I am looking to create/install Oracle Business Intelligence 12c on new machine with backup files.
What are key steps?
a) the BAR contains the RPD
b) Install a new machine and upload the BAR file. It's one command.
I have an existing Wildfly installation containing other apps. Besides that I want to deploy Kie Workbench too. Here I do not want to use the demo installation using Ant, which starts downloading and installing JBoss afresh.
My existing environment is below.
OS: Windows Server
Database: Postgres 9.6.1
JDBC: postgresql-42.1.4.jar
App Server: wildfly-10.1.0.Final
BPM/Drools App: kie-wb-7.2.0.Final-wildfly10.war
I deployed the Kie Workbench by downloading the war file from here:
Now I would like to change the default H2 database driver with Postgresql 9.6.
Prior to this I created users and datasources already and had a workable kie-wb site, but only problem is: it is running on H2.
Any help appreciated in replacing H2 with Postgresql driver.
This post explains how to use Postresql with Wildfly 10.
According to this page you can just drop the Kies application to the deployments directory. This means probably that it uses the "default" H2 data source. Hence you must change jndi-name and pool-name of the newly added Postgresql in step 1 to those of the H2 and comment the H2 data source.
I performed the below steps. But somewhere I went wrong, not sure where. I am unable to login to the kie workbench.
JBPM App Server Configuration for PostgreSQL
Uncompress the zip file: jbpm-installer-full-7.2.0.Final build.properties file
Update release.version=7.2.0.Final in
Remove references of H2 in build.properties file
Add postgresql references in build.properties file including jdbc driver details and download url
Change H2 hibernate dialect to that of PostgreSQLDialect in jbpm-persistence-JPA2.xml file
Change all H2 reference and replace with PostgreSQL in standalone-wildfly-10.1.0.Final.xml, standalone-full-wildfly-10.1.0.Final.xml files
Change default datasource to jBPMDS in those two files:
Upload Postgres Driver and create module.xml file with the postgresql driver using JBOSS-CLI commands.
Issue the below ant commands from the directory of the expanded zip files:
ant clean.generated.ddl
ant download.ddl.dependencies
ant install.jboss
ant install.jBPM-console.into.jboss
Make sure standalone.xml and standalone-full.xml are being copied into the Wildfly configuration directory correctly.
Move the wildfly directory to the location of the JBOSS_HOME, or create environment variable pointing to the same.
Create the directory modules\org\postgresql\main in JBOSS_HOME home and copy files: module.xml, postgresql-42.1.4.jar
Add admin user in the Management Realm: admin
Add JBPM users with roles in braces in Application Realm: kieserver(kie-server), workbench(admin,kie-server)
Run the sql scripts from ddl_dependency folder as the ant script is failing.
Issue standalone -b -c standalone-full.xml command
Bing! you are done!
How to configure SQuirreL for DB2 access.
In SQuirreL I do see two DB2 drivers. But they are both marked with an red X.
I checked with Start Page but did not find an easy solution :/
Download the DB2 Driver from the IBM Website and extract the ZIP archive.
Optionally you may want to copy it from the DB2 Server installation path:
Use db2jcc4.jar and copy it into the squirrel folder e.g. plugins/db2
In der Driver in the tab "Extra Class Path" add the db2jcc4.jar file
Change the class name to com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
I want to edit the css and attached some js file in the header.Can i edit it through login to the ftp account using in Dreamweaver.Or i need edit it in Eclipse?
You will need eclipse & DW extension for eclipse and source code set up of your DW site.
Then you need to set up DW server connection and after that whatever changes you will do, automatically be deployed on the associated server.
I don't think there is any FTP option for changing files in DW.
Manish Kumar
There are 4 ways to upload some code on Demandware aka salesforce commerce cloud :
VSCode extension Prophet Debugger
Eclipse with the UX Studio (help > install new software Work with : http://updates.demandware.com/uxstudio/4.5 (press add than install)
WebDav client as WinSCP, CyberDuck, CarrotDav and uploading directly in the active version directory in Cartridges. You'll find the path in your back office in Administration > Site Development > Development Setup > Cartridges.
dwupload a very simple node tool. You have to configure a dw.json file directly in your cartridges directory and launch it from here (a little tips you can use the parameter --config [configuration file] if you have serval sandboxes).
You can do that with a WebDAV client. Just install any WebDAV client, for instance CyberDuck, and connect to your server with your credentials.
After that you can use it in a way similar to FTP clients and update your files without Eclipse.
I have my liferay server installed on local machine.
I have created pages and an organization.
I want to have the same structure on another machine. H
What all files do i need to copy from this folder to another machine?
Just take the SQL export and the data folder from liferay-portal. Replace this data folder on the other machine and point it to the DB. SQL files will have the organizations and the pages while data folder will have the documents, images and other contents required to initiate the liferay portal.
I have a small windows app and am trying to use SQL CE for the local datastore. I have had a couple of problems deploying it. I am using ClickOnce deployment.
First question:
In the Publish properties -> Application Files I have it set to Data File(Auto), Required, Include. However, it doesn't seem to be included? When I navigate to the location that Click Once installs to its not there?
Click once creates a new directory in the User\Local\Apps directory, with the app files and SDF file in when I update the app and release a new version I don't want to start with a new database. All the data in the existing database will be lost? The just doesn't seem to make sense?
What is the procedure around this?