Unable to load FormsFlow Web - formsflow.ai

I have configured all the required modules, but while loading the FormsFlow Web, I see the page is not loading at all. Attached image with inspection window. Can you please suggest what might be going wrong here

It looks like your environment variable KEYCLOAK_URL is missing. According to README mentioned here update environment variable by referring the sample.env.
After updating your environment variables ensure to rebuild the containers with command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-windows.yml up --build -d

This should be due to the missing Keycloak env. And Remember to Redeploy your app after Environment change.
Check the Keycloak Env in the below line is added.
Refer this issue which is similar.


"Unauthorized" while selecting forms for associating workflow

I am using the latest opensource formsflow.ai v4.0.2. I brought the entire project to my personal laptop. I followed the Docker full installation guide. Docker is running fine. In http://localhost:3000, login as formsflow-designer and selected an existing form for associating workflow, If I select one of the forms it shows :unauthorized" as shown in the below screenshot.
This "unauthorised" error is due to wrongly configured environment variable for forms-flow designer role (DESIGNER_ROLE_ID). Please refer https://github.com/AOT-Technologies/forms-flow-ai/blob/master/forms-flow-forms/README.md#formsflow-forms-userrole-api for obtaining the required env for roles and use those in the environment variables mentioned in the table https://github.com/AOT-Technologies/forms-flow-ai/tree/master/deployment/docker#formsflowai-keycloak-variable-settings . And rebuild and deploy forms-flow-web. This should fix your issue.

Dags in Airflow UI do not show on/off and keep on loading

I installed airflow using Kubernetes and have login the airflow UI. It shows all dags, but they are not shown correctly.
1/ There is no on/off buttons on the left of Dag name, it just show empty checkbox.
2/ The "Recent Tasks" and "DAG Runs" columns look like they are trying to load something;
3/ If I click and therefore go to any of DAG, it looks like it tries to load something;
I tried both airflow 2.0.0 and 1.10.11 and they show the same so it is not because of version.
What is the problem of the airflow and how to fix that?
------- here I provide more information according to Ofek Hod's suggestion:
1/ run "kubectl logs <pod_id> webserver", after I login airflow web UI, I got many http 404 response. e.g.
after I click any dag in airflow WebUI I got some other 404 response
Airflow interprets all your .py files in your dags folder first, I guess something goes wrong there.
As a rule-of-thumb, first access webserver and scheduler logs (for kub kubectl logs?), maybe you can find a hint there.
If not, try first to make a "clean" airflow instance without any of your dags code or related .py files- point the dags folder to an empty directory and see what happens (better if you turn on example dags configuration).
If that works, add your .py files from the original dag folder incrementally until you find problematic code.
If it's not working, probably the scheduler or webserver are messed up, please check the logs again with better attention.
find the answer myself:
The package I use to setup k8s-airflow has a step to run ./airflow/www/compile_assets.sh using npm but the package missed the step to install npm. so I added "apt install -y npm" in the step and now I see airflow page correctly.

GCR Cloud Run says "Image [name] not found"

