How does the pgadmin encodes the file path in backups? - postgresql

I'm trying to restore dump files from locations that contain character from other languages besides English.
So here is what I did:
From inside the pgadmin I used the backup tool like:
And inside the FileName input provided an actual real folder named "א":
The actual file argument (-f file) has been auto decoded into:
pg_dump.exe --file "C:\\0F04~1\\TOC~1.DUM"
My question is what is the decoding system pgadmin uses in order to decode the file path argument?
How did it came up with 0F04~1 from א?
I'm asking it because pg_restore is not supporting file path that contains not English chars (from cmd):
pg_dump.exe --file "C:\\0F04~1\\TOC1.DUMP" .... WORKS OK!
pg_dump.exe --file "C:\\א\\TOC1.DUMP" ... Not Working!
pg_restore: [custom archiver] could not open input file "..."
As in this question, so if I'll find the encoding system for pgadmin I'll use it from code.
My goal is to encode the path that contain not-English chars from a batch code so it will work.

This is not something weird pgadmin does, but rather it is something weird Windows itself does when needing to represent such file names in a DOS-like setting. Like when the name is more than 8 chars, or extension more than 3.
In my hands the weird presentation is only there in the logs and status messages. If I use the GUI file chooser, the file names look normal, and replay successfully.
If you really want to know what Windows is doing, I think that is a better question for superuser with a Windows tag. I don't know why you can't restore these files. Are you using the pgAdmin GUI file chooser or trying to type the names in directly to something?


How to fix syntax errors in postgresql .sql dump file when restoring with psql?

I have a postgresql .sql dump file created by pg_dump on another windows 10 box. I am trying to restore it on my windows 10 laptop with
"psql -U user -d database -1 -f filename.sql". I created the database, but when I run the command to do the restore I get an error from psql after I give it my password:
psql:filename.sql:1:1: ERROR: syntax error at or near "ÿ_"
LINE 1: ÿ_;
The file looks like straight ascii (I only see two dashes on line one. I don't see a 'y' with an umlaut anywhere). I did a file on the .sql file with cygwin bash, and it says:
Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with very long lines, with CRLF, CR line >terminators
I really don't want to recreate the database by hand. I am looking for any suggestions.
I tried psql with and without the '-1' option; no luck. I tried putting a ';' at the top of the sql file, which I found suggested somewhere; again no luck.
I did a psql -l on my postgresql installation and the encoding on all my databases (including the one to which I am trying to do the restore) shows UTF8.
There really is no code. It is just that I can't seem to restore this dump file because it errors out.
I think that captures my problem. The windows box that I got the dump from is not available to me now; so I'm just hoping there is a way to get around this problem. Recreating the database by hand table by table is something I would prefer to avoid.
In my case , this exact thing happened because I was taking the dump using windows Powershell , due to which other characters got included in the dump file.
Simply using command prompt to take the solved my problem.
I can only give you leads how to debug the problem, because the cause is not immediately obvious.
First, there should be a line close to the beginning of the dump file that sets client_encoding. The dump file should be in that encoding.
I can see two possibilities:
The file got mangled during transfer. To test for that, calculate a checksum for both files and compare.
Always use binary mode to transfer PostgreSQL dumps.
some editor or something else sneaked a BOM (byte order mark) into the file at the very beginning.
That's my prime suspect, since the problem is at line 1.
Use a hex editor or od (in Cygwin) to verify that. If this is the problem, simply replace the BOM with spaces.

What is the purpose of the sql script file in a tar dump?

In a tar dump
$ tar -tf dvdrental.tar
After extraction
$ file *
2163.dat: ASCII text
2189.dat: ASCII text
restore.sql: ASCII text, with very long lines
toc.dat: PostgreSQL custom database dump - v1.12-0
What is the purpose of restore.sql?
toc.dat is binary, but I can open it and it looks like a sql
script too. How different are between the purposes of restore.sql
and toc.dat?
The following quote from the document does't answer my question:
with one file for each table and blob being dumped, plus a so-called Table of Contents file describing the dumped objects
in a machine-readable format that pg_restore can read.
Since a tar dump contains restore.sql besides the .dat files,
what is the difference between the sql script files restore.sql and toc.dat in a tar dump and a
plain dump (which has only one sql script file)?
restore.sql is not used by pg_restore. See this comment from src/bin/pg_dump/pg_backup_tar.c:
* The tar format also includes a 'restore.sql' script which is there for
* the benefit of humans. This script is never used by pg_restore.
toc.dat is the table of contents. It contains commands to create and drop each object in the dump and is used by pg_restore to create the objects. It also contains COPY statements that load the data from the *.dat file.
You can extract the table of contents in human-readable form with pg_restore -l, and you can edit the result to restore only specific objects with pg_restore -L.
The <number>.dat files are the files containing the table data, they are used by the COPY statements in toc.dat and restore.sql.
This looks a script to restore the data to PostgresQL. the script was created using pg_dump.
If you'd like to restore, please have a look at pg_restore.
The dat files contain the data to be restored in those \copy commands in the sql script.
the toc.dat file is not referenced inside the sql file. if you try to peek inside using cat toc.dat|strings you'll find that it contains data very similar to the sql file, but with a few more internal ids.
I think it might have been intended to work without the SQL at some point, but that's not how it's working right now. see the code to generate toc here.

