Custom loss function in NN - neural-network

I am trying to build a simpleRNN network with custom loss function. I am predicting bmi based on 25 different features. My dataset is unbalanced and have outliers and want to predict better on the outliers. Rather it is more important to predict better on outliers.
For my custom loss function I have added condition that if the loss is greater than 2 units then I want to penalize those observations more.
import keras.backend as K
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
loss = K.abs(y_pred - y_true)
wt = loss * 5
loss_mae = K.switch((loss > 2),wt,loss)
return loss_mae
model = Sequential()
model.add(SimpleRNN(units=64, input_shape=(25, 1), activation="relu"))
model.add(Dense(32, activation="linear"))
model.add(Dense(1, activation="linear"))
model.compile(loss=custom_loss, optimizer='adam')
model.summary(), train_y)
sample predictions after running this code
preds=[[16.015867], [16.022823], [15.986835], [16.69895 ], [17.537468]]
actual=[[18.68], [24.35], [18.07], [15.2 ], [13.78]]
As you can see, the prediction for 2nd and 5th obs, is still way off. Am I doing anything wrong in the code?

One thing that is very wrong is that you should never have a dropout on the output neuron. Apart from this:
activation function of hidden layers should not be linear (model.add(Dense(32, activation="linear")) should be model.add(Dense(32, activation="relu")))
A neural network should always be able to overfit to your training data, and this should be your debugging state before worrying about generalisation, consequently:
Do not use dropout (this only makes fitting harder, you can experiment with it once you are concerned about generalisation)
Your network is somewhat tiny,try making it much wider and see if your predictions improve
overall MAE is much worse behaved learning signal than MSE, which also automatically penalises outliers a lot, why not use it?
Consider normalising your data, neural networks work well with their default initisalisations if both inputs and targets are in somewhat bounded space, preferably in [-1, 1] or [0, 1] scale.


why is my Neural Network stuck at high loss value after the first epochs

I'm doing regression using Neural Networks. It should be a simple task for NN to do, I have 10 features and 1 output that I want to predict.I’m using pytorch for my project but my Model is not learning well. the loss start with a very high value (40000), then after the first 5-10 epochs the loss decrease rapidly to 6000-7000 and then it stuck there, no matter what I make. I tried even to change to skorch instead of pytorch so that I can use cross validation functionality but that also didn’t help. I tried different optimizers and added layers and neurons to the network but that didn’t help, it stuck at 6000 which is a very high loss value. I’m doing regression here, I have 10 features and I’m trying to predict one continuous value. that should be easy to do that’s why it is confusing me more.
here is my network:
I tried here all the possibilities from making more complex architectures like adding layers and units to batch normalization, changing activations etc.. nothing have worked
class BearingNetwork(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_features=X.shape[1], n_out=1):
self.model = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(n_features, 512),
nn.Linear(512, 64),
nn.Linear(64, n_out),
# nn.LeakyReLU(),
# nn.Linear(256, 128),
# nn.LeakyReLU(),
# nn.Linear(128, 64),
# nn.LeakyReLU(),
# nn.Linear(64, n_out)
def forward(self, x):
out = self.model(x)
return out
and here are my settings:
using skorch is easier than pytorch. here I'm monitoring also the R2 metric and I made RMSE as a custom metric to also monitor the performance of my model. I also tried the amsgrad for Adam but that didn't help.
R2 = EpochScoring(r2_score, lower_is_better=False, name='R2')
explained_var_score = EpochScoring(EVS, lower_is_better=False, name='EVS Metric')
custom_score = make_scorer(RMSE)
rmse = EpochScoring(custom_score, lower_is_better=True, name='rmse')
bearing_nn = NeuralNetRegressor(
callbacks=[R2, explained_var_score, rmse, Checkpoint(), EarlyStopping(patience=100)],
I also standardize the Input values.
my Input have the shape:
torch.Size([39006, 10])
and shape of output is:
torch.Size([39006, 1])
I’m using 128 as my Batch_size but I also tried other values like 32, 64, 512 and even 1024. Although normalizing output is not necessary but I also tried that and It didn’t work when I predict values, the loss is high. Please someone help me on this, I would appreciate every helpful advice. I ll also add a screenshot of my training and val losses and metrics over epochs to visualize how the loss is decreasing in the first 5 epochs and then it stays like forever at the value 6000 which is a very high value for a loss.
considering that your training and dev loss are decreasing over time, it seems like your model is training correctly. With respect to your worry regarding your training and dev loss values, this is entirely dependent on the scale of your target values (how big are your target values?) and the metric used to compute the training and dev losses. If your target values are big and you want smaller train and dev loss values, you can normalise the target values.
From what I gather with respect to your experiments as well as your R2 scores, it seems that you are looking for a solution in the wrong area. To me, it seems like your features aren't strong enough considering that your R2 scores are low, which could mean that you have a data quality issue. This would also explain why your architecture tuning has not improved your model's performance as it is not your model that is the issue. So if I were you, I would think about what new useful features I could add and see if that helps. In machine learning, the general rule is that models are only as good as the data that they are trained on. I hope this helps!
The metric you should be looking at is R^2, not the magnitude of the loss function. The purpose of a loss function is just to let the optimizer know if it's going in the right direction--it's not a measure of fit that's comparable across data sets and learning setups. That's what R^2 is for.
Your R^2 scores show that you're explaining around a third of the total variance in the output, which is often a very good result for a data set with only 10 features. Actually, given the shape of your data, it's more likely that your hidden layers are considerably larger than necessary and risk over fitting.
To really evaluate this model, you'd need to know (1) how the R^2 score compares to simpler regression approaches like OLS and (2) why you should have any confidence that more than 30% of the output variance should be captured by the input variables.
For #1, at least the R^2 shouldn't be worse. As for #2, consider the canonical digit categorization example. We know that all the information necessary to recognize digits with very high accuracy (i.e. R^2 approaching 1) because humans can do it. That's not necessarily the case with other data sets, because there are important sources of variance that aren't captured in the source data.
As your loss decreases from 40000 to 6000, that means your NN model has learnt the prevalent relation but not all of them. You can aid this learning by transforming the predictor variables and then feeding them as derived ones to your model and see if that helps. You can try performing step wise addition of features to your NN model, by adding the most influential predictors first. At every iteration evaluate the model performance (i.e. training loss).
If first step doesn't help and as you are open to other approaches, Presuming your data's dynamics, Gaussian process Regression or Quantile regression should help as these methods are free from assumptions like linear regression techniques. Also it should help to explore different aspects of relationship between your independent and dependent variable.

