Flexible and fixed size. Make children pass size to parent? - flutter

I am trying to make an interface that tries to do something very simple:
Prints a series of things in line and the last one is an scrollable (listview) that expands across all screen. It's making my life hell, however.
My problem is that the things it needs to print in line occupy don't adapt, I want them to "calculate and pass their size to the parent" so that the listview can be make to expand as much as possible WITHOUT eating the first elements on the screen or leaving them with unnecessary space.
Furthermore, the size of the firsts elements can change, they have a button that "dissects" into two.
This is more like my setup of widgets (and in parenthesis the class they are in):
||Column(W2) <= Actually, I created a listview now because some problems.
|||conditional column(WX*) (1 children or 2)
*This was in another widget, but there is no reason for it. There are 3 elems to show in screen, the first option shows 1, and the other option disables that one and shows the other 2, they are part of a state(changes while looking at it). I created a new column for simplicity (adding them programatically to the W2 column could be kind of a mess, but if doing so solves the issue i will do it)
I think the mistake is in between W1 and W2. But removing the "flexible" out of W1 makes a mess. It doesn't print anything. I need W2 to show all his shit and then back off, but instead it occupies half the screen.
Now, being in a single line is not a necessity, and I tried a Grid, thinking that I would solve all my problems. Is seemed perfect, but not at all! That's the only reason why W2 is a column.
Sorry for the long post. I made a shitty painting in pain showing ""my interface"":
Also, I have another tiny, unimportant question: The listview is meant for showing some sort of a "table" with several fields. An example: It shows (name, age, email). If the window expands horizontally, each field grows. Is there any widget that calculates this and, instead, adds a different field (name, age, email, phone) ? Tables not only don't do this, but they also don't scroll on their own, and my second option was to make a listview of listviews, making my real problem(the question) even worse xdddd.
Thank you very much, you are amazing people :).
I add the basic structure of the code code:
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 15, vertical: 15),
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: [
Flexible( child : Widget1()),
Expanded (child: Widget2())
decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.all(color: Colors.green)),
child: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10, vertical: 10),
child: Column(
children: [
alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
child: Text( ),
SizedBox(height: 5),
Consumer>> (ListView(children: textfiel, row, row)
children : [
Divider(), Row(), Divider(), Text(), Sizedbox(), Flexible(LayoutBuilder(Sizedbox(height: contrains.height, child: Listview(rows....)

if I understand you correctly, you need to use Expanded Widget and pass the ListView or whatever your Scrollable widget as a child.
Check out the links below:
If you still have this problem, you can share your code to make the problem more clear.


Reducing Jank in Flutter progressive web app

Woah! I've spent several hours refactoring nested ListViews to a parent CustomScrollView & child Slivers. The errors Slivers produced were opaque and frightening, with nothing illuminating in Logcat; sleuthing devoured much of the time.
Anyway, that's solved. I find I still have jank scrolling a 15-item list. OK, each item can involve further numerous widgets {Padding, Alignment, Elevated button, Row, Text, SizedBox, Icon}. So my 15-item list ends up being multiple more Widgets.
I've now swapped out my SliverChildListDelegate for SliverChildBuilderDelegates, so a Builder builds the Widget List lazily. Having done this, it seems quite inefficient because it's increased the Widgets in the Widget tree. Each of the builders' buildItem() calls needs an extra Column Widget to wrap that sub-chunk of the total list.
It may be a lot of Widgets scrolling but it's only a 15 item list. I wish I knew what to optimise. Any thoughts on how to best reduce jank on Lists for mobile web?
The Flutter team says Flutter works best for computational-centred apps rather than text heavy informational apps. In future would it be better just to use webView Widgets? I always thought embedding Webviews would be clunky and slow but Lists of native Flutter Widgets, even as SliverLists, give jank.
Here is the janky list complete with builder:
Widget buildLocationDescriptionWidgets(LocationDetails presentLocation) {
print(LOG + "buildLocationDescriptionWidgets");
if (presentLocation.descriptionLinkUrls.isEmpty)
return SliverToBoxAdapter(child:
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 16),
child: Text(presentLocation.description[0])));
int numDescriptionBlocks = presentLocation.description.length;
double paddingBottom = 16;
if (presentLocation.descriptionLinkUrls.length >= numDescriptionBlocks) {
paddingBottom = 0;
return SliverPadding(
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16, 16, 16, paddingBottom), sliver:
key: Key("descriptionSliverList"),
delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate((context, index) =>
buildDescriptionBlock(context, index),
childCount: presentLocation.description.length
Column buildDescriptionBlock(BuildContext context, int index) {
List<Widget> colChildWidget = [];
textAlign: TextAlign.left,
if (index < widget.presentLocation.descriptionLinkUrls.length) {
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16),
child: Align(
alignment: Alignment.center,
child: index >=
? ElevatedButton(
child: Text(
onPressed: () {
: ElevatedButton(
Row(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [
SizedBox(width: 8),
size: 16)
onPressed: () {
return Column(crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: colChildWidget);
Should I regress from a builder to a conventional SliverList?
Other things I've tried: I eliminated jank in my app Drawer list by putting const everywhere possible, lots of Dividers were made Const. But when you style text using Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText2 etc. it doesn't allow you to set textboxes to const. If you want to use const you can't style the app globally, you'd have to hard code. Is it worth forsaking abstraction for hard coding Text widget styles?
Here is the web app: Love Edinburgh
For the clearest example of jank
Open the App Drawer
Scroll to WONDER
Tap Arthur's Seat
Open the panel to full screen - slide it up
Scroll down the panel.
It doesn't show on a desktop browser which is compiled using Skia / Webkit. It's a bit fiddly to get scroll working on a desktop browser, you need to click amongst the text, then attempt to scroll. It's meant for mobile use so I'm resigned to that.
Not sure how to help you out. Would rather put this on a comment rather than answer but I don't have the points to do a comment.
Anyway, I wish I could replicate your problem. On my personal experience, for a 15 item list with numerous child widgets, it shouldn't be janky unless it has probably big sized images or really too much extra widgets.
On my case, I made sure to "isolate" / "compute" my heavy computations and showed a loading screen while preparing the list.
You may read on:
Isolates : https://dart.dev/guides/language/concurrency
Hope that helped!

