Emacs Org-Mode: Reset Line Indention Within org-indent-mode - emacs

I love Emacs and Org-Mode. But I can only stand to use Org Mode in the clean view (or whatever it's called - with org-indent-mode on).
My problem is that I often want to use headers that don't have a bullet in front of them. I want one asterisk to be the start of the list, not the header.
List 1
List 2
Header 1
List 3
List 4
But when I try to do this, Header 1 gets indented to the level of List 2.
I know just turning off org-indent-mode and getting used to that is one solution. But is there a way to reset the indentation for Header 1?

The things you are talking about changing are pretty fundamental to org-mode; basically you are trying to change the org-mode syntax. The reason why Header 1 in your example is not being dedented, is that org-mode does not see it as a headline, because headlines by definition start with leading stars. Also, while it is technically supported to use * to identify a plain list item, this is not recommended, and can cause some unexpected behavior (see footnote 1 here).
That being said, you can have some control over the appearance of headlines. For example, you can use the org-bullets package. You can then define the bullets to use in place of * like this:
(setq org-bullets-bullet-list
'("◉" "◎" "⚫" "○" "►" "◇"))
which will define the bullets used for the first six levels of headlines. You can replace the bullets in that list with other utf-8 symbols, and you can even use " " as one of the symbols, so that your Headlines will be preceded by a single space. However, note that this only affects the way headlines are displayed; they will still be preceded by * in the actual file.
I know it is not very helpful, but my overall suggestion would be to stick with the org-mode syntax if you want to use org-mode, i.e., use a structure like this:
- List one
- List two
* Header 1
- List three
- List four
with * starting a headline, and - starting a plain list. Since org-mode files are just plain text, the magic of that mode depends heavily on those files having a set structure. In my own experience, if you try to change that structure (another example is changing timestamp formats), it will cause more headaches than it relieves, and cause a lot of the functionality that makes org-mode so great to break.
Just as a side note: I prefer a cleaner view as well, and one option I like to enable in addition to org-indent-mode is (setq org-hide-leading-stars t), which will display only a single star/bullet per headline (although the leading stars will still be present in the actual text file).


Compare two sides of one bilingual text in emacs

How can you work with the two sides of a bilingual/parallel text?
I know how to run diff and ediff on a text to spot little differences, but a bilingual text will have two completely different sides (expect for the paragraphs, number of chapters and other structural elements like notes). End of line and end of paragraph are certainly useful to mark the units of the two sides.
Is it possible to open two buffers, side by side, and tell what matches what?
This is a hard problem but I dug up an old blog post I read awhile ago that is relevant (and even mentions emacs for preprocessing):
Especially check out part2
Beyond that, my suggestion is twofold:
1) Operate on small parts at a time (a chapter or less) and not an entire book
2) Utilize alignment tools available to generate metadata which emacs uses to just 'prettify' the buffer
As there's no existing solution (that I know of or can find), you'll have to get dirty with elisp and create a major or minor mode to colorize matching segments and/or navigate segments.
Quick Hack
However, I hacked some elisp together that takes preprocessed text and uses emacs concept of 'paragraph' and 'sentence' to colorize the buffer; it's a little verbose so I stuck it in a gist:
It's pretty ugly but should give you a start; just run it once in each of the text buffers. But be aware that you'll need to have the text already ready in terms of emacs' paragraphs and sentences (two spaces after a period!!). Hope it gives you a decent starting point.

Combine org mode capture and drill modules to learn vocabulary

I want to use the capture module of org-mode to create a data base of new words that I want to learn, and then use the drill module to learn them (flash cards style).
In my org-capture-templates I added the following:
("v" "Vocabulary" entry
(file+headline (concat org-directory "/vocab.org")
"* Word :drill:\n%^ \n** Answer \n%^")
This is a rather naive template which I borrowed from here. It works fine but it is too limited. Unfortunately I'm rather new to elisp and I don't know how to improve it.
I think the above template has to be improved in the following there aspects:
Headline Currently the first input string is the (new) word and the headline is fixed. How can the headline be the same (input) word? I think that the following result is desirable:
* Vocabulary
** Foo :drill:
*** Answer
What is foo
Actually an even better way would be to have 3 input strings.
The new word (for example foo) which will be the headline.
If the second is empty, then it gets the same string as (1). Otherwise, concatenates the string to the one from (1). E.g. having as second input bar would yield foo bar. This will be the content of the entry.
The word's definition which should come in the answer sub-headline.
Duplications (see again this) If at some later point I try to capture foo again, I would like to know it, and be directed to edit the already existing entry - skipping all the inputs.
Sorting After capturing I think it would be nice to sort the list of words. This should not be too hard given that the headline of each entry is the word itself. In this case one can probably use the org-sort-entries function.
I know this is a rather big questions but I also think that if it can be solved here it will be of great use to many users.
Using #juan_g suggestions, I improved my template and now it is:
("v" "Vocabulary" entry
(file+headline (concat org-directory "/vocab.org")
"* %^{The word} :drill:\n %t\n %^{Extended word (may be empty)} \n** Answer \n%^{The definition}")
I didn't manage to set the default value of the second input to be the 1st one. I tried something like %^{Extended word (may be empty)|%\1} but it returns ^A which is not helpful.
In any case, this improved version seems to be already usable.
About the input question, in Org Mode Manual: Template expansion, there is the %\1 special escape code:
%\n Insert the text entered at the nth %^{prompt}, where n a number, starting from 1.
The duplications question probably would need some Emacs Lisp coding.
For sorting, see C-c ^ (org-sort).
BTW, org-drill seems indeed a really interesting package, based on SuperMemo's spaced repetition algorithms.
You need an extra "\", therefore %\\1 works as expected.

