Unity ProBuilder Grid Blocks Erase - unity3d

Unity House Image
Hi guys, I was making a building using Unity ProBuilder and wanted to add a finishing touch. I was wondering how to polish the building so that there will be no grid in the building itself (as you can see that the building from the floor to the roof have grids / blocks surrounding it. Anyone can help me with that? I tried googling but non came up

Ok thanks BugFinder for giving me the info that I needed and sorry for not solving this question much earlier because I was too focused on continuing my code ahahaha. Turns out I kept getting confused on what the material is lmao, I thought that the material was the shape of the object I'm making but and then I realized it is the material for "building" the shape. It's all done and resolved now!!!


ARFoundation detecting vertical planes and placing objects - Unity

Im finding it difficult to find information for detecting vertical planes and putting objects on walls.
I see alot about AR Core and using the HelloAR example app, but i get loads of compile errors as im mainly building the app for iOS, although i will do it for Android to at some point.
Although i dont mind editing C# I cant actually read/write c# so the simpler the resource/answer the better.
I also wouldnt mind been able to design/change the detector image thing, the thing that shows up when it detects a surface.
On the horizontal one theres just a simple square/crosshair and i love that.
Thanks in advance.
ARFoundation 1.0.0 preview 22 will surface the ability to select your plane detection mode: horizontal, vertical, or both. To use this mode, you will have to upgrade to the newly released Unity 2018.3: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/12/13/introducing-unity-2018-3/
For more about plane detection in ARFoundation, refer the following link
AR Plane Manager

How to etch images on a person's skin like a tattoo using unity and augmented reality?

I'm trying to work on a project in Unity that uses augmented reality to make images be tattooed on a person's skin. I have searched for options but have not found anything that is appropriate for the project. Only placing 3D objects on a object, but not making it looked like the image is tattooed. I know that this is possible as I have encountered an app that does this exactly. What I like to know is how to do this. Can someone help please? Thank you very much.

Unity creating animation for an an incision on a head model (brain surgery)

Currently I'm trying to create something similar to the surgeon simulator game, but where the hands in the simulation will be controlled by leap motion.
Im snuggling to create an animation where there is an incision made into the skull revealing the layers below. Any ideas on how I can achieve this, even if it needs creating on another software such as Maya then imported?
I have currently downloaded a head model and placed a brain model within it but stuck on creating the incision animation to show the cut on the skull to reveal the brain.
I hope this makes sense.
Thank you in advance

Unity 5.0 TouchScript Pan with Oculus Plugin

Hey guys I'm new to stackoverflow and was hoping anyone out there can help me with this problem :(
I'm using unity 5.1.1f personal and I'm trying to move 3d objects with the touchscript plugin. I'm also using the oculus and leapmotion plugins. For some reason the blue tag that's suppose to detect touch only appears behind the oculus lens views when I run the game as if they're not even in the game world to begin with. I suspect it might be a hierarchy issue but am at lost on how to solve it. I'm also confused about the touchscript plugin's synchronicity with the fiducial markers i plan to use to track the virtual objects positioning. If anyone out there can give me some help i'd greatly appreciate it! I'm not very good with unity so i'm in a pickle of what I can do.... ;_;

Tool to construct 3D maze for the iPhone?

I want to construct a 3D Maze tha will appear on the iPhone screen but not in the typical above-the maze view but in a Wolfenstein walking inside-around the maze fashion.. Excuse my terminology but I'm quite new to this :)
My questions are the following:
What tools should I use to build my 3d maze? XCode's OpenGl or Quartz Composer?
Given that I want a fairly simple design is there some even simpler tool I can use to design the maze and then import it in my Objective-C project to integrate user/iphone interaction to this?
More importantly though: Regarding the user's movement around the maze, it will involve some elaborate motion event handling and not your typical click left/front/back/right arrow to move around.. Does that affect in any way the tool I will be using to construct my maze or is this irrelevant?
Thanks in advance for any help!
You could (and probably should) do it with Unity 3D. In fact, somebody already has.