postgreSQL COPY command error

Hallo everyone once again,
I did various searches but couldn't gind a suitable/applicable answer to the simple problem below:
On pgAdminIII (Windows 7 64-bit) I am running the following command using SQL editor:
COPY public.Raw20120113 FROM 'D:\my\path\to\Raw CSV Data\13_01_2012.csv';
I tried many different variations for the path name and verified the path, but I keep getting:
ERROR: could not open file "D:\my\path\to\Raw CSV Data\13_01_2012.csv" for reading: No such file or directory
Any suggestions why this happens?
Thank you all in advance
After some tests I came to the following conclusion: The reason I am getting this error is that the path includes some Greek characters. So, while Windows uses codepage 1253, the console is using 727 and this whole thing is causing the confusion. So, some questions arise, you may answer them if you like or prompt me to other questions?
1) How can I permanently change the codepageof the console?
2) How can I define the codepage is SQL editor?
Thank you again, and sorry if the place to post the question was inappropriate!
Try DIR "D:\my\path\to\Raw CSV Data\13_01_2012.csv" from command line and see if it works - just to ensure that you got the directory, file name, extension etc correct.
The problem is that COPY command runs on server so it takes the path to the file from the server's scope.
To use local file to import you need to use \COPY command. This takes local path to the file into account and loads it correctly.

Postgres COPY FROM csv file- No such file or directory

I'm trying to import a (rather large) .txt file into a table geonames in PostgreSQL 9.1. I'm in the /~ directory of my server, with a file named US.txt placed in that directory. I set the search_path variable to geochat, the name of the database I'm working in. I then enter this query:
COPY geonames
FROM 'US.txt',
I then receive this error:
ERROR: could not open file "US.txt" for reading: No such file or directory.
Do I have to type in \i US.txt or something similar first, or should it just get it from the present working directory?
Maybe a bit late, but hopefully useful:
Use \copy instead
A couple of misconceptions:
I'm in the /~ directory of my server
There is no directory /~. It's either / (root directory) or ~ (home directory of current user). It's also irrelevant to the problem.
I set the search_path variable to geochat, the name of the database I'm working in
The search_path has nothing to do with the name of the database. It's for schemas inside the current database. You probably need to reset this.
You are required to use the absolute path for your file. As documented in the manual here:
The absolute path name of the input or output file.
DELIMITER: just noise.
The default is a tab character in text format
NULL: It's rather uncommon to use the actual string 'NULL' for a NULL value. Are you sure?
The default is \N (backslash-N) in text format, and an unquoted empty string in CSV format.
My guess (after resetting search_path - or you schema-qualify the table name):
COPY geonames FROM '/path/to/file/US.txt';
The paths are relative to the PostgreSQL server, not the psql client.
Assuming you are running PostgreSQL 9.4, you can put US.txt in the directory /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main/.
Another option is to pipe it in from stdin:
cat US.txt | psql -c "copy geonames from STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv);"
if you're running your COPY command from a script, you can have a step in the script that creates the COPY command with the correct absolute path.
echo "COPY geonames FROM '$MYPWD/US.txt', DELIMITER E'\t';"
you can then run this portion into a file and execute it
./ >COPY_abs_path.sql
psql -f COPY_abs_path.sql -d your_db_name

PostgreSQL's COPY statement

Using COPY statement of PostgreSQL, we can load data from a text file into data base's table as below:
The above statement is run from a machine which has postgresql client where as the server is in another windows machine. Running the above statement is complaining me that ERROR: could not open file "C:\Program Files\ERROR_CODES\errcodes.txt" for reading: No such file or directory.
After some research, i observed that COPY statement is looking for the loader file(errcodes.txt) in the postgresql server's machine at the same path (C:\Program Files\ERROR_CODES). To test this , i have create the same folder structure in the postgresql server's machine and kept the errcodes.txt file in there. Then the COPY statement worked well. It looks very tough constraint for me with COPY statement.
Is there any setting needed to avoid this? or it is the behavior of COPY statement? I didn't find any information on PostgreSQL documents.
here's the standard solution:
COPY foo (i, j, k) FROM stdin;
The data must be properly escaped and tab-separated.
Actually, it is in the docs, even in grammar definition you have STDIN... See:
If you're using some programming language with COPY support, you will have pg_putcopy or similar function. So you don't have to worry about escaping and concatenation.
Hints how to do this manually in Python -> Recreating Postgres COPY directly in Python?
The Perl way ->
Hope this helps.
From the documentation
COPY with a file name instructs the PostgreSQL server to directly read from or write to a file. The file must be accessible to the server and the name must be specified from the viewpoint of the server. When STDIN or STDOUT is specified, data is transmitted via the connection between the client and the server.
If you want to copy from a local machine file to a server use \copy command.