Adding specified number of empty lines when tangling code blocks - org-mode

In org-babel, when tangling code blocks, there is a header argument padline, which, when set to yes, adds an empty line to the end of the block. Can I specify the number of empty lines to be added? Some languages, like Python, have recommended number of empty lines after different objects, how do I make org-babel respect that, when tangling code blocks?


Lisp - Extracting info from a list of comma separated values

I've tried searching this but have yet to find something that suits anything close to my needs. I'm trying to create a Autocad LISP that takes a text file, which is a list of comma-separated values, and place a block at coordinates defined by the list. BUT, only for items on the list where the last entry starts with "HP"
So that's sounds a bit complex, but the text file is basically a UTM survey output, and looks like this:
The identifier is a variety of values, but I want to extract the Northing,Easting,Elevation, and insert a block (this last part I've got) at that location when the identifier begins with "HP". The list can be long and the number of HPs can be 1 or 5000. I'm assuming there's a "for x=1:end, do" type of loop than can be made that reuses the same variables over and over.
I'm a newbie to LISP so I'm stuck in that spot between "here are I've-never-programmed-before tutorials to make hello world" and "here is a library of the 3000 different commands in alphabetical order"
I believe the functions you are needing to solve this question are open, read-line or read-char, close,strlen, and substr. The first four functions relate to AutoLisp writing and reading a file. The last two functions manipulate the string variables that were pulled from the file. With them, you can find the "HP" within the text. To loop through the same code, three come to my mind: repeat, while, and foreach.
For a list of variables to quickly reference with their descriptions, here's a good starting point. This particular page has the information broken up by category instead of alphabetical order.
Here are a few tutorials where AutoLisp code is used to write and read other files:
Lastly, here's an example of AutoLisp writing and reading attributes from and to blocks.
You can use Lee-Mac's Reacd-CSV function to get a list of the csv values.
And for the "HP" detection yes you might have to go through(using loop options mentioned above like while, repeat,foreach) each and use
(substr Identifier 1 2)
to validate

q/kdb: How do I break my code into lines. Is there a new line 'escape' character or something similar?

I am writing long scripts on one line. I would like to organise my code by breaking code onto multiple lines without having to write a function. How do I do this?
You can separate code over multiple lines as long as you indent each subsequent line. You should use semi colons to separate expressions which are indented.
For example a simple select statement split over multiple lines could look like this;
t:([]a:1 2 3;b:`a`b`c);
from t
where a<>1,
b in `a`c;
show res
More information can be found here;

Emacs Org-Mode: Reset Line Indention Within org-indent-mode

I love Emacs and Org-Mode. But I can only stand to use Org Mode in the clean view (or whatever it's called - with org-indent-mode on).
My problem is that I often want to use headers that don't have a bullet in front of them. I want one asterisk to be the start of the list, not the header.
List 1
List 2
Header 1
List 3
List 4
But when I try to do this, Header 1 gets indented to the level of List 2.
I know just turning off org-indent-mode and getting used to that is one solution. But is there a way to reset the indentation for Header 1?
The things you are talking about changing are pretty fundamental to org-mode; basically you are trying to change the org-mode syntax. The reason why Header 1 in your example is not being dedented, is that org-mode does not see it as a headline, because headlines by definition start with leading stars. Also, while it is technically supported to use * to identify a plain list item, this is not recommended, and can cause some unexpected behavior (see footnote 1 here).
That being said, you can have some control over the appearance of headlines. For example, you can use the org-bullets package. You can then define the bullets to use in place of * like this:
(setq org-bullets-bullet-list
'("◉" "◎" "⚫" "○" "►" "◇"))
which will define the bullets used for the first six levels of headlines. You can replace the bullets in that list with other utf-8 symbols, and you can even use " " as one of the symbols, so that your Headlines will be preceded by a single space. However, note that this only affects the way headlines are displayed; they will still be preceded by * in the actual file.
I know it is not very helpful, but my overall suggestion would be to stick with the org-mode syntax if you want to use org-mode, i.e., use a structure like this:
- List one
- List two
* Header 1
- List three
- List four
with * starting a headline, and - starting a plain list. Since org-mode files are just plain text, the magic of that mode depends heavily on those files having a set structure. In my own experience, if you try to change that structure (another example is changing timestamp formats), it will cause more headaches than it relieves, and cause a lot of the functionality that makes org-mode so great to break.
Just as a side note: I prefer a cleaner view as well, and one option I like to enable in addition to org-indent-mode is (setq org-hide-leading-stars t), which will display only a single star/bullet per headline (although the leading stars will still be present in the actual text file).

PowerShell cmdlet multi-line code documentation and line wrapping

I have some PowerShell cmdlets for which I've created in-code documentation. All works fine except for one thing. If I have a long description for any of the documentation sections I'm splitting it into multiple lines so that it can be easily read from code. However I've noticed that those new line characters are then also represented as new lines in the PowerShell system.
As an example, here's part of the documentation
This parameter has a long documentation that does not fit into single line,
so I'm breaking it down to several lines.
Now once I run Get-Help on a cmdlet that contains this sort of comments I'll get something like.
-MyParam [<SwitchParameter>]
This parameter has a long documentation that does not fit
into single line,
so I'm breaking it down to several lines.
Required? true
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
Notice that the first line gets wrapped correctly, but then the second line (starting with the word so) also starts on a new line.
I could overcome this problem by putting my whole documentation block in one line but that wouldn't be too good for readability point of view.
Is there a way to treat the whole documentation block as it was part of the same text block but have the comments organized into multiple lines at the same time? Any way that I could tell in the documentation that I don't intend to make a new paragraph and I want to continue previous one?
I don't think this is possible apart from preprocessing help strings with external script.
Use word-wrap in your editor and keep everything on the one line. Keep a hotkey accessible for WW so you can quickly switch from one line to block of text when you need to edit it. Some editors (such as vim) are extremely good in navigating wrapped text (basically the same as it is not wrapped).

How do I search for variable names in the editor?

In functions, the MATLAB editor displays a warning when a defined variable is not subsequently used before the function ends or before the variable is overwritten. This obviously tells me that the editor has a way of searching for occurrences of given variables in the code.
Can I do this manually? The Find function is obviously limited here, since it only searches the body of text in the editor window (including comments) for matches of the search string. This makes it very inconvenient when searching for variables with short names (such as the by me commonly used "a").
I cannot tell you about previous versions of the built-in editor, but at least from 2011b, the righthand side margin of the editor creates color tags for:
Warnings, tagged in orange
Errors, tagged in red color
Variable/function occurrence: tagged in dark gray, for selected text.
The third of them is what you are looking for. You just have to double click on a variable name or a function name to select it and your Matlab editor will automatically highlight the rest of the occurrences of the very same identifier, tagging them on the righthand side ribbon with the grey mark I mentioned above.
You can limit the search to match case and whole word, which will give you only this variable, either in comment or not.
BTW, you shouldn't use variable names like a,b,c. It makes the code harder to read and to maintain. Even if you have dummy variables like in loops and temporary ones, use for example indexFiles, or tempValue
You can also use some regular expression to match the variable names in your code.
If you'll assume that any variable name is separated from the rest of the code by any of linefeed tab space ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] ^ `` { | } ~, then you can create a small function that takes the function name as input and outputs the lines in which the variable name is mentioned. However, this approach doesn't separate function names and variable names, but you should have some standard for separating them anyway. I use this approach to change variable names of my MATLAB code (but my code for that is written in awk, not in MATLAB).
And I wonder what you'll do when you have a complex program with thousands or tens of thousands of lines of code and your variables are named a, b, c and so on...