I can't open .py files in Finder after updating my mac to 10.15 Catalina - python-3.7

I have updated mac os to Catalina, and now in Finder I can't open my python files with double click.
I usually use IDLE for python 3.7.9. The default application to open .py files is already set to IDLE (3.7.9) but when I double click on my file, nothing is happening.
But it's work if my IDLE isn't opened.
I've trying to open with Thonny and it's same: it's doesn't work if Thonny ist opened and it's work if Thonny is not opened.
I can open my files with:
$ idle -e file.py in Terminal or $ env PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin idle myfile.py
I have only IDLE 3.7.9 and reinstalled (I have deleted other versions)

IDLE on Mac right now can only files when the IDLE shell is open. Just open the IDLE application and you'll be able to open .py files. Or you can maybe upgrade your python or Mac.


How can I open toggleterm in my current working directory?

I have started to use neovim recently and installed toggleterm plugin for a terminal. When ever I am in a project and try to open the terminal it starts on my home directory rather than the current working directory of the project.
For example: Suppose I am currently on a project which is at ~/projects/new-project/news-app and when ever I start toggle term the terminal's location is at ~/.
What can I do to make it open on current project directory (~/projects/new-project/news-app).
Operating system: WSL2 Ubunutu22.04
Neovim version: 0.6.1
I have tried enabling autochdir = true in toggleTerm.lua file and also tried adding autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h to my init.vim config file but this does not solve my problem.

Cygwin terminal on VSC does not start from current directory

for some reason every time I open a new Cygwin terminaln on VSC, the working directory is set to /home/User by default. Buy I would want the working directory to be set, by default, to the path I am opening the Cygwin terminal from. I have installed the Cygwin terminal on VSC using Shell Launcher (Extension).

PlatformIO Toolbar not showing up in VSCode

As seen in the picture: I have PIO installed and active, but it don't shows it's toolbar for uploading the project. Yesterday a simple restart of VSCode fixed it, today nothing changed after a lot of restarts. https://i.stack.imgur.com/Xc63R.png
In case someone else comes upon this. I had a similar problem. It is more a workaround than a solution. (I'm running VSCode on Ubuntu)
{ctrl+alt+t} #Open a terminal
$ cd {folder location} #Change directory to the location where your src folder and platformio.ini file is located
$ code . #Launch VSCode from the terminal window
My icon to upload and launch serial monitor now show on the bottom.

Not able to open VS Code from Terminal in my MacBook BigSur11.3.1

Good day community. I have installed VS Code in my MacBook Air M1 chip running on BigSur 11.3.1 but whenever I set the code command in PATH (using Command+Shift+P) it only appears to be working for current session and doesn't work if I restart VSCode. I have to set the code command in PATH again. Please help me in configuring code command permanently so that i can open VSCode from any directory whenever I want. Thanks
I think I have got the solution. After installing VSCode in your Mac (which will be in download folder) move VS Studio Code.app file to Application Folder and then again install the code command in PATH from VSCode(using Command+Shift+P) and thats it.

Flutter path is not saving permanently on z shell mac os catalina every time after closing the terminal

i am using mac os catalina and i created .zshrc file and added the following line for flutter
export PATH="$PATH:/Users/me/development/flutter/bin"
this is the content of the .zshrc file:
but when i closed the terminal and reopen a new terminal, flutter command is not working. so every-time again and again, i need to type source $HOME/. to make it working.
is there any permanent solution so that the path will not be removed.
You mention that you got a MacBook that you then updated to Catalina after the fact. The default terminal shell for Catalina is zsh, but before Catalina it was bash, and any Mac that was updated to Catalina from an older version still has bash as the default. If this is the case for you, you need to do one of the following:
Change the default shell for your terminal to zsh with the command chsh -s /bin/zsh (more info)
Add the path export script to a file named .bash_profile instead (same location where you created .zshrc).
In my case adding the following to Users/me/.zshrc solved the problem:
export PATH="$PATH:/Users/me/development/flutter/bin"
Writing your export to PATH code in the .zshrc file is the answer with Mac Big Sur but also, don't forget to execute it before quitting your shell.
. ~/.zshrc
Open terminal.
vim $HOME/.zshrc
open another terminal
drag drop bind file inside flutter file to second terminal
on first terminal where vim is openned add this code
export PATH=(copy and past on second termainal path here)
Press "Esc" then write :wq! in terminal and press enter to exit vim.
close terminal test,open again test with command "which flutter"