How to do regularization in Matlab's NN toolbox

My data set has 150 independent variables and 10 predictors or response. The problem is to find a mapping between input and output variables. There are 1000 data points out of which 70% I have used for training and 30% for testing. I am using a feedforward neural network with 10 hidden neurons as explained in this Matlab document . I am evaluating the performance using the command
perf_Train = perform(net,TrainedData',lblTrain')
YPred = net(XTest);
perf_Test = perform(net,YPred,lblTest')
which basically gives the mean square error between the actual and the predicted (estimated) response for training and testing. My testing data is not able to fit properly to the trained model, however the training data fits quite well.
Problem1: My training performance is always lesser than test performance measure i.e., perf_Train = 0.0867 and perf_Test = 0.567
Is this overfitting or underfitting?
Problem2: How do I make the test data fit accurately? Theory say that to overcome overfitting and underfitting, we need to do regularization. Is there any parameter that needs to be input into the function such as regularization to overcome this?
It is overfitting since training error is lower than test error.
I would recommend to set less epochs(iteration) for your training or use less training data.
I would also recommend to check that the training data and test data are picked up randomly.
For regulation, it can be set like this:
net.performParam.regularization = 0.5;
The performance ratio depends on the model, 0.5 is just an example.
For more details, you can refer to the documentation below.

Can't approximate simple multiplication function in neural network with 1 hidden layer

I just wanted to test how good can neural network approximate multiplication function (regression task).
I am using Azure Machine Learning Studio. I have 6500 samples, 1 hidden layer
(I have tested 5 /30 /100 neurons per hidden layer), no normalization. And default parameters
Learning rate - 0.005, Number of learning iterations - 200, The initial learning weigh - 0.1,
The momentum - 0 [description]. I got extremely bad accuracy, close to 0.
At the same time boosted Decision forest regression shows very good approximation.
What am I doing wrong? This task should be very easy for NN.
Big multiplication function gradient forces the net probably almost immediately into some horrifying state where all its hidden nodes have zero gradient.
We can use two approaches:
1) Devide by constant. We are just deviding everything before the learning and multiply after.
2) Make log-normalization. It makes multiplication into addition:
m = x*y => ln(m) = ln(x) + ln(y).
Some things to check:
Your output layer should have a linear activation function. If it's sigmoidal, it won't be able to represent values outside it's range (e.g. -1 to 1)
You should use a loss function that's appropriate for regression (e.g. squared error)
If your hidden layer uses sigmoidal activation functions, check that you're not saturating them. Multiplication can work on arbitrarily small/large values. And, if you pass a large number as input you can get saturation, which will lose information. If using ReLUs, make sure they're not getting stuck at 0 on all examples (although activations will generally be sparse on any given example).
Check that your training procedure is working as intended. Plot the error over time during training. How does it look? Are your gradients well behaved or are they blowing up? One source of problems can be the learning rate being set too high (unstable error, exploding gradients) or too low (very slow progress, error doesn't decrease quickly enough).
This is how I do multiplication with neural network:
import numpy as np
from keras import layers
from keras import models
model = models.Sequential()
model.add(layers.Dense(150, activation='relu', input_shape=(2,)))
model.add(layers.Dense(1, activation='relu'))
data = np.random.random((10000, 2))
results = np.asarray([a * b for a, b in data])
model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mae'), results, epochs=1, batch_size=1)
model.predict([[0.8, 0.5]])
It works.
"Two approaches: divide by constant, or make log normalization"
I'm tried both approaches. Certainly, log normalization works since as you rightly point out it forces an implementation of addition. Dividing by constant -- or similarly normalizing across any range -- seems not to succeed in my extensive testing.
The log approach is fine, but if you have two datasets with a set of inputs and a target y value where:
In dataset one the target is consistently a sum of two of the inputs
In dataset two the target is consistently the product of two of the inputs
Then it's not clear to me how to design a neural network which will find the target y in both datasets using backpropogation. If this isn't possible, then I find it a surprising limitation in the ability of a neural network to find the "an approximation to any function". But I'm new to this game, and my expectations may be unrealistic.
Here is one way you could approximate the multiplication function using one hidden layer. It uses a sigmoidal activation in the hidden layer, and it works quite nicely until a certain range of numbers. This is the gist link
m = x*y => ln(m) = ln(x) + ln(y), but only if x, y > 0