How to prevent failedAssertion: size.isFinite in Flutter

I had a very basic Flutter layout which looked something like this:
This worked great. Widgets 1 and 2 were rendered and my main "expanded" widget was taking the rest of the screen, great!
Next I wanted to add two buttons on each side of my expanded widget. So I tried this:
Now Flutter throws a layout error: failedAssertion: size.isFinite
Reading about it online, people are saying you cannot put an Expanded inside a Row or a Column because they use infinite main axis length, so if the child is also infinite this causes problems. However, I already had Expanded inside a Column and that worked fine! Why is putting it inside a Row problematic?
One SO suggestion was to put mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min in the Row, but that does not help.
Some of the other suggestions were to put the widget inside a Container with fixed sizes. This does resolve the error, but now the widget goes off screen. And this sort of defies the whole purpose of Flutter responsive UI. Why would anyone want to create a fixed sized object on a platform where screen sizes vary widely?
What am I doing wrong here? Seems I am misunderstanding something fundamental here...
it works fine and doesn't through any error
child:Text('hgdhj hdgakhjgck dgfkejg')

Wrap Scaffold in Row

I want to built a split screen for larger devices. One half should be as small as possible but as large as needed and the other half should occupy the rest of the screen.
I figured I'd use a Row containing two Scaffolds (one wrapped in a Expanded widget) like so:
Row(children: [
Scaffold(appBar: MyAppBar1(), body: Container()),
Expanded(child: Scaffold(appBar: MyAppBar2(), body: Container())),
However, I get the following error message when wrapping a Scaffold inside a Row:
RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox object was given an infinite size during layout.
I know that I could just wrap the Scaffold inside a SizedBox with a fixed width, but I want the Scaffold to automatically take the right size.
Scaffold itself doesn't have a width constraint, so it will try to occupy as much space as possible (if I'm remembering correctly), and Row on its part won't try to constrain it, hence the error.
You have two options:
wrap the Scaffold in another Expanded, then use the flex argument on both the Expanded to give them size relative to each other (i.e., if one has flex: 1 and the other flex: 2, the second one will have twice the size of the first)
wrap the Scaffold in a ConstrainedBox and set the constraints yourself, which I guess in this case would be the maxWidth set on the smaller side
As others pointed out, anyway, if you don't really need another Scaffold, you can simply use two Column and get a similar result.
You do not need to use two Scaffolds. Use two columns inside one Column in Scaffold. Wrap the second Column with Expanded. This way your first part will take as much space as needed and the second part will take the remaining space.
home: Scaffold(
body: Column(
children: [
children: [],
child: Column(
children: [],

Make first item (or padding) of SingleChildScrollView not scrollable and delegate the touch events

I have a Stack with two Columns.
First column contains contains only one child (1) with InteractiveViewer which has defined height (for example 250). It changes its content's zoom and translation based on scroll offset of SingleChildScrollView from second column. It shouldn't be pushed out of the screen while scrolling, so it's under the scroll view in a stack.
The second column have SingleChildScrollView with top padding (2) OR first view (3) that matches the (1) height.
Now I'd like to make the top padding (2) or view (3) not scroll the SingleChildScrollView but pass those touch events to InteractiveViewer. Doesn't matter whether the solution use padding or empty view, I just wanted to note here than what I want can be achieved with padding or view. I tried both but failed.
I tried the GestureDetector, IgnorePointer and AbsorbPointer, but seems like the SingleChildScrollView always get the touch events. I haven't found a way to make the top padding not scrollable too.
Basically I'd like to achieve something similar to the attached gif, except that I don't need the "Collapsing Header" text animation and app bar. Just pay attention to the mountains that hide below the scroll view. The scroll view should take entire screen once the scroll offset is equal padding/view height (250 in this example).
Is that possible somehow? My logic behind InteractiveViewer is way more complicated than the example provided below, I just simplified it to make the question easier to understand.
Stack(children: [
children: [
Container( // (1) Widget that should get the touch events
height: 250,
child: InteractiveViewer(...)
children: [
child: SingleChildScrollView(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 250), // (2) Either not scrollable padding
child: Column(
children: [
Container(height: 250), // (3) or not scrollable first item

ListTile with wrap_content width

Now when I add a ListTile inside a view (no matter its Column,ListView,...) It gets whole width, I want it to be kinda wrap_content as we have in android.
I know this is an old post but here is a solution I found for future reference:
You can use the IntrinsicWidth widget to stop the ListTile from expanding.
child: IntrinsicWidth(
child: Column(
children: [
ListTile(title: Text("Hello")),
ListTile(title: Text("There")),
As far as I can tell this is not how you are supposed to use ListTile. In the docs it even says:
ListTile requires fixed width constraints
Also, regarding IntrinsicWidth the docs say:
This class is useful, for example, when unlimited width is available and you would like a child that would otherwise attempt to expand infinitely to instead size itself to a more reasonable width. [...] This class is relatively expensive, because it adds a speculative layout pass before the final layout phase. Avoid using it where possible.
may be like this
children: <Widget>[