Google email account block for the security reason - email

I've configured google account to send the email from my application.
This works well with my application. But When test the application, this will work well for 10 or 20 emails. But after sometime, it blocks the application to send the email for the security reasons.
After that, I need to login again and should authorize the application to send the email that to verify "I am not a robo".
Here my need is, I need to send the email without any interruption from my email through application.
What should I do?

Everything is said here
A third party software logging automatically in to your account will trigger the account blocking process.


Cannot send Email Confirmation to certain email providers

I have a Liferay 6.1.0ga1 Portal that requires email confirmation from new registered users.
Following my feedback from the Portal users, and testing with misc Email Providers I've noticed:
Users that use a gmail account for their account, have no problem at all
Hotmail users will receive the 'welcome to our portal' and 'Email confirmation' emails, directly into their junk folder
Yahoo users are receiving most of the sent emails (welcome email, reset pasword, etc) normally, but the email confirmation is never received, and cannot be found even in their Spam Folder. The same happens for every request for a new confirmation mail. In a certain case, the Confirmation email arrived a few hours later, but I cannot really reproduce this scenario.
This is becoming a blocker issue because yahoo users can't register to the portal.
Can anyone provide some ideas on what is causing this behavior, and how could I make sure that all users can receive their confirmation emails ?
Could it be that certain email providers are using a strict policy, are blocking the Confirmation Email, because it includes an activation email? I've thought of some solutions like
- Creating a register Hook that informs the new users that they could set their account to accept mails from my Portal
- Creating a hook that will use another Email Template for email confirmation, e.g including the confirmation Token and excluding the activation url
You could take a look at this very old question: How do you make sure email you send programmatically is not automatically marked as spam?
So have you tried the mentioned options in the marked answer there?

Email Delayed - Google Apps

I have google app for sending email on behalf of my domain. It’s a free google app account where I have 50 users in it.
The problem is that the users are having issue receiving the emails, emails get delayed sometime we don’t receive the email at all.
I have checked the spam folder no trace of any emails.
Because of this we miss most of our important emails. So I there a way to know why the emails get delayed or not received or how can I contact google(gmail) in this regards for support.
I've been using the same service for a looooong time and no problems whatsoever.
I would bet the problem is either on your registrar or hosting.
Login to your registrar, and check the nameservers(!!!) and dns records.

Facebook spamming email sent from server

We are developing a mobile application that communicates with a server, which sends a generated email on behalf of the app user to a facebook user.
The user sending the email is signed on to Facebook.
The email is sent to one or multiple FB friends/connection using their id (example:
The sender email can be from any domain and that's where the problem lies. Sending directly from gmail for example, works fine. But because our server is sending on behalf of the user, FB thinks its a spoofed email.
Sending the email from the app is not an option for us at this time.
Is there any way or service that would allow us to do this without having our emails marked as spam?
Facebook is transitioning away from the ability to send emails via an
API call on Mar. 1st. To compensate, they allow apps to now ask for a
user's email address directly.
If you set the email domain in your app's settings, then asking for
the email extended permission gives you the users email address
instead the ability to send an email via the API.
As of Mar. 1, the API will stop working and you are left alone to
figure out your own email solution. This goes for regular
notifications, both user to user and app to user, as well
From here
Please note: We are in the process of deprecating the REST API,
and will not be adding support for this in Graph API.
Developers should directly send email to users once they are granted permission.
From here
However, I would suggest rather sending private message than emails, as described here

JavaMail to send email out which server?

Here is my issue, I'm creating a website with a little login and resetting password. It's basic stuff, when user forget the password they can click the link and my application will send an email with a link to reset the password. Now, I'm using Google App to send/receive email so I created a new alias like
And I just got a confirm email from Google that I'm not allowed to use Google Server to send out email by JavaMail, because they do not support JavaMail as a mail client, the issue that I'm having is I'm getting AuthenticationException back from
Moreover, I'm using Amazon EC2 to host the application as well, and amazon provides SES service to send out emails. So, the question would be can I use Google App to host our company email for every employee, but can I still use Amazon SES to send out emails by JavaMail within the same domain name as we are using with Google Apps?. So, the emails that we'll be sending out would be but will be from Amazon SES.
I'm not sure if I'm making this clear enough, my concern would be we redirect email MX Record to Google App already, I think we cannot redirect to Google and Amazon at the same time?
The application we are writing is based on Grails, so the email would be from Spring Email
Based on my usage of Amazon SES, you should be able to use the configuration you are suggesting without any issues. You do not need to add/change any MX record when using SES, because SES does not allow you to receive emails. It is only a service for sending (relaying) email messages, i.e., as far as I understood your needs, it will serve you perfectly, and your source email address will be the same as you use today.
When you sign up for SES and want to start sending test messages, you need to verify your source and destination email addresses before actually sending emails. You can achieve this verification through either scripting ( or API (VerifyEmailAddress on AWS SDK). After sending the verification request, you should receive an email address on the verified account. Just follow the message instructions and you can safely send some test messages.
When you are satisfied with your testing, you should request production access, and after this step, you no longer need to perform verification on destination e-mail addresses.
In order to call the API, I think you can use the AWS SDK for Java without problems in your application.
See more on:

Automatic email from iphone application

I have seen some similar questions here on stack-overflow, but in my application i want when user click on confirm button automatic email go to the email id specified in the form with other details.
How can i implement this.
You could just make a post request to a server and have the server then send the email.
You cannot send emails automatically without sending the user to the mail application. You could however, take advantage of a third party service like Amazon Simple Email Service to send the message.