Github pages - White look - github

Problem: When you click the link it shows only the title but nothing else
This is the link to the repository:
and this is the link to the GitHub Pages:
Current result:

When I click, I do see the full page, not just the title.
I would still recommand to rename FMPUHD.html as index.html, to kame sure this file is considered by default as the homepage.


CSS In GitHub Pages not linking properly

I'm working on a GitHub page, my first one, and I don't think my CSS is linking properly. The CSS won't show up on the page.
My repository:
My page:
Any reasons?
Add font size property instead of text-size . The css file is linked already

Set an homepage and create a link to redirect to an other project with Jekyll/Github pages

I must have missed the informations but I don't know how do two things with jekyll and Github pages...
First question:
With the minima theme, my homepage is the with the layout default :
layout: default
title: Homepage
I didn't changed the default.html. The content of my is well displayed as my homepage, but a new tab was created in the navigation bar with the title " Homepage "... There is a way to display my homepage without created a new tab in the navigation bar ?
Second question :
I create a file to create a new tab in the navigation bar with " resume " as title :
layout: default
title: Resume
A resume tab was created. But I would like that when I click on it, this tab redirect me to my other project Github pages which is my resume.
I don't know how to do that...
Can you help me with these to problems ?
Find the solution to my first problem :
In the _config.yml file, uncomment the #header_pages. That allow to change the order of the navigation ( an other problem that I have... ) and not display the homepage tab in the navigation bar.
Still the second problem.
Regarding question two:
You could try using Jekyll plugin jekyll-redirect-from [1] to create a page on your website to redirect to another URL [2].
Sometimes, you may want to redirect a site page to a totally different
website. This plugin also supports that with the redirect_to key:
title: My amazing post
I was in the same sceneraio before. Specifically, I have my personal home page setup on github. Meanwhile, I aslo have two seperate projects hosted at two differnt urls, which I want to show them as hyperlinked navigation tabs on my homepage as well.
The solution I used is to cutomize the navigation tab setion in the default.html as below :
you can replace the url above with your own external link.
Setting target="_blank" will open the link in a new page when you click on the hyperlinked tab (i.e. MyProject1 or MyProject2).
FYI, here is my account:

Plunker does not show in embedded preview?

I have written some markdown text in the of a plunk. If I open the Embedded View, and click View the project details button on the top right, the text does not show, just the name of the Plunk and the creator are displayed.
Also, on the Info panel, the markdown does not display the code syntax highlighting - it puts it in a code block, but without the highlighting
"use babel";
document.onload = (e) => {
alert('I just annoyed whoever visited this page! USING ES6!');
Anyone have any info or advice on this?
In order to create an embedded plunk that displays a rendered version of a Markdown (or other) file as the default view, two things need to be done:
show=preview - Tell the embed that the only pane to be shown should be the preview pane. You could also say show=script.js,preview to tell the embed to show the script.js file and the preview. - Tell the embed that instead of opening the default / preview, to use a specific file. The filename specified does not need to be exact; preview=readme will also work.
For example, here is a link that demonstrates this for the plunk you provided:
These, and other supported configuration options, for the embed view are detailed in this gitbook page.

How to get page link on time of my jekyll site

If you goto my jekyll site at the following url
you will see on the time categories, pages, tages, archive and I would like to find a what to put a link right to my resume page on top too.
I am using github, jekyll and the hoolign theme. please help me out
Jekyll Bootstrap uses site.pages and loops through them to create the Top Nav.
So to add your Resume to that list, you need to do this:
Assuming your Resume is here: Jekyll Bootstrap Root Directory -> /resume/
At the top of /resume/ add this single line group: navigation to your YAML Front Matter after your title:
layout: page
title: Resume
group: navigation
See this file in JB, which explains:
EDIT: Oh, I see you are using / and /resume/ for the same content. So add the group: navigation line to the one which you want in the main nav, but not both.

Changing Title of home page in Joomla

I am totally new to Joomla. I am trying to help a friend whose ISP has stopped support (for some internal reasons). We need to change the title of the home page.
1) The first place i made a change was in the 'Front Page Manager'. I changed the 'Title' column. The 'Show Title' parameter on this page is set to 'Global'. Yet the new title does not appear.
2) I then downloaded the entire site , consisting of 10,000 files and searched for the old title in all the files. I found the old title in one file which seemed to be used for SEO pruposes , since it had a whole lot of companies and their titles. I uploaded this file. No effect.
3) I then browsed through the database (MySQL) and changed old titles found in MetaKey and MetaDescription columns to new title. I think i checked all tables (almost 100 odd tables). No effect.
4) I found the old title in the 'Top Menu' item and changed it too.
I know this is a bit ambiguous but how could i troubleshoot the source of this title which does not get changed ?
Titles in Joomla come from several places. As Legycsapo said, the first place you should look is the default menu item. In the Parameters (System) the Page Title should override any other setting unless you have an extension that sets the page title. The Show Page Title option determines if the title shows up in the content, it does not affect the page title.
Try to change it in the menu options. In the mainmenu, click on the "Home" link, or whatever you write for Frontpage, and there are options in the right. The last one is the parameters, system, there is a "Website title" input box. Try there !
You need to change the home page title in the Control Panel Configuration.
In the Site tab you have the Site Name which is what will be written in the page title.
Another solution is, if you have SEF urls enabled, joomla has a native plugin called SEOsimple. Look under Plugin Manager, click on it and change the title to either disable so that it takes the title by default from global configuration or your custom one.