Keycloak : Rate limit on verification mail sending - keycloak

I am using keycloak for SSO.
I would like to know if there is any rate limiting option for sending verification mail. Is it possible to have a timer before a user click “resend” link for email verification while registration or after login if email is not verified ?
Becouse any One can spam with "click" many time on the resend button and cause problems on the mail server.


Verification email not received by domains using Office365 email client

When someone signs up they receive an email with a link they need to click to verify their email. The email comes from
So far all clients receive this email with the exception of clients using their own domain with Office365. With these clients it's not an issue of emails going to spam - they don't receive anything at all in either their spam or their inbox.
The email is sent from a domain that uses Google Business for email.
Any ideas how to solve this issue?
I should add that if the email is forwarded manually, it does come through, just not when automatically sent.

How to identify whether Google SMTP server has been blocked when used by an application to send emails

My web application sends email to users on certain business events. For this im using a Google SMTP server with both username password mode as well as OAuth 2.0.
Other props are as follows :
smtpPort: 587
Now the issue is, after some emails being marked as spams Google blocks the domain and the account. Is there a way to avoid happening this? And is there a way to identify the error thrown when tries to send the email when the domain is blocked, so I can create an alert about the domain and account being blocked.. For now its not possible to access the past logs either, but can get access to the new logs. Suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Google email account block for the security reason

I've configured google account to send the email from my application.
This works well with my application. But When test the application, this will work well for 10 or 20 emails. But after sometime, it blocks the application to send the email for the security reasons.
After that, I need to login again and should authorize the application to send the email that to verify "I am not a robo".
Here my need is, I need to send the email without any interruption from my email through application.
What should I do?
Everything is said here
A third party software logging automatically in to your account will trigger the account blocking process.

Cannot send Email Confirmation to certain email providers

I have a Liferay 6.1.0ga1 Portal that requires email confirmation from new registered users.
Following my feedback from the Portal users, and testing with misc Email Providers I've noticed:
Users that use a gmail account for their account, have no problem at all
Hotmail users will receive the 'welcome to our portal' and 'Email confirmation' emails, directly into their junk folder
Yahoo users are receiving most of the sent emails (welcome email, reset pasword, etc) normally, but the email confirmation is never received, and cannot be found even in their Spam Folder. The same happens for every request for a new confirmation mail. In a certain case, the Confirmation email arrived a few hours later, but I cannot really reproduce this scenario.
This is becoming a blocker issue because yahoo users can't register to the portal.
Can anyone provide some ideas on what is causing this behavior, and how could I make sure that all users can receive their confirmation emails ?
Could it be that certain email providers are using a strict policy, are blocking the Confirmation Email, because it includes an activation email? I've thought of some solutions like
- Creating a register Hook that informs the new users that they could set their account to accept mails from my Portal
- Creating a hook that will use another Email Template for email confirmation, e.g including the confirmation Token and excluding the activation url
You could take a look at this very old question: How do you make sure email you send programmatically is not automatically marked as spam?
So have you tried the mentioned options in the marked answer there?

Automatic email from iphone application

I have seen some similar questions here on stack-overflow, but in my application i want when user click on confirm button automatic email go to the email id specified in the form with other details.
How can i implement this.
You could just make a post request to a server and have the server then send the email.
You cannot send emails automatically without sending the user to the mail application. You could however, take advantage of a third party service like Amazon Simple Email Service to send the message.