I'm trying to take my first baby steps with podman (instead of Docker) and Google Cloud Run. I've managed to build an image with a gcr.io tag and push it to Google. I then create a new service, and I can select the image in the "Select Image URL" pop-up dialog. But then the service fails to start, saying "Image [full name] not found".
I can't find anything on Google's support pages, or anywhere else. I can pull the image, I can push new versions, and they appear on the pop-up dialog. But the service still reports that they can't be found.
What am I doing wrong?
Edit in answer to DazWilkin's questions below:
Can you run the podman-created container locally using Docker?
I can't run Docker locally because it is not compatible with Fedora 31 (hence podman). But I can run it locally using podman run
Can you deploy a Docker-created container in Cloud Run?
As above: F31. However podman is supposed to be a drop-in replacement.
Is the container registry in the same project as Cloud Run?
Yes. I did have a problem with that, but I got a permissions message rather than "not found".
Have you tried deploying via gcloud rather than the console?
$ podman push eu.gcr.io/my-project/hs-hello-world
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob c7f3d2e0289b done
Copying blob def7032cea8e done
Copying config f1c2e2615f done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
$ gcloud run deploy --image eu.gcr.io/my-project/hs-hello-world --platform managed
Service name (hs-hello-world):
Deploying container to Cloud Run service [hs-hello-world] in project [my-project] region [europe-west1]
X Deploying... Image 'eu.gcr.io/my-project/hs-hello-world' not found.
X Creating Revision... Image 'eu.gcr.io/my-project/hs-hello-world' not found.
. Routing traffic...
Deployment failed
ERROR: (gcloud.run.deploy) Image 'eu.gcr.io/my-project/hs-hello-world' not found.
When I used a Google-built container it worked fine.
Update: 5 March 2020
In the end I just carried on with the Google build service, and it works fine. My initial wish for local builds was in large part because a build on Google was taking over half an hour (lots of Haskell libraries to import), but now I've figured out how to use staged builds and multi-processor VMs to avoid this. I appreciate the efforts of those who have tried to help, but right now it's not broke so I'm not going to try to fix it.
I had the same issue: it seems Cloud Run is picky about the kind of manifest it can pull.
By building my images with --format docker and pushing them with --remove-signatures (inspired by this issue), podman will create and push docker-style manifests to the Container Registry and everything ran smoothly!
Too bad I spent a lot of time thinking it was a lack of permissions problem
I had the same error. My issue was that I was using the docker/setup-buildx-action in a GitHub action. When this was removed, Cloud Run was happy with the resulting manifest / container image.
Thanks to #André-Breda for providing the direction.
I've been having the same issue today. I'm using buildah to create the new image. I realized that the image I used successfully yesterday was built as root. So I built the new one as root and pushed it successfully.
Wish I knew why. The images built as my username ran fine locally with rootless podman.

Does anyone have tried the HLF 2.0 feature "External Builders and Launchers" and wants to get in touch?

I'm getting my way through the HLF 2.0 docs and would love to discuss and try out the new features "External Builders and Launchers" and "Chaincode as an external service".
My goal is to run HLF2.0 on an K8s cluster (OpenShift). Does anyone wants to get in touch or has anyone already figured his way through?
Cheers from Germany
Also trying to use the ExternalBuilder. Setup core.yaml, rebuilt the containers to use it. I get an error that on "peer lifecycle chaincode install .tgz...", that the path to the scripts in core.yaml can not be found.
I've added volume bind commands in the peer-base.yaml, and in docker-compose-cli.yaml, and am using the first-network setup. Dropped out the part of the byfn.sh that would connect to the cli container, so that I do that part manually, do the create, join, update anchors successfully, and then try to do the install and fail. However, on the install, I'm failing on the /bin/detect, because it can't find that file to fork/exec it. To get that far, peer was able to read my external configuration, and read the core.yaml file. At the moment, trying the "mode: dev" in the core.yaml which seems to indicate that the scripts and the chaincode will be run "locally", which I think means it should run in the cli container. Otherwise, tried to walk the code to see how the docker containers are being created dynamically, and from what image, but haven't been able to nail that down yet.

Can Docker plugins inspect label metadata from starting image?

I'm asking if it's possible to have a docker volume plugin inspect a starting image's label metadata in order to take some additional action? I'd like to see said action include mounting a device, but I'm not sure if such is yet possible with a driver plugin, nor have I seen any mention of say device plugin lately.
I'm trying to see if there are ways to enable the nvidia-docker-plugin in the scope of docker-compose files like so:
image: ubuntu
volume_driver: nvidia-docker-driver
nvidia.gpu: "0,1"
command: nvidia-smi
Relevant issue with context: https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker/issues/39
Just resurrecting this old issue to say that this is now solved by nvidia-docker-compose.
