Tc3_EventLogger library error in BeckHoff TwinCat3 - plc

When i'm trying to compile a program in TwinCat 3 using the library Tc3_EventLogger. I'm using TwinCat3 Build 4018.58.
I receive the following errors (Please take a look at the image below):
TC3 Compile Error Picture
These are the errors I received as plain text :
'Verbose' is no component of 'TCEVENTSEVERITY' [tc3_eventlogger,
(beckhoff automation gmbh)].
Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'TcEventSeverity.Verbose'' to type
'TCEVENTSEVERITY' [tc3_eventlogger, (beckhoff automation gmbh)].
Initialisation of constant variable 'EMPTY_SEVERITY' not constant [tc3_eventlogger, (beckhoff automation gmbh)].
I already tried to delete and add the library again but that didn't solve the problem.
How can I solve it?


fatal error: itkMultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilter.h: No such file or directory #include "itkMultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilter.h"

I am trying to run the itkMultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilter program for blood vessels segmentation given in the below link
But I am getting the following error.
fatal error: itkMultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilter.h: No such file or directory
I am unable to understand that for Input, 2D slice/image should give or 3D image series of CT scan?
Also, I tried the code from
but this is also not working.
Can Someone please provide the solution?
With ITK 4.x and earlier, some of the classes were in Review module, which is turned off by default. That means you need to set CMake variable Module_ITKReview to ON when configuring/compiling ITK.

unable to interface my c++ application with MATLAB

I have written a program in c++11. My intention is to use MATLAB environment for plotting.
So, I followed these two links to have some idea:MATLAB_Build C++ Engine programs and c++ start MATLAB session. (There must be other ways to interface MATLAB and c++. But I want to know where is my fault before trying other ones)
As those above links have suggested I built my project accordingly using visual studio '17. The initial errors that I found was, my application could not locate the following .dll files libMatlabEngine.dll, libMatlabdataArray.lib.
So, I moved my .dlls to the executable location as suggested here. But after then my code is throwing the following error: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x0000000000000000.
Below is the piece of code that I'm trying. I guess it's the startMATLAB() which is returning a NULL pointer and the code is failing for that. But I can't figure out what's the reason.
Appreciate your help.
//Start the MATLAB engine
using namespace matlab::engine;
using namespace matlab::data;
unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabptr = startMATLAB();
//Cretae a matlab array factory
ArrayFactory factory;
auto inputArray = factory.createArray({ 1, 6 }, cppData.cbegin(), cppData.cend());
auto time_array = factory.createArray({ 1, 6 }, time.cbegin(), time.cend());
matlabptr->setVariable(convertUTF8StringToUTF16String("data"), move(inputArray));
matlabptr->setVariable(convertUTF8StringToUTF16String("time"), move(time_array));
matlabptr->eval(convertUTF8StringToUTF16String("plot(time, data)"));

Error in Selenium IDE, receiving error "Element id=ui-id-12 not found"

In Selenium I recorded a test suite and while executing I received the script error:
Element id=ui-id-12 not found
You are getting this error because you have recorded wrong script. The element ID 12 is changing every time. So you can use another way to detect the Web-Element.You will have to use more preferred way of locating the Web-element. Instead of using id please try to use static attribute of the Web-Element. I believe it will fix your problem.

error using save can't write file

I have got this really strange error in matlab. When I try to run the command
I get the error message,
error using save can't write file
but when I try
everything works fine. The the variable takes some space on the workspace, 165MB, but the I would guess that the size should not be an issue here. Does anyone know why it does not work to save in v7?
For the one that want to confirm the size of the variable, I will add the whos information,
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
myName 1x1 173081921 struct
BR/ Patrik
The variable I try to save is a struct with plenty of fields. I have tried to save a 3 dimensional matrix of size 800 mb, which went through without problems.
This is not an exact match to your problem, but I received the same error message when trying to save to -v6 format. Matlab is supposed to issue an error when a variable type or size is not supported:
help save
If any data items require features that the specified version does not support, MATLAB does not save those items and issues a warning. You cannot specify a version later than your version of MATLAB software.
Matlab's error checking seems to not be perfect, because there are certain situations (dependent on Matlab version and the particular variable type) that just fail all together with this not so helpful error message:
Error using save
Can't write file filename.mat.
For example, saving a string with certain unicode characters with the '-v6' option in Matlab r2015b in Linux produces the error, but Matlab r2016a in Windows does not. This is the output from my Matlab r2015b session:
>> A=char(double(65533))
A =
>> save('filename.mat','-v6','A')
Error using save
Can't write file filename.mat.
Without having your specific variable to test with, but seeing that the error messages match, I suggest removing parts of your data structure until it will save in order to isolate the variable that is causing it to fail.

Getting an error while writing a custom velocity macro

When creating my own macro, and trying to add it so that anyone can use it, I get the following error:
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page /templates/docdoesnotexist.vm
Wrapped Exception: Cannot start the Velocity engine
I do not change that file, but I do change xwiki/templates/macros.txt and /macros.vm by adding recentChanges=velocity:recentChanges: and #macro(recentChanges) respectively (yes, I do add working content after #macro(recentChanges))
That looks like a syntax error in macros.vm. You should revert to the original macros.vm and first try to write your custom macro in a wiki page. Once it works, you can move it to macros.vm and restart the server.
macros.txt shouldn't be edited, it's a legacy file used by the older WYSIWYG editor.