Custom emacs nxml indentation

For the last 3 years, my work required writing and editing configuration files in xml format. The content in the xml tags has evolved so much that now it has become kind of like a programming language. Unfortunately, emacs indents everything inside the tags at the same level. Something like this:
But it'd be wicked if I could get the content indented like the following:
I've read several threads related to custom indentation, but I still don't have any clue how to do it.
I've tried to create a custom major-mode, but doing that killed all the syntax colors and indentation rules. Ideally what I'd like to do is just modify the nxml mayor mode indentation rules? Still, I don't know where about this rules are.
Also it would be a bonus if I could color some key words, like 'if' or 'set'.
I know that what I'm asking is a big job, so I'm not asking for a definitive answer here. I'm just looking for some help to point me to the right direction.
Probably the best way to do it is writing a new major mode for the language inside the tags and then using a multiple major modes package which allows more than one major modes to be active in the same file, so the contained language can have its own major mode.
You might want to have a look at this example.
(defun nxml-extra-space-indent ()
(when (zerop (current-indentation))
(indent-line-to 4)))
(setq indent-line-function 'nxml-extra-space-indent)
I indent according to an existing major mode, and then customize the indentation if the line matches certain criteria.
I think this is the easiest way to customize indentation, as you are starting from something existing, and you don't need to know how the indentation logic of a particular mode is implemented.

Banish unmatched top-level trees when performing tag search in Emacs Org Mode

For the past year and a half, I've maintained a monolithic buffer in Org Mode for my engineering notes with my current employer. Despite containing mostly pointers to other documents, this file has become quite large by human standards (48,290 lines of text), while remaining trivially searchable and editable through programmatic means (read: grep and Org Mode tag search).
One thing bothers me, though. When I perform a tag search using Org Mode 6.33x, Org's sparse tree view retains the folded representation of unmatched trees within the buffer (that is, content preceded by a single asterisk, *). This is generally useful for smaller buffers or those better organized into a single tree with multiple branches. However, this doesn't work especially well for documentation where each new tree is generated chronologically, one for each day, as I've been doing.
Before I continue, I'll note that my workaround is inherent in what I've just asked, as are the obvious alterations in my documentation habits with this buffer. However, the following questions remain:
1) Why does Org Mode organize trees in this manner when performing sparse tag searching? The technical details are self-evident, the UX decisions less so.
2) If I wished to correct this issue with a script written in Emacs Lisp, what hooks and commands should I explore in more detail to restructure the document view? Writing overrides for the standard commands (for example, org-match-sparse-tree) is already self-evident.
Thank you in advance.
As you already noticed the problem only affects the top level headings. The good thing is that in org-mode you can demote easily all headings with simple keystrokes. This way you can avoid the problem. Also cleaning up afterwards are just some simple keystrokes.
Step-by-step instructions:
Mark the full buffer
Call M-right (for outline-demote)
Input * root\n at the beginning of the file
Now, build up your subtree and do what you want with it.
When done you can remove * root\n at the beginning of the file and promote the headings again with M-left
I have got the impression that you can even leave the overall-heading where it is for your application.

In Emacs how to operate (i.e. search) only in code regions?

I'd like to isearch/search-replace/occur only in code (that is not in comments or strings).
This must be a common problem, so what packages do this already?
If no existing packages do this, I'm thinking a minor-mode where strings and comments are hidden based on fontification would do the trick. Is there one?
Icicles search gives you several ways to do this. Here are two:
Search "things" (e.g. defuns, sexps, xml elements, etc.), ignoring comments (option icicle-ignore-comments-flag). That is, use selected code segments as search contexts, but ignore any comments within code or code inside comments.
Search the complement of the comments. E.g., define the search contexts as the complement of the zones of text that are font-locked with either face font-lock-comment-face or face font-lock-comment-delimiter-face (which means search all code outside of comments).
After defining the search contexts, just type text to incrementally filter the contexts. And you can replace any matches on demand.
Check out narrowing.
Yes, you are right. The HideShow minor mode allows you to hide/show block of text, in particular multiline comments.
The hide/show comments is not part of the standard package but on the wiki page you will find the code which does the trick.
Then isearch command does not take into account the hidden comments.
HOWEVER: replace operates on the whole buffer, including hidden blocks.
Isearch+ does what you ask (as does Icicles --- see other answer, above).
You can define the contexts that Isearch searches, using any of the following:
A regexp to be matched.
A given text or overlay property --- The search contexts are the text zones that have the property (e.g. a particular `face' value or combination of values)
A given Emacs THING (sexp, defun, list, string, comment, etc.) --- The search contexts are the text zones of the given THING type.
Having defined the search contexts, you can also search the complement: the non-contexts. You can toggle between searching contexts and non-contexts anytime in Isearch, using C-M-~.
When searching, by default the zones not being searched are dimmed slightly, to make the searchable areas stand out.
For context-searching with Isearch you need these two libraries: