I have the following Hypothesis:
ls: list(R)
H: forall n : nat,
0 <= INR n < 10 ->
My_first_condition n
/\forall x : R,
In x ls ->
My_second_condition x
What I would like to achieve is to be able to split H as two conditions:
ls: list(R)
H1: forall n : nat,
0 <= INR n < 10 ->
My_first_condition n
H2: forall x : R,
In x ls ->
My_second_condition x
To do this, I tried to use destruct H but I got the following error:
Unable to find an instance for the variables n.
Does anyone know why it happens and what would be a solution ?
You need parentheses around the forall:
(forall n : nat, ...) /\
(forall x : R, ...)
Right now, Coq interprets what you wrote as
forall n : nat, (
... /\ forall x : R, ...
I'm attempting to use Fix to express a well-founded function.
It has Fix_eq to unwrap it for 1 level, however, the confusing
part is that Fix_eq is expressed in terms of Fix_sub instead of Fix.
The difference appears to be that
Check Fix.
(* ... *)
(forall x : A, (forall y : A, R y x -> P y) -> P x) ->
Check Fix_sub.
(* ... *)
(forall x : A, (forall y : {y : A | R y x}, P (proj1_sig y)) -> P x) ->
Fix uses 2 arguments and Fix_sub packages them both together into a sig.
So, they are essentially equivalent. However, I don't see any included
convenience functions to switch between Fix and Fix_sub. Is there
a reason that Fix_eq doesn't work with Fix ? How is it supposed
to be used?
I'm aware of Program and Function, but here I am trying to use Fix directly.
Which version and libraries are you using?
in 8.16 I get
forall [A : Type] [R : A -> A -> Prop] (Rwf : well_founded R)
(P : A -> Type) (F : forall x : A, (forall y : A, R y x -> P y) -> P x),
(forall (x : A) (f g : forall y : A, R y x -> P y),
(forall (y : A) (p : R y x), f y p = g y p) -> F x f = F x g) ->
forall x : A, Fix Rwf P F x = F x (fun (y : A) (_ : R y x) => Fix Rwf P F y)
and Fib_subis unknown.
You may have imported some module which masks the definitions from Coq.Init.Wf ?
I am facing a pretty strange problem: coq doesn't want to move forall variable into the context.
In the old times it did:
Example and_exercise :
forall n m : nat, n + m = 0 -> n = 0 /\ m = 0.
intros n m.
It generates:
n, m : nat
n + m = 0 -> n = 0 /\ m = 0
But when we have forall inside forall, it doesn't work:
(* Auxilliary definition *)
Fixpoint All {T : Type} (P : T -> Prop) (l : list T) : Prop :=
(* ... *)
Lemma All_In :
forall T (P : T -> Prop) (l : list T),
(forall x, In x l -> P x) <->
All P l.
intros T P l. split.
- intros H.
After this we get:
T : Type
P : T -> Prop
l : list T
H : forall x : T, In x l -> P x
All P l
But how to move x outside of H and destruct it into smaller pieces? I tried:
destruct H as [x H1].
But it gives an error:
Error: Unable to find an instance for the variable x.
What is it? How to fix?
The problem is that forall is nested to the left of an implication rather than the right. It does not make sense to introduce x from a hypothesis of the form forall x, P x, just like it wouldn't make sense to introduce the n in plus_comm : forall n m, n + m = m + n into the context of another proof. Instead, you need to use the H hypothesis by applying it at the right place. I can't give you the answer to this question, but you might want to refer to the dist_not_exists exercise in the same chapter.
How can I prove this lemma:
Lemma even_plus_split n m :
even (n + m) -> even n /\ even m \/ odd n /\ odd m.
These are the only libraries and definition that can be used:
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Coq.omega.Omega.
Definition even (n: nat) := exists k, n = 2 * k.
Definition odd (n: nat) := exists k, n = 2 * k + 1.
I am new to Coq and confused about it. Can you give me a solution? Thanks in advance!
the code so far:
Lemma even_plus_split n m :
even (n + m) -> even n /\ even m \/ odd n /\ odd m.
unfold even.
unfold even in H.
destruct H as [k H].
unfold odd.
exists (1/2*k).
result so far:
1 subgoal
n, m, k : nat
H : n + m = 2 * k
(exists k0 : nat, n = 2 * k0) /\ (exists k0 : nat, m = 2 * k0) \/
(exists k0 : nat, n = 2 * k0 + 1) /\ (exists k0 : nat, m = 2 * k0 + 1)
I just want to make k0 equals to 1/2*k, and therefore I suppose it would make sense, but I can't do that.
I just want to make k0 equals to 1/2*k, and therefore I suppose it would make sense, but I can't do that.
There is a function called Nat.div2, which divides a natural number by 2. Running Search Nat.div2.
Nat.le_div2: forall n : nat, Nat.div2 (S n) <= n
Nat.lt_div2: forall n : nat, 0 < n -> Nat.div2 n < n
Nat.div2_decr: forall a n : nat, a <= S n -> Nat.div2 a <= n
Nat.div2_wd: Morphisms.Proper (Morphisms.respectful eq eq) Nat.div2
Nat.div2_spec: forall a : nat, Nat.div2 a = Nat.shiftr a 1
Nnat.N2Nat.inj_div2: forall a : N, N.to_nat (N.div2 a) = Nat.div2 (N.to_nat a)
Nnat.Nat2N.inj_div2: forall n : nat, N.of_nat (Nat.div2 n) = N.div2 (N.of_nat n)
Nat.div2_double: forall n : nat, Nat.div2 (2 * n) = n
Nat.div2_div: forall a : nat, Nat.div2 a = a / 2
Nat.div2_succ_double: forall n : nat, Nat.div2 (S (2 * n)) = n
Nat.div2_odd: forall a : nat, a = 2 * Nat.div2 a + Nat.b2n (Nat.odd a)
forall (op : bool -> bool -> bool) (n a b : nat),
Nat.div2 (Nat.bitwise op (S n) a b) = Nat.bitwise op n (Nat.div2 a) (Nat.div2 b)
Of these, the most promising seems to be Nat.div2_odd: forall a : nat, a = 2 * Nat.div2 a + Nat.b2n (Nat.odd a). If you pose proof this lemma, you can destruct (Nat.odd a) and use simpl to get that either a = 2 * Nat.div2 a or a = 2 * Nat.div2 a + 1, for whichever a you choose.
This may not give you a solution directly (I am not convinced that setting k0 to k / 2 is the right decision), but if it does not, you should make sure that you can figure out how to prove this fact on paper before you try it in Coq. Coq is very good at making sure that you don't make any jumps of logic that you're not allowed to make; it's extremely bad at helping you figure out how to prove a fact that you don't yet know how to prove.
Everybody who tries to answer seems to be dancing around the fact that you actually chose a wrong direction for this proof. Here is a example:
if n = 601 and m = 399, then n + m = 2 * 500,
n = 2 * 300 + 1, and m = 2 * 199 + 1.
Between 500, 300, and 199, the 1/2 ratio does not appear anywhere.
Still the statement (even n /\ even m) / (odd n /\ odd m) is definitely true.
So for now, you have more a math problem than a Coq problem.
You have to make a proof for universally quantified numbers n and m, but somehow this proof should also work for specific choices of these numbers. So in a sense you can make the mental exercise of testing your proof on examples.
For example I have these two hypotheses (one is negation of other)
H : forall e : R, e > 0 -> exists p : X, B e x p -> ~ F p
H0 : exists e : R, e > 0 -> forall p : X, B e x p -> F p
And goal
How to prove it?
You can't, because H0 is not the negation of H. The correct statement would be
Definition R := nat.
Parameter X: Type.
Parameter T: Type.
Parameter x: T.
Parameter B : R -> T -> X -> Prop.
Parameter F : X -> Prop.
Lemma foobar: forall (H: forall e : R, e > 0 -> exists p : X, B e x p -> ~ F p)
(H0: exists e: R, e > 0 /\ forall p: X, B e x p /\ F p), False.
intros H H0.
destruct H0 as [e [he hforall]].
destruct (H e he) as [p hp].
destruct (hforall p) as [hB hF].
exact (hp hB hF).
I'm stuck in situation where I have hypothesis ~ (exists k, k <= n+1 /\ f k = f (n+2)) and wish to convert it into equivalent (I hope so) hypothesis forall k, k <= n+1 -> f k <> f (n+2).
Here is little example:
Require Import Coq.Logic.Classical_Pred_Type.
Require Import Omega.
Section x.
Variable n : nat.
Variable f : nat -> nat.
Hypothesis Hf : forall i, f i <= n+1.
Variable i : nat.
Hypothesis Hi : i <= n+1.
Hypothesis Hfi: f i = n+1.
Hypothesis H_nex : ~ (exists k, k <= n+1 /\ f k = f (n+2)).
Goal (f (n+2) <= n).
I tried to use not_ex_all_not from Coq.Logic.Classical_Pred_Type.
Check not_ex_all_not.
: forall (U : Type) (P : U -> Prop),
~ (exists n : U, P n) -> forall n : U, ~ P n
apply not_ex_all_not in H_nex.
Error: Unable to find an instance for the variable n.
I don't understand what this error means, so as a random guess I tried this:
apply not_ex_all_not with (n := n) in H_nex.
It succeeds but H_nex is complete nonsense now:
H_nex : ~ (n <= n+1 /\ f n = f (n + 2))
On the other hand it is easy to solve my goal if H_nex is expressed as forall:
Hypothesis H_nex : forall k, k <= n+1 -> f k <> f (n+2).
specialize (H_nex i).
specialize (Hf (n+2)).
I found similar question but failed to apply it to my case.
If you want to use the not_ex_all_not lemma, what you want to proof needs to look like the lemma. E.g. you can proof the following first:
Lemma lma {n:nat} {f:nat->nat} : ~ (exists k, k <= n /\ f k = f (n+1)) ->
forall k, ~(k <= n /\ f k = f (n+1)).
intro H.
apply not_ex_all_not.
and then proof the rest:
Theorem thm (n:nat) (f:nat->nat) : ~ (exists k, k <= n /\ f k = f (n+1)) ->
forall k, k <= n -> f k <> f (n+1).
intro P.
specialize (lma P). intro Q.
intro k.
specialize (Q k).
I'm not quite sure what your problem is.
Here is how to show trivially that your implication holds.
Section S.
Variable n : nat.
Variable f : nat -> nat.
Hypothesis H : ~ (exists k, k <= n /\ f k = f (n+1)).
Goal forall k, k <= n -> f k <> f (n+1).
intros k H1 H2.
apply H.
exists k.
split; assumption.
End S.
Also your goal is provable by apply Hf., so I'm not sure but you seem to have some confusion...