Multiple transporters in one elevator - anylogic

Hi again a new question about lifts in Anylogic,
Is there an manner to simulate that if there are multiple transporters waiting at an elevator that they can together take an lift (since the lift has a capacity of 3)?


How to i make agents in AnyLogic avoid another moving agent?

I am trying to model an agent based model where a certain agent population of people avoid to get close to a single agent, a random moving VIP.
I have tried to useif (distanceTo( < restrictedArea)) ;moveTo(uniform(500),uniform(500))
The agent will, most of the time, move to its new random destination through the restricted area which i want to avoid
Either you use the Material-handling library (where the transporters have build-in collision avoidance).
Or you model it youself. For that, you need a cyclic event in your agent that constantly checks the distance to whatever other agent you are interested in. If below some threshold, you tell the agent to move elsewhere.
Note: the first option can be quite slow. The second is not trivial to implement. Less due to coding skills, more because having intelligent collision avoidance algorithms is not trivial

How can I create a finite calling population model?

I am trying to simulate a finite calling population model in AnyLogic. My population consists of 10 agents and I want them to come back to the Source node after they have been served.
I thought about making conditioning with the SelectOutput node but the Source node does not have any input. The best thing that I came up with is to just limit the number of customers arrivals to 10. However, in this case, the model stops running after 10 arrivals which is not an appropriate result.
What can I do to be able to simulate such a type of model in AnyLogic?
EDIT: I thought that making agents come back to the Source node could be a solution to building the finite calling population model. The main purpose of my question is to understand how can I build such type of model in AnyLogic. Here is the description of the concept of the model.
You cannot send them back to a Source element, as it only acts to create agents.
However, you can send them back to blocks that come after the source as below:
Here, all agents created by the Source block will infinitely loop through the Queue and Delay blocks.

Make an idle resource help out a unit already being served

So, the problem I'm facing is the following.
I have a simple arcitechture where I simulate an unloading process where 2 cranes unload incoming docked ships. Using a seize-delay-release design, one incoming ship binds up one capcity point from the "cranes" resourcePool.
View descriptive image here:
In the event of only one arriving ship, how can I make both cranes work on one ship and from there cut the processing time in half?
If a second ship docks in, I want one of the two busy cranes to help out the newly arrived ship with unloading.
Are there any elegant ways of solving this issue?
Another option would be to model the offloading process in a bit more detail. This will negate the requirement of computing the remaining offloading time on a ship if service time depends on the number of cranes serving it in any time unit.
You can model the berths or docks where ships can park to be offloaded as waiting blocks or queues
When a ship enters the docks or berth they will generate a number of containers or what ever units that need to be offloaded in a separate logic stream, using source.inject(numberOfUnits)
You can model the number of cranes available at each berth programmatically by either increasing or decreasing the number of resources in the resource pool using resourcePool.set_capacity(numberOfUnits)
Thus if a ship arrives at a dock A and there is no ship at dock B, you increase the capacity of the cranes at dock A to 2. If a new ship then arrives at dock B you set the capacity for the resource pool at both docks to 1.
If the ship at dock A leaves, then you assign the cranes in the resource pool at dock B to 2 and at dock A to 0, thus simulating the movement of a crane from one dock to another.
The only minor issue here is that if you want to track the utilization of individual cranes you will need to store them separately as you will be destroying and creating resource units the whole time.
Yes, apply priorities. A new ship should have a higher priority and your second crane (still busy with ship 1) can be seized by the higher priority ship using task preemption. (Check how these work in the help and example models)
Only difficulty will be to compute the remaining time on ship 1 if service time depends on the number of cranes serving it in any time unit. Not impossible but will need some coding.

Custom defined transporters colliding

I've created a simple transporter (think of it like a box on wheels) and I have two separate TransporterFleets that each contain one of these simple transporter agents. In the TransporterFleet blocks I specify a "Min distance to obstacle" = 0.5 meters; however when the simulation runs, the two separate transporters go right over each other from time-to-time.
Note that I have two separate TransporterFleet blocks because each transporter has certain paths that it cannot take.
What can I modify/add so that these transporters will never collide?
i had the same issue and suggestion from AL support was to increase transporters deceleration. If you have default value (1 m/s2) than it could be possible that transportesr cant break fast enough...

Track driven distance of transporters in Anylogic

I have modelled a fleet of AGVs as agents through TransporterFleet and TransportControl blocks.
The AGVs navigate in free space between different conveyors and their home locations.
Is it possible in Anylogic to track the driven distance for each AGV?
The Transporter API includes a getDistanceTravelled() function since version 8.5.2
Try using the "Logging" feature as that typically tracks the distance covered by agents in your model.
If it doesn't work for free-space AGVs, you have to record it manually (recurring event every x time-units)