How to edit the source code of the website hosting in Demandware? - demandware

I want to edit the css and attached some js file in the header.Can i edit it through login to the ftp account using in Dreamweaver.Or i need edit it in Eclipse?

You will need eclipse & DW extension for eclipse and source code set up of your DW site.
Then you need to set up DW server connection and after that whatever changes you will do, automatically be deployed on the associated server.
I don't think there is any FTP option for changing files in DW.
Manish Kumar

There are 4 ways to upload some code on Demandware aka salesforce commerce cloud :
VSCode extension Prophet Debugger
Eclipse with the UX Studio (help > install new software Work with : (press add than install)
WebDav client as WinSCP, CyberDuck, CarrotDav and uploading directly in the active version directory in Cartridges. You'll find the path in your back office in Administration > Site Development > Development Setup > Cartridges.
dwupload a very simple node tool. You have to configure a dw.json file directly in your cartridges directory and launch it from here (a little tips you can use the parameter --config [configuration file] if you have serval sandboxes).

You can do that with a WebDAV client. Just install any WebDAV client, for instance CyberDuck, and connect to your server with your credentials.
After that you can use it in a way similar to FTP clients and update your files without Eclipse.


How to connect my code from VS Code to my GoDaddy domain?

I have purchased a GoDaddy domain and I have made a website from code through the Visual Studio Code application. I tried to link the two together so that I can have a public website with my domain name and the content from VS Code. Does anyone know how I can do this? Any suggestion in VS code ftp/sftp plugins ?
Download ftp-simple extension for VSCode and then setup the configurations file.
To setup configuration file Press F1 -> ftp-simple: Config - FTP connection settings
Set up your configuration and then again press F1 -> ftp-simple: Remte Directory Open to Workspace.
You can check the output is Output console by selecting ftp-simple in dropdown.
Have you purchased hosting service? If yes, you just need to upload your files to your root folder and make sure you point your domain to your hosting provider name server.

Eclipse send local edited files with Eclipse FTP

I'm really new with Eclipse. I'm a programmer and i have 2 site that i work on.
One is setup with a GIT.. so when i edit a file, i commit the change et the file is send to my server.
For the other site, i use Notepad ++, and when i edit my files, i use filezila to send it to the server..
My question, is, can i use Eclipse to edit the file and then send it via FTP ?
So i will not need Notepad++ and Filezilla anymore!
Here what i did: i create a new project (local), so i can edit the file in Eclipse. But to send it via FTP i see this topic How do I add FTP support to Eclipse?
and i created my connection with Remote System! And everythings works..
But the problem is, what i have to do to 'commit' or 'upload' my edited files ?
Because if y right click on my project, and i go hover de TEAM, only 2 options appears: Apply Patch, Share Project
There is no commit or send or upload...
What should I do?
RES works a little differently than the Team plugins. You have to use the RSE perspective and create a connection to your FTP server. Then you can interact with files through that connection (not through the Team menu).
See this video for a demonstration; it's an older version but should be close enough to get you going.

How to deploy my project to localhost?

I'm working on a website and right now I am using FileZilla to make changes to it. Every time I make a change, I have to re-upload the file to the website through FTP and then wait for it to update online. I want to just deploy my project to localhost so I can get instant results and then just upload the whole project when it's finished. How do I do this? All I have is a set of directories with the files in them.
You really need to use a web/application server such as IIS/Apache.
For PHP projects go for WampServer/XAMPP.Easy to setup and works very well.
(maybe too obvious)
If you are working only static content based on html/css/js you can just edit and view changes directly by opening the local file in your browser and refresh each time.
Furthermore for css and html you can edit your code "live", directly into browser and see changes immidiately.
Another option is to edit files with an editor that supports ftp like notepad++, you can connect via ftp, open and edit files directly from server (like php,html,css,js) because once you save the editor will automatically upload your changes.
Heres a good explanation about notepad++ and ftp plugin.
If you work with php (and even only with html/css) the best choise is to run a local server that rappresents a real environment in which your code will run. As said by others XAMPP is a good choise for begginers because of simple installation and management.
XAMPP download
XAMPP tutorial
Once installed put your folder inside C:/xampp/htdocs/yourCodeFolder
Run the xampp control panel and start the Apache server.
Finally navigate with your browser to: http://localhost/yourCodeFolder/

Netbeans - Open remote folder/new project

I have been using Netbeans for several months now and like it a lot. I am trying to enable a way to create a project which accesses live files on my server to make changes. When I create a project using a remote source, it starts downloading all the server files to my computer. This would be just fine, except for the fact that (a) the server has a few gigs of files on it and (b) there are two of us that will be making changes on the server.
In the past, I have worked with IDEs that just open an FTP or SFTP connection and will download the file you want to edit, and then upload that file back to the server when you save it. Preferably, this is what I would like Netbeans to do.
I have tried adding a FTP folder in Windows, but Netbeans won't open it. I have tried using Swish and setting up an SFTP folder, and Netbeans won't find the Swish folder altogether.
On a side note, I understand what I am doing is horrible practice, but it is a small site and I am usually the only one working on it. I haven't worked on the website in the past several weeks and just thought it would be easier to get access directly than re-downloading the entire server's worth of code/images/videos/etc. Any help would be appreciated.
NetBeans does not support what you want to do. However, if you put your site under Subversion/Git (revision control), you could check out the content, modify it locally and push modification back remotely.
This would also help avoiding code clashes when your friends work on your website too.
Actually Netbeans supports this for php projects.
Just choose :
PHP Application from remote server
(but git is the best solution anw as it gives you version control as well but the above is useful if you want your server files to be updated when you just press ctr+s)

Zend Studio and remote host - best practice

Got the following:
Zend Studio
Zend Framework Project
Remote host with FTP and SSH (root access)
Want to:
Save directly to remote host.
Currently i'm working on a localhost *AMP server, manually updating the remote through FTP.
Have tried various ways to acomplish the above - unsuccessfull obviously.
Can some one tell me what to do? Studio 5 (pre-eclipse) was so much better for pure 'FTP programming'.
Currently i'm using remote server support for synchronize my project directly with my i5 server.
It works using ftp or sfpt if you have enabled SSH on your server machine.
It works very well.
Before using remote server support you have to set up a connection
to the server: go to window menu > open perspective > other >
remote system explorer
set up a connection to your server
Return to php develop perspective
To add the "support to remote server" to an existing project, click on the project with rigth click > properties > Remote Server Support
Flag enable Remote connection properties
Set-up all properties and select upload files "on save"
In this way, ZS work locally on the file's project (index, build files ecc) and upload on the server only the .php and .js files.
It can works very well with svn suppor too, because it DOESEN'T upload (.svn) files to the server but keeps it local.
Whatever you do, don't use Expandrive. That's what I'm working with now, and it grinds ZSE to a crashing halt. Sometimes, Expandrive just stops working and ZSE thinks the file disappeared, so you have to close everything and anything not saved is lost.
EDIT: One solution that's worked for us is using the SMB protocol, using Windows' SMB compatibility to create a remote drive, and then interacting with your code base that way. Make sure to ignore building large static files or large files you won't be directly editing to further speed up Eclipse when building a project this way.
You can use 3rd party utilities:
Expandrive for OSX
Netdrive (commercial) or FTPDrive (free)
to mount FTP/SFTP to drive or folder so you can work as it is locally.