How to improve digit recognition prediction in Neural Networks in Matlab?

I've made digit recognition (56x56 digits) using Neural Networks, but I'm getting 89.5% accuracy on test set and 100% on training set. I know that it's possible to get >95% on test set using this training set. Is there any way to improve my training so I can get better predictions? Changing iterations from 300 to 1000 gave me +0.12% accuracy. I'm also file size limited so increasing number of nodes can be impossible, but if that's the case maybe I could cut some pixels/nodes from the input layer.
To train I'm using:
input layer: 3136 nodes
hidden layer: 220 nodes
labels: 36
regularized cost function with lambda=0.1
fmincg to calculate weights (1000 iterations)
As mentioned in the comments, the easiest and most promising way is to switch to a Convolutional Neural Network. But with you current model you can:
Add more layers with less neurons each, which increases learning capacity and should increase accuracy by a bit. Problem is that you might start overfitting. Use regularization to counter this.
Use batch Normalization (BN). While you are already using regularization, BN accelerates training and also does regularization, and is a NN specific algorithm that might work better.
Make an ensemble. Train several NNs on the same dataset, but with a different initialization. This will produce slightly different classifiers and you can combine their output to get a small increase in accuracy.
Cross-entropy loss. You don't mention what loss function you are using, if its not Cross-entropy, then you should start using it. All the high accuracy classifiers use cross-entropy loss.
Switch to backpropagation and Stochastic Gradient Descent. I do not know the effect of using a different optimization algorithm, but backpropagation might outperform the optimization algorithm you are currently using, and you could combine this with other optimizers such as Adagrad or ADAM.
Other small changes that might increase accuracy are changing the activation functions (like ReLU), shuffle training samples after every epoch, and do data augmentation.

Why does my neural network trained on MNIST data set not predict 7 and 9 correctly?

I'm using Matlab ( github code repository ). The details of the network are:
Hidden units: 100 ( variable )
Epochs : 500
Batch size: 100
The weights are being updated using Back propagation algorithm.
I've been able to recognize 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8 which I have drawn in photoshop.
However 7,9 are not recognized, but upon running on the test set I get only 749/10000 wrong and it correctly classifies 9251/10000.
Any idea what might be wrong? Because it is learning and based on the test set results its learning correctly.
I don't see anything downright incorrect in your code, but there is a lot that can be improved:
You use this to set the initial weights:
hiddenWeights = rand(hiddenUnits,inputVectorSize);
outputWeights = rand(outputVectorSize,hiddenUnits);
hiddenWeights = hiddenWeights./size(hiddenWeights, 2);
outputWeights = outputWeights./size(outputWeights, 2);
This will make your weights very small I think. Not only that, but you will have no negative values, so you'll throw away half of the sigmoid's range of values. I suggest you try:
weights = 2*rand(x, y) - 1
Which will generate random numbers in [-1, 1]. You can then try dividing this interval to get smaller weights (try dividing by the sqrt of the size).
You use this as the output delta:
outputDelta = dactivation(outputActualInput).*(outputVector - targetVector) % (tk-yk)*f'(yin)
Multiplying by the derivative is done if you use the square loss function. For log loss (which is usually the one used in classification), you should have just outputVector - targetVector. It might not make that big of a difference, but you might want to try.
You say in the comments that the network doesn't detect your own sevens and nines. This can suggest overfitting on the MNIST data. To address this, you'll need to add some form of regularization to your network: either weight decay or dropout.
You should try different learning rates as well, if you haven't already.
You don't seem to have any bias neurons. Each layer, except the output layer, should have a neuron that only returns the value 1 to the next layer. You can implement this by adding another feature to your input data that is always 1.
MNIST is a big data set for which better algorithms are still being researched. Your networks is very basic, small, with no regularization, no bias neurons and no improvements to classic gradient descent. It's not surprising that it's not working too well: you'll likely need a more complex network for better results.
Nothing to do with neural nets or your code,
but this picture of KNN-nearest digits shows that some MNIST digits
are simply hard to recognize: