TYPO3 toggle drag in wizard? - typo3

I have one TYPO3 10.4 installation which shows a plus at the toolbar in the module-docheader(?) and it toggles the "drag in wizard". Perhaps it's activated because this site has the GridElements extension. It doesn't work (dragging the content elements to a backend content row), except for the GridElements.
How can I get rid of it?

There is a global setting disableDragInWizard in the extension settings in the Install Tool


Typo3 TypoScript, display plugin

I try to create a simple hello world plugin for Typo3. I have the code and all is fine, plugin is installed and i added it to the page as a content. But the controller is never called and templates are never rendered.
I followed this tutorial https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/ExtbaseFluidBook/4-FirstExtension/Index.html
and even installed their extension from github. No effects, Typo3 wont render anything. Pls, send help.
I just installed a "Preconfigured Distribution" from extensions manager and suddenly all plugins work. It will do for now, as long as I see my extension working.
Probably you just forgot to include the static TypoScript in the root-template for you page.
On the way to create manually extensions there can be many 'stones' which make it difficult to make it right or to find a fault, but the hint above is the first thing to verify / configure.
Usually for creating extensions another extension is used, it's called Extensions Builder and can be found here. This extension creates a lot of basic code and simplifies the first steps very much.
You have to make your TypoScript selectable in BE with this line in you ext_tables.php
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addStaticFile('yourextkey', 'Configuration/TypoScript', 'Title of your Extension');
After adding this line, clear the System-Cache (the "red one") and go to the Template-module in Backend.
While in template-module, select your rootpage in the pagetree. On the top you should see a dropdown menu where you have to select Info/Modify.
In the Info/Modify-Page, select Edit the whole template record and after this, swith to the tab Includes.
There you should see Selected Items and Available Items. Your Extension should be in the available items, where you select it and press the save button.
If you have done everything else correct, now your TypoScript setup should be loaded and your plugin should output something.

TYPO3 site properties do not appear

In Typo3 (I am extremely new to it) I just set up a new installation. Under Template I inserted a few lines of TypoScript (which works) into a template on the "Home"-page in the tree.
Now, in the "Sites"-mode, I added some pages to the "Home"-page. When I click
on a page in this mode,
on the edit icon in list mode for a specific site in tree
the right side appears grey where normally I should see some properties.
The installation is installed by the hoster. Why is it?

Typo3 missing page type icons

For my new typo3 page I want to add several pages and links. Unfortunately on my fresh 4.5 (I tried 4.7 as well) installation the icons in the page module for the different page types ar missing.
How can I get this icons?
They are 'hidden' under the icon with green plus (left top corner at your screenshot), click it first.

Is there a color picker plugin for Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Galileo PDT for my work. I also use it to edit my CSS files.
Is there a plugin that lets me pick a color (from a palette or even anywhere from the screen) and which returns the HEX value of that color into my CSS file?
Jspresso Colors 'n Fonts
Just select any java string literal and right click on it to open the contextual popup menu... then select Jspresso>Choose Color... or select Jspresso>Choose Font...
Supports also tooltip : fly over your string literal to display the current color or font... and activate hyperlink to open the editor popup !
Aptana Studio has really great support for CSS. CSS color picking is easy, you can grab a color from anywhere on the screen.
You can install Aptana as a plug into an existing Eclipse installation.
I would recommend to use external software: http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html
You can integrate it into Eclipse.
I have used this plugin called colors in both Galymeade and I just dropped into Galileo.
http://www.eclipseplugincentral.com/Web_Links-index-req-viewlink-cid-1281.html you can copy the color code to/from clipboard or editor. Slider bar for coloring, color picker etc. I used it to edit css files on a recent project. Good Luck.
You might want to check out the second example at http://eclipsescript.org/#example-scripts.
I created a Groovy Monkey script that opens Eclipse's color picker. It was inspired by what fornwall pointed at (second example of Eclipse Script plugin). It's also able to recognize if current selection is a color so it can be selected it in the picker.
The script is on gist.github, instructions included.
Having a shortcut key for a script is not (yet?) possible in Groovy Monkey, but Crtl+Alt+M runs the last executed script.
A good plugin to consider is the Designerator Color Plugin from the Designerator project. It contributes a Colors view as explained in this blog post. No need to install the whole software, the color view is in a separate feature that can be installed by itself.
The Sampler plugin could also be of interest. However it does not show a color picker dialog where one can select a color, it only has the color picker tool for selecting a color from the screen.
There are a few plugins at the Eclipse plugins site that might meet your needs.
CSS Designer looks promising:
JointLogic CSS Designer is an Eclipse plugin that provides CSS authoring facilities like - CSS Styles view, CSS declaration designer with preview and web-oriented color picker. It integrates with Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) to allow CSS authoring while editing CSS and HTML files.
Here's a screesnhot from the homepage:

Removing text in the banner in a Windows Installer project

I'm using the standard Visual Studio deployment project and want to remove the text in the banner (the text that says "Welcome to the Your Project Setup Wizard".
I want to remove it because I want a custom banner and don't want the text written over the banner.
I can't see any properties in VS to allow this. Can it be done without prodding around in the .MSI?
You can "remove" the text by removing the Welcome dialog and replacing it with a custom dialog. In VS 2005 -
Right click on the Setup project in the solution explorer
Select View - User Interface
Under the Start group for Install and Administrative Install delete "Welcome"
Then you can add a "Textboxes (A)" dialog (right click the "Start" group and select Add Dialog) to the project, set the visible property for the text boxes to false. Move the Textboxes (A) up to the top of the "Start" sequence.
The properties for this dialog include:
This should allow you to control the look / feel (to a certain extent) of this new "Welcome" page.
I'd just like to add to this that sometimes creating a custom dialog is a pain in the rear and that you can follow the advice at http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winformssetup/thread/5af7ff28-3dbb-4a8a-8d62-a09af9e32b29 to use a tool called InstEdit (http://www.instedit.com -- there is a free version) to edit the outputted installer and remove the BannerText
I don't believe there is an easy way (e.g. changing a property). I had the same problem recently. I couldn't find anything. Ended up using Orca to "prod around in the .msi". It seems the only thing you can alter easily is the language it's displayed in.