDGET extends Widget,
STATE extends ChangeSubscribeable> extends State<StatefulWidget> {
STATE _state;
// TODO. Make Widget return type more specific.
StateToWidgetFunction<WIDGET, STATE> stateToWidgetFunc;
_WidgetFromStateImpl(this.stateToWidgetFunc, this._state) {
updateState(){setState(() {});}
this._state.onChange(this, updateState);
Widget build(BuildContext context) => stateToWidgetFunc(context, this._state);
dispose() {
class StateListeningWidget<WIDGET extends Widget,
STATE extends ChangeSubscribeable> extends StatefulWidget {
STATE _watched_state;
StateToWidgetFunction<WIDGET, STATE> stateToWidgetFunc;
StateListeningWidget(this._watched_state, this.stateToWidgetFunc) {}
State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
return new _WidgetFromStateImpl<WIDGET, STATE>(
stateToWidgetFunc, _watched_state);
I've been directed at the ChangeProvider pattern:
class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Flutter Demo Home Page'),),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
Text('You have pushed the button this many times:'),
Consumer<Counter>( // <<< Pure. Hidden magic mutable parameter
builder: (context, counter, child) => Text(
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.display1,
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () =>
// <<< Also a hidden magic parameter
Provider.of<Counter>(context, listen: false).increment(),
tooltip: 'Increment',
child: Icon(Icons.add),
... but this also suffers problems:
its not clear to reader of what the state requirements are or how to provide them -- the interface (at least in this github example HomePage) example does not require Counter as a formal parameter. Here we have new HomePage() that has configuration that is not provided in its parameters - this type of access suffers similar problems to global variables.
access to state is by class type, not object reference - so its not clear (or at least straightforward) what to do if you want two objects of the same type (e.g. shippingAddress, billingAddress) that are peers in the model. To resolve this, the state model likely needs to be refactored.
I think I'm with user48956 on this. (Catchy name by the way).
Unfortunately, the Flutter authors seem to have suffixed their View class with the word 'State'. This has rather confused the whole Flutter state management discussions.
I think the purpose of the two classes is actually to make the painting more performant but it comes with a very heavy plumbing cost for us developers.
As to the naming convention:
The dirty flag approach allows the widget painter to optimise their painting without knowing about our state, thereby alleviation the need for two classes.
Also generateView() is kinda meaningful (unless of course, you start using these widgets to hold model-fragments (as per Package:provider).